
  • 网络M/S;m s;metre per second
  1. 广东省气象局表示,2017年第13号台风“天鸽”周三中午在珠海市登陆,台风中心风速达到45米每秒。

    Hato , the 13th typhoon this year , landed at noon Wednesday in Zhuhai City , south China 's Guangdong Province , bringing gales of 45 meters per second at its eye , according to local meteorological authorities .

  2. 重力加速度-,的大小-,等于v的平方除以,也就是ω的平方乘以,单位是米每秒的平方。

    And the centripetal acceleration the magnitude r is v squared divided by r , r which is therefore also omega squared r , is in meters per second squared .

  3. 这是1+2得,这也就是3乘初速度,那么初速度v1就是,11/3米每秒。

    And this is1 + 2 is3 , v1 so that is3 times v1 prime , and so v1 prime is eleven-thirds meters per second .

  4. 它的单位是,千克乘以米每秒。

    And so the units would be kilograms times meters per second .

  5. 这里速度是米每秒。

    And this velocity is in meters per second .

  6. 你要说米每秒,所以它仅仅是,用来表示频率的,是个频率的标志。

    So , this really just means for frequency , it 's a frequency label .

  7. 在那个时刻,我马上给它一个速度,也就是-3米每秒。

    At that moment in time , I give it a velocity , which is minus three meters per second .

  8. 本文论述了水流速度为50米每秒量级的高速掺气水流的音速、激波等可压缩流特性。

    This paper deals with the problems of sound speed and shock waves for high velocity aerated flow on the order of 50m / s.

  9. 如果你的单位是米每秒,你会很快发现,在3。091中的题目并不复杂。

    If the units come out in meters per second , you will quickly discover that the problems in3.091 are just not that complicated .

  10. 速度是4米每秒,下坡的时候,你一直在刹车。

    Well , you have a speed of four meters per second , and as you went down , you 've been braking all the time .

  11. 大部分在阿富汗的室外场景都是在奥兰查沙丘拍摄的。在那里的两天里,摄制组成员需要忍受风速为40-60米每秒的大风。

    Most of the exterior scenes set in Afghanistan were filmed at Olancha Sand Dunes . There , the crew had to endure two days of40-60 mph winds .

  12. 人所能使出的最大,速度是10公里每小时,不出意外的话,大概是4米每秒。

    And the maximum speed that the person could use is at most ten miles per hour without killing him or herself which is about four meters per second .

  13. 如果计算一下,如果你假设,加速度恒定-,那就很好推测了,你会发现,加速度仅仅是,2米每秒的平方。

    And if you calculate , if you assume that-the acceleration is constant it 's an easy calculation it turns out that the acceleration is only two meters per second squared .

  14. 因为如果单位本应该是米每秒,但你写的是秒每米,你认为这个题目,还有正确的机会吗?

    If the units are supposed to come out in meters per second and you get seconds per meter , what do you figure the chances of that problem being right are ?

  15. 在化学计算中我们很少,用英里每小时,所以我们把它换算为42米每秒,对不起,它是94英里每小时。

    We don 't usually do our chemistry calculations in miles per hour , so let 's switch that to42 meters per second , so it 's & sorry , it's94 miles per hour .

  16. 离岸流通常因低压产生的台风或是水流冲破海底的沙洲(sandbar)而形成,其速度可达到8英尺(2.4米)每秒。

    An unexpectedly strong current that forms at low spots or breaks in a sandbar , a rip current can move at a speed of up to 8 feet ( 2.4 meters ) per second .

  17. 它同样是以光的速度传播,即每秒钟二亿九千九百七十九万二千四百五十八米(每秒约30万公里)。

    It also travels at the speed of light-two hundred ninety-nine million seven hundred ninety-two thousand four hundred fifty-eight meters each second .

  18. 它高68米,宽81米,水流量每秒700多立方米。

    It is 68 meters high and 81 meters wide , with a flow of more than 700 cuBic meters of water per second .

  19. 射出10秒后,箭支飞过了400米的距离,速度从起初的每秒85米降到了每秒25米,差不多相当于一个普通的人用手扔出的箭的速度。

    After ten seconds of flight , the arrow would have traveled 400 meters , and its speed would have dropped from 85 m / s to 25 m / s ; 25 m / s is about how fast a normal person could throw an arrow .

  20. 从我了解到的关于离岸流的知识来看,水的流速可达到每秒2.5米,尽管通常情况下流速是0.5米每秒。嗯。

    From what I read about rip currents , the water can move as fast as 2.5 meters per second , though typically it moves at a rate of 0.5 meters per second .