
  • 网络institute for the history of natural science
  1. 现任职于中国科学院自然科学史研究所,主研西方近现代科学史。

    I am working in the Institute for the History of Natural Science ( IHNS ), Chinese Academy of Sciences ( CAS ) as a research associate at present .

  2. 摘要中国科学院自然科学史研究所为纪念竺可桢先生先后设立了竺可桢科学史讲席和竺可桢科学史奖。

    The Institute for the history of natural science , CAS has setup the Zhu Kezhen Visiting Professorship and Zhu Kezhen awards for the history of Science in memory of Zhu kezhen .

  3. 中国科学院自然科学史研究所科学编史学教程简介

    The Teaching Framework of the Course on the Historiography of Science in IHNS , CAS