
àn xiàn
  • shoreline;water front
岸线 [àn xiàn]
  • [water front] 一方以水为界的地区

岸线[àn xiàn]
  1. 在重视岸线地区建设成为全球化趋势的大背景下,岸线地区作为城市主要的生活、工作功能新发展区,面临滨水岸线资源标准和用途的再选择问题。

    Water front area build , become globalization under the loud background of trend , the water front is regarded as the main life of the city , working function new development area , Facing the use of near-water front resources standards and the choice problem again .

  2. 长江中下游河道岸线的整治与开发利用

    Governing and Exploiting the Water Front Resources at Middle and Lower Reaches of the Yangtze River

  3. 虽然有雾,船员们仍能相当清楚地识别出那是岸线。

    In spite of the fog the crew can distinguish the coastline fairly well .

  4. BP模型在闽江岸线变形预测中的应用

    Application of BP model to predicting deformation of bank-line of Minjiang river

  5. 基于GIS的长江江苏段岸线资源演变研究

    The Evolution of the Riverbank Resources of the Yangtze River in Jiangsu Province on GIS

  6. 基于遥感和GIS的现代黄河三角洲岸线变迁及发育演变研究

    The shoreline migration and the Delta changes study in the mo-dern Yellow River Delta using remote sensing and GIS

  7. 建立起港口岸线等级评价的多层次综合评价指标体系后,基于简化的层次分析法(AHP法),确定港口岸线等级评价模型的判定因素和评价指标的权重。

    Based on the predigested AHP , port shoreline grade evaluation model can be setup .

  8. 利用GIS空间分析功能,分析岸线动态变化、围垦淤涨状况及其趋势。

    Then the information of shoreline dynamic changes , inning and silting was obtained by utilizing the space analysis function of geographical information system ( GIS ) .

  9. 研究表明,用陆地卫星TM影像获取河流岸线数据平均误差在6m左右;

    The research shows that the average error of shoreline data coming from TM image is 7m or so ;

  10. 通过分析影响河道岸线变形的因素,选择合适的输入因子,建立预测河道岸线变形的BP神经网络模型。

    With analysis of factors influencing the deformation of river bank-line and the selection of some suitable input factors , a BP neural network model is established to predict river bank-line deformation .

  11. 溺谷湾受构造控制,岸线走向与NE和NW向构造断裂带一致,而海平面相对上升使溺谷湾得到改造和发育。

    The shoreline tends conform to the geofractures in NE-NW direction , which suggests the drowned valley got reformed and developed during the relatively rise in sea level .

  12. 主沙丘链高30~40m,顺岸线分布,与其斜交数列新月形横向沙丘链。

    The dominant dune chain is 30 ~ 40 m high and distributed along coastline and intersects multiple oblique crescentic transverse dunes .

  13. 较为剧烈的地形及岸线变化和浅水区的非线性作用都可导致涨落潮流的非对称性,因此局部涡流成为M2分潮余流的显著特征。

    Both relatively drastic depth transformation and intense nonlinear interaction of shallow water lead to the asymmetry of ebb / flood tidal current . Therefore , several strong M2 residual current whorls are evident in BS .

  14. 使用RS和GIS方法,基于LANDSATTM/ETM+卫星影像数据,研究了岸线长期变化过程中空间数据的表示和处理问题。

    Secondly , utilizing Landsat TM / ETM + images , during the course of the coastline secular variation , the questions of the spatial data organization and processing have been studied by the means of RS and GIS .

  15. 南海的复杂岸线、陡变地形和热盐场时空结构的不均匀性具有形成强迫Kelvin波和地形Rossby波的条件。

    The complex coastline , sharp topography and non-uniformity in spatial-temporal structure of temperature and salinity fields in the South China Sea are favor to the formation of forced Kelvin wave and topographic Rossby wave .

  16. 东海南部沿岸水位的低频变化同E-W向风有关,这一方向同该海域的岸线约有60°的交角。

    In the Southern East China Sea the principal direction of wind is about E-W direction , which intersects the coast line of this area by 60 ° .

  17. 根据应用目标需求,改造和发展了适合HY-1A卫星CCD数据特性的云检测与水陆掩模算法、岸线提取算法、悬沙反演算法、潮间带分类算法等功能模块。

    Based on the application targets , the paper reforms cloud detecting algorithm , land mask algorithm , coastal line extracting , suspended sediment analyzing and tidal zone classifying algorithm to fit HY-1A Satellite CCD data .

  18. 利用已建立的DEM和GIS的空间分析功能,探讨了潮水位上升的淹没损失以及在滨海旅游中的应用,并研究了不同水深岸线类型的自动识别;

    Based on the DEM and the GIS spatial analysis function , the research has discussed the submergence loss as well as the application of littoral tourism influenced by the rise of the tidal level . And also has studied the automatic abstraction of types of different riverbank ;

  19. 参考专家意见,根据区域特点和数据情况,最终选用岸线开发率等14个指标建立评价指标体系,并采用AHP决策分析方法确定各指标的权重,以及对各指标数据进行归一化处理。

    After the consultation with the experts , as well as the characteristic of this region and the data condition , we finally chose 14 indicators to establish the indicator system . Moreover we adopt AHP method to figure out the evaluation indicators weight and standardize the indicators data .

  20. 胶州湾现有总岸线长度为(207±1)km,20年来呈增长趋势,总增长20km,其中1986&1988两年间急剧增长15km。变化最大的岸段为西北和东北部。

    The total increment was 20 km . The length increased sharply by 15 km during the period from 1986 through 1988 . The coastal sections changed mostly on the northwest and the northeast of the Bay .

  21. 借助数字图像处理技术对不同类型海岸的图像进行针对性的预处理,使用IDL语言实现Canny算子、中值滤波器和腐蚀算子,完成了对卫星图像中海岸线的自动提取;

    Carried on the special pretreatment with the aid of the digital image processing technology to the different type seacoast image , used the IDL to realize the Canny operator 、 median filter and Erosion operator , realized to the satellite imagery in coastline automatic withdrawing ;

  22. 不同流路时期,当黄河入海总水沙量比在25.34-26.05kg/m3时,河口附近岸线延伸,三角洲面积增加。

    Over most of the data period , when the ratio of total water discharge and sediment load into the sea ( SSCT ) locates in 25.34-26.05kg/m3 in different periods , the coastline near river mouth has extended and the delta area has increased through progradation .

  23. 海口滨海岸线城市设计探索

    Study on the City Design of the Coastal Waterfront in Haikou

  24. 港口岸线的资源性分析和等级评价研究

    Analysis on Port Shoreline Resource and Research on Its Grade Evaluation

  25. 滨江生活岸线规划探析&以江苏省仪征市为例

    Analysis on the Planning of Living Riverbank & Take Yizheng as example

  26. 广西城镇河道岸线空间控制利用规划的探讨

    River shoreline space control utilization planning for cities and towns in Guangxi

  27. 砂质岸线变化研究进展

    Progress in the Studies on Shoreline Change of Sandy Coast

  28. 内河岸线资源是国家重要的国土资源和特殊的土地资源。

    Water-front resources were the important part of land resources in China .

  29. 大连市南部岸线开发的功能结构探讨

    Study on Functional Structure of Southern Seashore in Dalian City

  30. 沿海港口岸线资源代际配置中政府行为研究

    Government Behavior in Inter-generational Allocation of Resources of Coastal Ports