
xiǎn wéi rén zhī
  • Little known;rarely known by people
鲜为人知 [xiǎn wéi rén zhī]
  • 鲜:少;为:被,很少被人知道。王朔《玩儿的就是心跳》:“后来伴着主人度过了那段漫长的鲜为人知的冷宫生活不知洒上了多少珍妃泪。”

鲜为人知[xiǎn wéi rén zhī]
  1. 在波兰以外,这位作者实际上鲜为人知。

    The author is virtually unknown outside Poland .

  2. 他写了许多鲜为人知的好材料。

    He 's written a lot of good material that has never seen the light of day .

  3. 其名字的由来鲜为人知。

    The derivation of its name is obscure

  4. 这一习俗的起源鲜为人知。

    The origin of the custom is obscure

  5. 其他的则鲜为人知,但质量相当。

    Others were lesser known but of comparable quality .

  6. 当我加上了鲜为人知的参考资料和专业术语(行话)时,她批评了我。

    She criticized me when I included little-known references and professional jargon .

  7. 但这些经历会让你发现一些鲜为人知的商店或只在当地报纸上登广告的露天戏剧作品。

    But these experiences will make sure you discover little-known shops or an open-air theater production that is only advertised in the local paper .

  8. 南洋科技(NanyangTechnology)是一家鲜为人知、通常行事低调的公司,本身已在深圳证券交易所上市。

    Nanyang Technology , a little-known and mostly inactive company already listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange ,

  9. 去年12月,万科表示正准备发行新股,可能为的是抵制宝能集团(BaonengGroup)夺取大股东地位。宝能是中国一家鲜为人知的民营保险企业。

    Vanke said in December that it was planning a share sale , possibly as part of its defence in a battle for control with its largest shareholder , the obscure privately-held Chinese insurer Baoneng Group .

  10. 但就是这样一家鲜为人知的印度企业现在却因为收到一家总部位于旧金山巨大的跨国零售商Gap的法律通告而被广泛传播。

    But this little known Indian enterprise is now going head to head with a giant multi-national , receiving a legal notice from San Francisco based retailer , Gap .

  11. 而三星目前正在尝试其它操作系统,例如微软的WindowsPhone以及鲜为人知的开源系统Tizen。

    Samsung , for its part , is experimenting with other operating systems , including Microsoft 's ( MSFT ) Windows Phone and a little-known open-source effort called Tizen .

  12. AdobePhotoshop鲜为人知的操作技巧及应用

    Adobe Photoshop Techniques and Little-known Application

  13. 然而,中国这两个鲜为人知的卡特尔或许也会因为其自身的原因扬名世界——2010年,在中国《反垄断法》(Anti-MonopolyLaw)实施一年多后,它们便被北京方面的监管部门盯上了。

    But in time these two much lesser known cartels , targeted by Beijing regulators shortly after the implementation of China 's 2010 Anti-Monopoly Law , may become famous in their own right .

  14. 不论在世界的哪个角落,我们购买的品牌服装背后都有一家鲜为人知的公司利丰公司(LiFung)。

    Behind many of the labels on clothing we buy in stores throughout the world , there is a company few know about Li Fung .

  15. 其次,2001年中国加入WTO时的指导性规定存在一个鲜为人知的漏洞,使得全球带有保护主义色彩的回应很容易比2002时蔓延得更快也更广。

    Second , a little-known loophole in the rules governing China 's 2001 WTO accession makes it easy for a global protectionist response to spread faster and further than that which took hold in 2002 .

  16. 两天来,他们聆听他讲解了创伤后应激障碍(post-TraumaticStressDisorder,PTSD)及其鲜为人知的同类&复杂创伤(complextrauma)的社会历史、神经生物学和临床现状。

    For two days , they had listened to his lectures on the social history , neurobiology and clinical realities of post-traumatic stress disorder and its lesser-known sibling , complex trauma .

  17. 由于来自IBM“大型机”环境比重多于Unix系统,Rexx对很多Linux程序员和系统管理员是鲜为人知的。

    Coming more out of an IBM " big-iron " environment than from Unix systems , Rexx is little-known to many Linux programmers and systems administrators .

  18. 人精浆中富含酸性磷酸酶(ACP),但其生物学功能却鲜为人知。

    The function of Acid phosphatase ( ACP ), being an abundant component in human semen , has not been clarified yet .

  19. 当局裁定,iPhone6和6S型号与深圳百利公司鲜为人知的100C手机相似。

    The iPhone 6 and 6S models are similar to Shenzhen Baili 's little-known 100C phone , the authority ruled .

  20. 您看到了引用主目录的不同方法,了解了鲜为人知的cd转移特性,该特性允许替换当前路径中的字符串并切换到新路径。

    You saw different ways of referring to home directories , and you learned about the little-known cd shuffle , which allows you to substitute a string in your current path and switch to a new path .

  21. JavaScript框架,如jQuery、MooTools和其他许多鲜为人知但很优秀的用于处理用户界面、客户端逻辑和Ajax的JavaScript框架。

    You can use a JavaScript framework like jQuery , MooTools and many other lesser-known but excellent JavaScript frameworks to deal with UI , client-side logic and Ajax .

  22. 然而,相比之下鲜为人知的是,IDC随后又发布报告称,2013年整年预期仅会下跌7.9%。

    What got far less attention , however , was that IDC subsequently reported that the entire 2013 forecast was for only a 7.9 % dip .

  23. 还有一种则鲜为人知,那就是JSON/数组攻击,这可以让某个用户在Mozilla上偷取JSON数据,其实只要是任何使用当代的JavaScript解释器的平台都会都可以实施该攻击。

    Far less known perhaps , is the JSON / Array hack that allows a user to steal JSON data on Mozilla and any other platform with a modern JavaScript interpreter .

  24. 绘画:橡木画框装裱的前立体主义水粉画,作者是鲜为人知的画家雅克·马尔礼(JacquesMarly,1885-1965),价格950欧元起。

    Paintings : Post-Cubist gouaches in oak frames by the little-known painter Jacques Marly ( 1885-1965 ) start at 950 euros .

  25. H7N9禽流感,是一种鲜为人知的病毒,以前从未发现过人感染情况。

    The H7N9 avian influenza , which is a lesser-known type of the disease , has never been detected in humans before .

  26. 有关宝莱坞(Bollywood)和板球等鲜为人知的事实的小测验,似乎是一种不同寻常的开启美国和印度员工之间电话会议的方式。

    A quiz on arcane facts about Bollywood and cricket might seem an unusual way to start a teleconference between workers in the US and India .

  27. 尽管证交会的重点集中在鲜为人知的“abacus2007-ac1”合成债务抵押债券(cdo)产品上,但它的起诉书只有22页。

    Although the SEC focused on an arcane synthetic collateralised debt obligation known as abacus 2007-ac1 , its complaint is a spare 22 pages .

  28. 美国财政部负责国际事务的助理部长克莱楼瑞(claylowery)表示,它们的投资政策鲜为人知,这意味着些许评论或谣言就可能加剧资本市场的波动。

    Clay Lowery , acting Under-Secretary for international affairs , said little was known about their investment policies , which meant minor comments or rumours would tend to increase volatility in capital markets .

  29. 新任欧盟外长凯瑟琳·阿斯顿(CatherineAshton)也表达了同样的看法。凯瑟琳·阿斯顿是英国驻欧盟贸易专员,在英国之外鲜为人知。

    The same sentiment was expressed about the EU 's new foreign policy chief , Catherine Ashton , the British trade commissioner to the European Union , who is little known outside her country .

  30. 虽然弗雷德•鲍尔德(FredBould)这个名字鲜为人知,但如今市面上许多炙手可热的小玩意都出自他名下的工作室之手。

    Fred Bould is far from a household name , but his small industrial design firm is behind some of the hottest gadgets currently on the market .