
  • 网络increasing employment
  1. 增加就业是一项了不起的成就。

    Increasing employment was an impressive accomplishment .

  2. 二战以来,中小企业的创业行为在推动国家经济发展、促进创新、增加就业方面发挥了重要作用。

    Since World War II , the entrepreneurial behavior of SMEs play an important role in promoting economic development , promoting innovation , increasing employment .

  3. 他们同时也强调需要增加就业机会,改善交通和医疗保健服务。

    They also stress the need for improved employment opportunities , better transport and health care

  4. 我把学位视为可以锻炼心智、增加就业机会的东西。

    I see my degree as something which will train my mind and improve my chances of getting a job

  5. 说服facebook或twitter在伦敦设立办事处无疑会增加就业。

    Persuading Facebook or twitter to set up an office in London will create jobs .

  6. 东部发达地区GDP对就业的乘数效应比边疆民族地区的大,说明了东部发达地区依然是吸收就业和农村剩余劳动力的主要地区,并提出增加就业的对策建议。

    The multiplier effect in Eastern area is bigger than the ethnic area . The paper presented proposals on how to promote employment .

  7. 中国加入WTO,从长期看可以增加就业机会,但入世之初将难以避免市场开放带来的阵痛。

    China 's WTO accession will create more jobs in the long run , but there are some difficulties owning to opening-up of market at the early of its WTO accession .

  8. 随着经济全球化发展,FDI不仅仅发挥着弥补东道国资金缺口、增加就业的作用,更要的是其通过技术溢出对东道国的创新乃至经济发展的作用。

    With economic globalization , FDI is not only played the role to close loopholes and promote the employment of the host nation , but also to the R & D capacity as well as economic development through the technology spillovers .

  9. Clement说中石油的计划将会增加就业率并且保留一个主公司在阿尔伯达也是一个贡献性因素。

    Clement said PetroChina 's plan to increase employment levels at the projects and to maintain an Alberta head office for their operating companies was a contributing factor .

  10. 新疆转变经济增长方式与增加就业问题

    Change of Economic Growth Patterns and Increase of Employment in Xinjiang

  11. 我们的政策选择也应该以增加就业为主。

    Policy option is due to increase the employment rate .

  12. 如何增加就业机会?问德国人!

    How to add new jobs ? Ask the German !

  13. 正确认识技术进步和增加就业的辩证关系

    Dialectical Relations on Progress in Technology and Increase of Employment

  14. 当地民众认为旅游可以促进文化交流并增加就业机会。

    Local people usually see tourism as a cultural and employment factor .

  15. 这些措施将有助于提高生产力及增加就业机会。

    These actions will boost productivity and promote job creation , he added .

  16. 发展小型的科技创新企业,以增加就业。

    It should develop small technology-based innovative businesses so as to increase employment .

  17. 同时,能够直接增加就业的减税政策也是明智的。

    Again tax cuts that would directly add to employment must make sense .

  18. 欧盟发言人乔纳森·托德表示,政府必须采取更多举措来增加就业。

    EU spokesman Jonathan Todd says governments must do more to create jobs .

  19. 就业计划不会增加就业。

    The jobs plan does not create jobs .

  20. 委员会为增加就业和娱乐活动而鼓励开发地产。

    Council is encouraging the development of the property for both employment and recreation .

  21. 共和党方面提出了他们自己的一套增加就业的方案。

    Republicans are proposing their own jobs plan .

  22. 利用外商直接投资增加就业是我国政府外资政策的直接目标之一。

    Utilizing FDI to increase employment is a major target for the Chinese government .

  23. 共和党表示,这项法案将增加就业,有助于减少山火。

    THe GOP says the bill will create jobs and help reduce wild fires .

  24. 制鞋业作为外贸出口的重要产业,为我国出口创汇和增加就业做出了很大的贡献。

    Shoemaking industry has made great contributions to foreign exchange earning and employment in China .

  25. 有利于增加就业机会,减少再就业压力。

    It can also do good for full employment and reduce the pressure of reemployment .

  26. 我以上的观点能够加速经济增长,增加就业率。

    The ideas I 've outlined so far can speed up growth and create more jobs .

  27. 他们同时也强调需要增加就业机会,改善交通和医疗保健服务。精神压力;心理负担;

    They also stress the need for improved employment opportunities , better transport and health care .

  28. 我们应该采取现在就能增加就业的政策,结合可以削减未来赤字的作法。

    We should combine actions that create jobs now with other actions that will reduce deficits later .

  29. 要实施更加积极的就业政策,千方百计增加就业岗位;

    We will implement a more proactive employment policy and take all possible measures to create jobs .

  30. 当局希望,开放缅甸少数民族区域贸易将增加就业。

    Authorities hope that opening up the ethnic regions of Burma to trade will increase job opportunities .