
  • 网络Growth rate;ABMI;increament
  1. 将会有0到3个百分点的增长幅度。

    There will be an increase in the range of 0 to 3 per cent .

  2. 增长幅度降到了0.4%,可能意味着下降的开始。

    The increase slowed to 0.4 percent , possibly indicating the start of a downtrend .

  3. 粪便中乙酸、丙酸、丁酸的含量增大,以丙酸的增长幅度最为显著(P<0.01)。

    Organic acids increased in the faeces and propanoic acid was the most obvious ( P 0.01 ) .

  4. 出口下降对GDP增长幅度的拖累作用可能达到了3个百分点。

    The fall of exports may have cut GDP growth 3 percentage points .

  5. 用米非司酮后,孕囊的增长幅度减小,血清中EGF和P含量均有轻度下降;

    The growth rate of gestational sac declined and serum EGF and P concentrations decreased slightly after administration of mifepristone .

  6. 当添加1%,伸长率增加43.49%,而对抗张能量吸收值(TEA)增长幅度也较大。

    When 1 % of anionic starch is used , elongation increases 43.49 % , and tensile energy absorption improves with a great extent .

  7. IDC并未公布对iPhone在华增长幅度的估计。

    IDC does not break out an estimate for iPhone growth in China .

  8. 全球贸易的增长幅度,以及新兴经济体的发展速度,都让工业国家的GDP增长黯然失色。

    The growth of World Trade and the growth of those emerging economies dwarfs the growth of GDP in the industrial countries .

  9. 一些私营企业的经济学家预测,中国今年的GDP的增长幅度将从2007年11%下降至不到4%。

    Several private-sector economists forecast that it could drop below 4 % of GDP this year , down from nearly 11 % in 2007 .

  10. 二者均高于国民生产总值(GNP)、工资、物价和药价的增长幅度。

    Both were higher than those of GNP , price and wages .

  11. 本周早些时候,IMF的姊妹机构世界银行(WorldBank)在对146个国家的物价进行了更透彻的分析之后决定,调整其对各国经济增长幅度的计算方式。

    Earlier this week , the World Bank , the IMF 's sister institution , recalculated the way it computes economic-growth statistics based on a far more thorough analysis of prices in146 nations .

  12. 他预计,与制造业产出这一较为狭小的领域相比,总体国内生产总值(gdp)今年的增长幅度略低,约为8%。

    He expected overall gross domestic product to grow at a slightly slower rate this year than the narrower area of manufacturing output , at about 8 per cent .

  13. 1.护士Nurses据美国劳工数据统计局预计,2018年在册护士总数将达320万人,现在从业这只有260万人,这意味着该职业将会带来大约58.15万新增就业岗位,而且成为美国增长幅度最快的职业。

    The number of registered nurses is expected to swell to 3.2 million by 2018 , accounting for approximately 581500 new jobs , according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics .

  14. 而IDC曾宣布下调这一预计数字,此前该机构曾预测全球增长幅度为11.3%。

    IDC announced a cut in its forecast , which was previously for a 11.3 per cent rise across the globe .

  15. 2006EMBA排行榜还显示,欧洲EMBA课程毕业生不论在哪里工作其薪酬增长幅度都是最大的。

    The ranking also shows that wherever they work , alumni of programmes in Europe experience greater increases in salaries .

  16. 于此同时,苹果也实现了新的突破,其智能手机市场市占率首次突破了25%,不过iPhone销量的增长幅度有所放缓,其市占率达到25.1%。

    Apple passed a symbolic milestone and now has more than a quarter of the entire market , but its iPhone sales grew at a slower rate and put it at25.1 percent .

  17. 其结果是,工行去年的净利息收入仅增加10%,远低于汇丰(hsbc)等亚洲竞争对手的增长幅度。

    As a result , net interest income rose just 6 per cent , sharply below the growth racked up by some of its Asian competitors , such as HSBC .

  18. 今年春季iPhone的销量为520万部,尽管这个数字比去年要好很多,但仍然无法与Mac机/iPod播放器的增长幅度相比。

    Its iPhone sales have been more modest at5.2 million units in the spring and , while rapid growth compared to last year , wasn 't backed by similar improvements in Mac and iPod performance .

  19. 标准普尔说道:荷兰信用等级下调反映了我们的观点,即荷兰的经济增长幅度低于我们之前的预期,而人均GDP的趋势增长率也一直低于其他国家。

    It said : The downgrade reflects our opinion that the Netherlands ' growth prospects are now weaker than we had previously anticipated , and the real GDP per capita trend growth rate is persistently lower than that of peers .

  20. 过去一年,这所商学院的申请人数下跌了5.8%,而芝加哥大学布斯商学院(Booth)的申请人数则猛增了9.9%,增长幅度高居十大商学院之首。

    Its applicant pool shrunk by 5.8 % this past year , while Chicago Booth reported the biggest percentage boost in applications of any top 10 school & a healthy 9.9 % .

  21. 在明确各级政府投入责任的基础上,保证公共财政对教育的投入总量按照一定的增长幅度每年递增,争取教育投入占GDP的比重达到国际平均水平。

    On the basis of clear responsibility at all levels of government , ensure total public financial investment in education increases every year in a certain growth rate . Fighting for education investment share of the GDP reaches the international average .

  22. 包括戴姆勒公司(DaimlerAG)旗下梅赛德斯-奔驰(Mercedes-Benz)和宝马(BMWAG)在内的众多领先高端汽车品牌均预计,随着高端市场放缓,今年的增长幅度将在10%以下。

    Many of the leading premium auto brands , including Daimler AG 's Mercedes-Benz and BMW AG , are looking at single-digit percentage gains this year as growth in the premium market slows .

  23. 标准普尔说道:“荷兰信用等级下调反映了我们的观点,即荷兰的经济增长幅度低于我们之前的预期,而人均GDP的趋势增长率也一直低于其他国家。”

    It said : " The downgrade reflects our opinion that the Netherlands ' growth prospects are now weaker than we had previously anticipated , and the real GDP per capita trend growth rate is persistently lower than that of peers . "

  24. 在整个振动范围内,与较大间隙比情况相比,随着Vr数增加,管道振动频率增长幅度明显较大。

    At the whole range of vibration , with the increase of Vr number , the increasing amplitude of the frequency of pipe vibration is clearly larger than that in the case of large e / D.

  25. 从1986年的进出口总值129291亿元到2007年的17685633亿元,尤其是进入WTO以来,进出口总额连年递增,年均增长幅度位列全国前茅。

    From 1986 to 2007 , the total number of import and export increased from 129291 billion yuan to 17685633 billion yuan , especially since entering the WTO , the import and export volume has increased year after year , the average annual growth rate ranks the whole country .

  26. 用药阶段:降压合剂可降低SBP,FBG,FINS及PLG,减少体重增长幅度,升高ISI及高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(HDL-C)(P0.01或P0.05)。

    Drug-used stage : Jiang Ya He Ji could reduce SBP , FBG , FINS , PLG and the scope of BW gain , and increase ISI and high-density lipoprotein-c ( HDL-C ) ( P 0.01 or 0.05 ) .

  27. AFG组大鼠单次训练持续时间、跳跃的次数和运动总量都明显优于FG组。(5)实验大鼠体重的增长幅度为:CG>AG>FG>AFG。

    AFG rats the duration of one-time training , the number and movement jumping the total group were significantly better than the FG . ( 5 ) experimental rats an increase of body weight CG AG FG AFG .

  28. 随胁迫的进行,2,4-D处理幼叶的膜相对透性(RP)始终处于较高水平且增长幅度较大,叶片延伸生长速率(LER)对RP的变化较为敏感;

    With prolonging duration of drought , the relative membrane permeability ( RP ) treated with 2,4 D always held a higher level and increased quickly , leaf elongation rate ( LER ) was more sensitive to the change of RP ;

  29. 虽然与Distimo在2011年公布的3倍增长幅度逊色不少,但这也表明,苹果设备的单位销量远远高于华尔街的预测。

    While less than the 3x increase distimo reported in 2011 , it suggests a bigger bump in unit sales that the street is expecting .

  30. 实验研究表明在wPEG<0.01时,水泥颗粒表面相对水湿性递增,颗粒的负Zeta电位增长幅度较小,水的相对渗透率增长较快。

    Experimental results indicate that the relative water wetting increases rapidly with only a minor change of the negative zeta potential of ~ cement particles when PEG concentration is lower than ~ 0.01 , which causes rapid increase of the water relative permeability .