
  • 网络tackifying resin;tackifier;tackifier resin
  1. 增粘树脂在SBS改性胶粘剂中的应用

    The application of tackifying resin for SBS-modified adhesive

  2. 以SBS、SIS溶剂为主要原料,加入增粘树脂,防老剂等研制出复合粘合剂。

    A new type of composite binding agent was synthetized using SBS , SIS as raw material , the tackifying resin and anti aging agent as additives .

  3. 聚丙烯酸酯乳液和增粘树脂松香、C5石油树脂乳液共混,用共混液涂布成压敏胶带。

    Polyacrylate emulsion was blended with tackifier resin such as rosin emulsion , C_5 petroleum resin emulsion .

  4. 以PVC糊树脂为主体材料,加入增粘树脂、增塑剂、稳定剂、改性剂和填料等,制备出单组份加热固化滤芯胶。

    One - part thermosetting filter adhesive was prepared based on PVC paste resin tackifier plasticizer modified resin and filler .

  5. 研究以PVC糊树脂为基础、聚氨酯为增粘树脂的双组分塑料门窗与墙体接缝用填缝胶。

    The double-component polyurethane sealant based on PVC paste resin used for sealing the joints be-tween PVC windows and concrete wall was studied .

  6. 改性增粘树脂TKM系列在子午线轮胎中的应用

    Application of modified tackifying resin TKM series to radial tire

  7. 本文通过自制的丙烯酸酯增粘树脂配合光引发剂、预聚物以及活性稀释单体,研制出可用于BOPET薄膜、PP合成纸等低能表面粘接用,具有优良综合性能的紫外光固化丙烯酸酯压敏胶。

    In this paper , a UV-curable pressure sensitive acrylic adhesive with good combination properties was prepared using self-synthesized acrylic tackifying resin , photo-initiator pre-polymers and reactive diluents .

  8. 试验了SBS、溶剂、增粘树脂和软化剂品种以及用量不同对胶液性能的影响;通过试验确定了基础配方;并介绍了投放大生产后产品供用户使用情况。

    The kinds and contents of SBS solvents , tackifiers and softeners are tested , The formula of Solution type SBS Pressure sensitive adhesive is abtained , uses of the Product are inducted .

  9. 研究了一种环境友好EVA强力装饰胶的配方,讨论了EVA树脂牌号、增粘树脂、溶剂的种类、特性、用量对胶粘剂的影响。

    A formula of the EVA decorating-adhesive with strong force to environment friendly was studied , and it is discussed on designations of the EVA resin , tackifier resin , solvent , characteristic and dosage .

  10. 研制了一种以SIS为基体物质的汽车热熔灯具胶,探讨了增粘树脂、蜡类、偶联剂等对热熔胶性能的影响。

    A new hot melt automobile lamps adhesive mainly made of SIS was prepared . The influence of various factors , such as tackiness resin , wax and coupling agent were discussed .

  11. 研究了一种溶剂型环保强力SBS复膜胶粘剂的新配方,讨论了溶剂、增强树脂和增粘树脂的选用对胶液的卫生性、粘接强度的影响。

    This paper makes study on a new dispensation of environmental friendly high strength SBS compound membrane solvent adhesive and discuss the effect of selecting different solvents , reinforced resins , as well as tackifying resins on hygienism and adhesive strength .

  12. 研究了增粘树脂在SBS改性胶粘剂中的应用,其中包括增粘树脂品种、用量对胶粘剂剥离强度的影响,同时研究了该胶粘剂对各种鞋材的粘结性。

    In this paper , the application of tackifying resin for SBS modified adhesive was studied , including the effect of the kind of tackifying resin and its content on stripping strength of the resulted adhesive and its adhesive property on some shoes materials .

  13. 以VAE乳液作为胶粘剂的基料,配入PVFM、增粘树脂及各种助剂共混,制成一种性能优良的纸-塑编布粘合剂。

    A new type of emulsion adhesive was made using VAE emulsion as major matrix mixed with PVFM , tackifier , additives , and the adhesion properties were good .

  14. 增粘树脂对TPI/NR并用胶性能的影响

    Influence of tackifying resin on properties of TPI / NR blend

  15. 增粘树脂在丙烯酸酯乳液胶粘剂中的共聚改性研究

    Study on copolymerizing modification of acrylate emulsion adhesive with tackifier

  16. 加入国产辛基酚醛增粘树脂的胶料焦烧时间延长;

    The scorch time of rubber compound with domestic octyl phenolic resin extended ;

  17. 松香铝丙烯酸酯增粘树脂在水性复膜胶中的应用

    Application of rosin aluminium acrylic ester tackifier in the aqueous laminated film glue

  18. 本文主要介绍了压敏胶粘剂所用增粘树脂的种类、特征及其选用的方法。

    Synthesis of MQ silicone resin and its application in silicone pressure sensitive adhesive ;

  19. 此外,随增粘树脂的增加,剥离力增大,但持粘力降低。

    Increase of tackifying resin enhanced the peeling strength of PSA and weakened the holding power .

  20. 极性化SBS/增粘树脂共混物的相容性研究聚偏氟乙烯-磺化聚醚砜相容性及其成膜性能

    Study on compatibility of pyridyl-functionalized SBS and various tackifiers Compatibility of polyvinylidene difluoride and sulfonated polyethersulfone and membrane formation

  21. 讨论了丙烯酸树脂、增粘树脂、交联剂等对双面压敏胶带性能的影响。

    Effect of acrylic resin 、 tackifying resin and cross linking agent on properties of double sided pressure sensitive tape was discussed .

  22. 研究了聚异戊二烯橡胶、增粘树脂、弹性体、填料的品种及用量对溶剂型绷带胶性能的影响。

    The effects of polyisoprene rubber 、 tackifying resin 、 elastomer and filler on the property of adhesives for bandages were studied .

  23. 介绍了一种用添加剂取代部分增粘树脂制备低密度热熔胶的方法。

    EVA hot melt adhesive with lower density was prepared by replacing a part of tackifying resin in the adhesive with an additive .

  24. 本文叙述的单组分湿固化聚氨酯反应型热熔胶是由端异氰酸酯基聚氨酯预聚体、增粘树脂和稳定剂三部分组成。

    One-component moisture curable polyurethane reactive hot-melt adhesive introduced in this paper consists of three parts , isocyanate-terminated urethane prepolymer , tackifying resin and stablizer .

  25. 将多种增粘树脂溶解在丙烯酸单体中,预乳化后参与乳液聚合。

    Acrylate monomers have been mixed with a variety of tackifiers and , after preemulsification , converted to acrylate copolymer latex adhesives by emulsion polymerization .

  26. 分析讨论了胶粘剂组成及各成分相互关系,并对增粘树脂含量和反应时间对胶粘剂粘接强度的影响进行了研究。

    Experimental results indicate that bond strength of the adhesive is the best when resin content is sixty to eighty percent and time on reaction is one an .

  27. 在该树脂中添加10%的增粘树脂、40%的粘度调节剂后,获得了剥离强度达135N/cm的热熔胶。

    When this resin is mixed with 10 % tackifier and 40 % viscosity modifier , a hot melt adhesive is gained , with 135N / cm peeling strength .

  28. 松香甘油酯由松香或精制松香与甘油酯化而成浅黄色或水白色透明固体,是一种优良的增粘树脂。

    It is the slight yellow or water-white transparent solid , which is made from gum rosin or refined gum rosin through esterification with glycerol ; it is a good tackifying resin .

  29. 讨论了增粘树脂浓度直接影响着乳液稳定性,树脂/羧基丁苯胶乳比例影响着地毯胶的粘结强度;

    It was found through discussion that concentration of tackifying resin directly affected emulsion stability and the ratio of resin to carboxylated styrene butadiene rubber emulsion affected adhesive strength of carpet adhesive .

  30. 本文制备湿固型MDI-聚醚基聚氨酯热熔胶,研究了MDI-聚醚预聚物结构、增粘树脂等对胶粘剂剥离强度的影响。

    The hot-melt moisture cure PU adhesives have been prepared . The effects of the structure of the MDI-polyether prepolymer , tackify resins on peel strength of the adhesives have been studied .