
wǎnɡ xiānɡ yǎnɡ yú
  • Cage fish farming;net-pen fish culture
  1. 淡水网箱养鱼能量效益的初步评价

    Primary evaluation on the energy efficiency of freshwater cage fish culture

  2. 小型网箱养鱼高效试验

    Experiment on High Yield of Fish Culture with Small-Sized Net Cage

  3. 小体积高密度网箱养鱼技术途径的探讨

    A Study on Techniques of Small Cage Culture with High Density

  4. 网箱养鱼水塘眼虫属种群结构变动研究

    The Study on Population Structure of Euglena in the Fishery-Cage FishPond

  5. 关于网箱养鱼应思考的几个问题

    Some Problem to Be Thought for Net - Cage Fish Farming

  6. 浅析淡水网箱养鱼对水环境的影响及对策

    Impact and Counter-Measure of Fishpond Using Netted Boxes on Water Environment

  7. 深水网箱养鱼产业化的特点与技术关键

    Characteristics and Technical Key for Farming Industry of Deep Sea Cage

  8. 水库网箱养鱼环境经济学分析

    Environmental Economics Analysis of Raising Fish in Net Box in Reservoir

  9. 湖泊(水库)网箱养鱼水质模型研究

    Water quality modeling for fish gage culture in lakes or reservoirs

  10. 发展网箱养鱼致富库区农民

    Developing fish cage culture and making peasants rich in reservoir areas

  11. 我国深水网箱养鱼产业化发展前瞻

    Development Prospects for Industrialization of Offshore Cage Fish Farming in Our Country

  12. 象山港网箱养鱼区海水营养盐变化研究

    Changes of nutrient in net aquaculture area of Xiangshan Harbor

  13. 象山港网箱养鱼区大型底栖生物生态特征

    Ecological characteristics on macrobenthos of net-cage cultural areas in the Xiangshan Bay

  14. 密云水库网箱养鱼区底泥残留物清除的设想及初步探讨

    Discussion on the removal of residua in cage fishery areas in Miyun Reservoir

  15. 网箱养鱼诱发有机物污染的生物监测

    Biologic monitoring of intense fish cultivation induced organic pollution

  16. 江河船体式网箱养鱼的评述

    Review on In - boat Cage Culture in Rivers

  17. 内污染源主要是底积物、网箱养鱼和内湖。

    Interior polluting resources includes mainly matter in bottom earth and interior lake .

  18. 江河船体网箱养鱼初步研究

    Preliminary Study on Inside-boat Cage Culture in Rivers

  19. 重庆市江河网箱养鱼的发展前景

    Cage fish culture of river in Chongqing Municipality

  20. 煤矿塌陷区机械化网箱养鱼技术研究

    A Study on Mechanized Net Cage Culture of Fish in Caves of Coal Mine

  21. 池塘网箱养鱼的可行性及技术研究

    On Feasibility and Technique for Fish Culture with Net Cage Set up in Pond

  22. 我国海水网箱养鱼存在的问题及展望

    The Existing Problems and Prospects on Culturing Fishes in Net Pen with Seawater in China

  23. 本文对作为水源地的淀山湖网箱养鱼进行了综合分析。

    The paper presents a comprehensive analysis of the cage aquaculture in DianshanLake-a water source lake .

  24. 大宁河白水河湾回水区网箱养鱼对周围水质的影响

    Impact of Fish Cage Culture on Environmental Water Quality in the Backwater Region of Daning River

  25. 大型抗风浪深水网箱养鱼发展现状与趋势

    The Status and Respective for Technique of Fish Farming in the Large Net-Cage with Heavy Sea Resistance

  26. 对刘家峡水库网箱养鱼场春季纤毛虫群落结构进行了研究。

    The community structure of ciliates in the cage fish culture farm of Liujiaxia reservoir in spring is studied .

  27. PE管网箱养鱼平台可为改造和替代传统网箱,养鱼设施技术升级提供借鉴。

    Cultivation flat roof for PE tube net cage offered references for reforming and replacing traditional net cage , and upgrading cultivation facilities .

  28. 塔山水库富营养化污染主要是由无序的网箱养鱼造成的,采取生物防治技术取得了较好的治理效果。

    The process and cause of breaking out of blue green algae in Tashan reservoir of drinking water is briefly introduced in this paper .

  29. PE管网箱养鱼平台主要部件可标准化制作,安装简便,可塑性强。

    The main parts of cultivation flat roof for PE tube net cage were made in standardized components , so it was simple and convenient to fix , and plasticity of the flat roof was high .

  30. 传统网箱养鱼区域的海况特点界定了其固定投入小于深水网箱,但无序的过度养殖使传统网箱养鱼的病害风险加大,隐性成本远高于深水网箱养鱼。

    Though the fixed cost of traditional-cage-culture is higher than that of offshore-cage-culture because of its being located in bay and shallow sea , but now the ruleless culture tremendously raising its managerial risk of fish infectious disease .