
  • 网络cms;php;asp;WEB;seo
  1. 基于Internet的高校计算中心网站建设

    On the Construction of College Terminal Computer Network Center ( Web Server ) Based on Internet

  2. Access与ASP在网站建设中的漏洞与安全防范

    Show Leak of Access & ASP Web Build and Keep Away From Attack

  3. 针对视障人士的Web无障碍网站建设与测评研究

    A Study of Accessible Website Construction and Evaluation for Visual Impaired

  4. 大齿集团Internet接入和网站建设的实践

    Practice on Internet Inletting and Network Station Building in Dachi Group

  5. 企业INTERNET网站建设

    The construction of enterprise internet

  6. 构建基于XML的电子商务体系已经成为企业网站建设的一个重要发展趋势。

    Setting up the electronic commerce system that is based on the XML has already become an important development trend of the enterprise website building .

  7. CMS在企业网站建设中的应用研究

    The Construction of CMS in the Enterprise Web Site

  8. Windows2000下基于IPv6的WWW网站建设

    WWW Website Building on IPv6 under Windows 2000

  9. WAP增值业务网站建设研究

    Research of Building of WAP Value - added Service Station

  10. 基于Wiki的税务培训网站建设与应用

    On the Construction and Application of Wiki Tax Training Website

  11. 针对数控课程的特点以及目前网络教学的需要,主要运用了网站建设及Java编程技术开发了本系统。

    This paper uses website building and Java technology . Because of the needs of networked teaching and character of nc subject , this system is developed .

  12. WAP网站建设的研究

    Research on Building of WAP Station

  13. CIO网络空间&CIO网站建设

    CIO Network Space : Construction of CIO Net Station

  14. 基于客户吸引的B2C商务网站建设探讨

    Construction of Attracting Consumers-Based B2C Websites

  15. 对UML在网站建设中的应用进行了讨论,体现了其在提高软件开发效率和质量方面的重要作用。

    This paper discusses the application of UML on website constructing , embodying UML 's important function in the aspect of enhancing efficiency and quality of software development .

  16. 介绍了Web挖掘的概念、分类和基本构架,并结合Web挖掘的一些关键技术着重阐述了Web挖掘给电子商务网站建设带来的影响。

    After introducing the concept , the sort and the basic framework of web mining , the impact of web mining on the construction of e-commerce web sites was discussed by the use of some key web mining technologies .

  17. 本文介绍了RSS技术的一些基础知识,并以我馆实际使用为例描述了如何将RSS应用到图书馆网站建设中来。

    This thesis introduces the basic knowledge of RSS technology , and describes the application of RSS in library with the case of shanghai university library .

  18. 高校网站建设按照性价比最优的原则选择服务器,优选含CPU、硬盘、机箱的网站服务器,及含WEB、数据库、开发工具的软件系统。

    The server should have best capability / price ratio during website construction of universities , optimal website server contains hardware such as CPU , hard disk , case and software such as WEB , database , development kits system .

  19. 第三代SEO网站建设思想指出:网页内容,不只是给用户看,更是给搜索引擎看。

    The third generation of SEO website construction thought pointed out : web content and not just to the user see , is given to the search engines to look .

  20. 服务项目包括连云港网站建设、网页设计、广告设计、平面设计、网站SEO优化、网站推广、域名注册、虚拟主机等。

    Services include Lianyungang , construction sites , web design , advertising design , graphic design , website SEO optimization , website promotion , domain name registration , web hosting .

  21. 现阶段SG公司的网络营销策略主要包括网站建设策略、网络营销吸引策略(包括网站推广策略、网络营销促销、顾客服务策略)、网络营销产品策略、网络营销价格策略以及网络营销物流配送策略。

    Nowadays the e-marketing strategies mainly includes that website construction , the internet marketing attraction ( including website promotion , e-marketing and promotion , the service on the consumers ), the products of e-marketing , the price of e-marketing , the delivery of e-marketing .

  22. 中国农业信息网站建设现状与发展对策

    Current Situation and Developing Countermeasure of Agriculture Information Networks in China

  23. 高校图书馆网站建设日益重要。

    The construction of university library website has become increasingly important .

  24. 基于网站建设的农业信息资源整合

    The integration pattern of agriculture information resources based on website construction

  25. 电子政务环境下档案网站建设研究

    A Study on the Construction of Archives Website under E-Government Environment

  26. 东方肝胆外科医院网站建设现状及设想

    Present situation and tentative plan for eastern hepatobiliary hospital website construction

  27. 基于门户策略的数字图书馆网站建设

    The Website Construction of Digital Library on Base of Portal Countermeasure

  28. 酒店网站建设与酒店网站设计的要素与注意力!

    Hotel Website Design and Hotel Web site elements and attention !

  29. 网站建设中,文件暂时性不可用。

    The website is building , the file is invalid temporarily .

  30. 网站建设的一般原则及网站推广技巧

    Common Criterion of Website Construction and Skills for Spreading the Website