
  • 网络Mine ventilation
  1. 金属矿山通风中自然能源的利用

    Utilization on natural energy resources in underground metal mine ventilation

  2. 金属矿山通风节能技术的研究

    Research on Energy Saving Technology of Metal Mine Ventilation

  3. 铀矿山通风防护工作的经济分析

    Economical analysis for ventilation and radiation protection in uranium mines

  4. 原地爆破浸出铀矿山通风降氡问题初探

    Discussion on radon ventilation of uranium mine with stope leaching

  5. 冶金矿山通风防尘综述

    A review of ventilation and dust prevention in metal mines

  6. 有色金属矿山通风主扇装置运行效率现状分析及改进对策

    Analysis on operating efficiency of existing fan ventilator in nonferrous metal mines

  7. 自然风压在矿山通风中的应用

    The application of natural wind pressure in mine ventilation

  8. 金属矿山通风节能途径与效益

    Chief way of energy saving of metal mine ventilation and it 's benefit

  9. 矿山通风防尘技术发展概述

    General Review of Mine Ventilation and Dust-prevention Technology Development

  10. 金属矿山通风系统测评规范化

    Standardization of ventilation system assessment of metal mine

  11. 露天转地下矿山通风防寒工作的实践

    Practice of ventilation and winter proofing in underground mine that is changed from open pit

  12. 基于灰色关联的金属矿山通风与作业环境分析

    Research on Ventilation and Work Environment in Underground Metal Mines Based on Grey Correlation Analysis

  13. 无轨采矿铀矿山通风特点及系统设计原则

    The pit ventilation features and the design principle of ventilation system in trackless mining uranium mine

  14. 岩金地下矿山通风系统设计与矽肺病的防治

    The design of the ventilation system and the prevention and cure of silicosis in gold underground mine

  15. 金属矿山通风系统模糊综合评价方法

    Fuzzy assessment to metal mine

  16. 本文论述了金属矿山通风系统测评规范化的目的。

    The standardization of assessment is one of the characteristics of technical remoulding of ventilation system of metal mine in80s .

  17. 我国金属矿山通风系统技术改造状况与2000年发展企望

    The situation of technical remoulding of ventilation system at domestic metal mines and the expectation of its development after the year 2000

  18. 进而说明建立科学的通风系统和完善的系统监测制度,方能促使矿山通风安全和高效生产。

    It shows only with scientific airing system and improved monitoring rules can the mine keep a safe and highly effective operation .

  19. 对金属矿山通风节能技术进行了分析与探讨,以提高其节能运行效率。

    The energy saving technology of metal mine ventilation is analyzed and discussed so as to increase operation efficiency of energy saving in ventilation .

  20. 文中对岩金地下矿山通风系统设计进行评述,并提出防治矽肺病的措施。

    This paper made a review of the design of the ventilation system in underground gold mine , and put forward a measure of preventing and curing silicosis .

  21. 介绍了金属矿山通风系统的分析评估方法,并具体在西北某矿山进行现场应用。

    The analysis and estimation method of metal mine ventilation system is introduced in this paper , and it is used on the spot in one mine of northwest .

  22. 矿山通风机械中,弯掠组合叶片轴流通风机以其效率高、噪声低、性能可靠的特点逐步成为矿井主要通风设备。

    The skewed and swept blades of mine axial fan gradually become major mine ventilation equipment with the high efficiency , low noise and performance reliable characteristic in mine ventilation machinery .

  23. 讨论了自然风压的特性及在黄金矿山通风系统改造中的利用问题,认为黄金矿山通风系统在改造前,首先应该优化通风网络。

    The noticeable problems that should be noticed appear in reforming the ventilation systems of gold mines , in which the natural wind pressure is higher , are discussed in this paper .

  24. 结合某黄金矿山通风系统的改造课题,分析了机械-自然交替通风系统中平衡风门的工作原理,研究了门扇的受力状况。

    In combination with the project of the ventilation system transformation , the working principle of the balance air door in the mechanical-natural alternative ventilation system and the stress of the door were studied .

  25. 在国内金属矿山通风系统建设与技术改造的多元化格局中,主-辅风机通风系统拓展较快,占16.7%。

    The combined main-and-auxiliary fan systems have developed rapidly in the multiple pattern of construction and reconstruction of ventilation systems in the metal mines in our China , this mode of ventilation amounts to 16.7 % of total .

  26. 矿井通风是保证煤矿安全生产和职工生命安全的基础措施,而目前的矿山通风管理系统远远不能满足实际需求,与其它国家相比当前我国的煤矿安全形势十分严峻。

    The mine ventilation is a basic measure of guaranteeing the safety in mine production and the workers ' life security , but the present mine ventilation system is far from satisfying the actual demand compared with other countries , mine security situation is very severe in present .

  27. 基于灰色系统理论,结合金属矿山通风实际,建立了以合理通风为参考数列,以不同井下作业环境为比较数列的灰色关联分析体系。

    Based on the gray system theory and the ventilation reality of underground metal mines , the gray correlation analysis system is set up , with the reasonable ventilation data as the standard data array and those of different underground work environment states as the correlation data array .

  28. 空分装置中分离出的空气中的氧气、氮气等气体已被各行各业所广泛采用,尤其需求在石油、化工、天然气管线、制冷和矿山通风等诸多重要部门。

    In the air separation equipment divide the air into the oxygen , nitrogen and other gases have been widely used in various industries , in particular , the demand for petroleum , chemical , natural gas pipelines , refrigeration and ventilation , mine and many other important sectors .

  29. 中国金属矿山深井通风技术研究现状综述

    Current status of deep shaft ventilation technique research in domestic metal mines

  30. 金属矿山矿井通风技术的新进展

    New Advances in the Underground Ventilation Technology of Metal Mines