
  • Network Engineer;CCNA
  1. 这是网络工程师布伦特·萨那针对此问题做出的评论:

    Here 's what network engineer Brent Saner has to say about it :

  2. 需招一名高级网络工程师。

    Looking for Senior Network Engineer .

  3. 给出了系统的实验流程,从而可以帮助教师、学生以及网络工程师通过在线实验更好地理解和掌握MPLSVPN技术。

    It introduces an experimental procedure of system to help the teachers , students and network engineers to understand and master the technology of MPLS VPN after the discussion of the key technology .

  4. 尽管它的配置与IOS相比还是有一些不同,但是这对于那些已经熟悉IOS的网络工程师来说在这种环境下工作将相当自如。

    While there are some differences from IOS , the feel is close enough that network engineers already familiar with IOS will feel very comfortable in the environment .

  5. 一个得到良好维护的基础设施常常需要一个由系统管理员、DBA和网络工程师组成的团队,到目前为止,这一直是企业获得成功的主因。

    A well-maintained infrastructure usually involves a team of system administrators , DBAs , and network engineers , which , until recently , was an enterprise mostly for the rich .

  6. 除了一点,在伦敦北部做木匠的索尔森想在这个网站找份合同,而在这里像“builder”(建筑工,或网络工程师——译者注)的岗位名称更常用来描述创办网上社区的人,而不是建筑工人。

    Except that Mr Thorsen is a north London carpenter hoping to find contacts and employment on a site where job titles such as " builder " are more typically used to describe someone who creates online communities than a construction worker .

  7. 为推动新媒体艺术不断向前进步,需要艺术家、计算机程序员和网络工程师互相协作发挥各自的聪明才智。

    Artists , programmers and network engineers should cooperate to promote the advance of the new multi-media art .

  8. 而网络工程师的教育程度也从大专文凭到博士不等。

    Their education can be just as varied , ranging from an associate 's degree to a doctorate .

  9. 经过了四年的大学学习,吉姆完全能胜任网络工程师这份工作。

    After four years of university studies , Jim is absolutely up to the job of a network engineer .

  10. 针对解决网络工程师使用语义数据重用技术困难这一问题,该系统显示出可喜的成果。

    The system shows promising results towards addressing the issues that were identified as preventing semantic data reuse by Web Engineers .

  11. 一个应用是:网络工程师利用可用性定义,设计一个具有成本有效性的生存网络。

    One application is how this definition is used by network planner / engineer to construct a cost effective survival network .

  12. 而网络工程师也正在越来越多地被要求比以往做更多安全防护工作。

    And increasingly , network engineers are being called upon to do more to address security than they have in the past .

  13. 网络工程师使用便携式集成分析仪深入交换机观察每一个交换机端口上的活动情况。

    The network engineer uses a portable integrated analyzer to drill into the switch and view the activity on each switch port .

  14. 然而,IT职员(包括网络工程师和程序员)受向这个新协议转变的影响最大。

    However , your IT staff , including network engineers and programmers , will be most affected by the change to the new protocol .

  15. 网络工程师曾经认为网络安全是由IT业内另一部分人负责的外围设备问题。

    Security used to be a peripheral issue for network engineers , an outside danger taken care of by other groups in the IT organization .

  16. 越来越多沉溺于计算机的年轻人不上大学,而作为计算机网络工程师、因特网创业者和游戏设计者,加入到高科技革命中。

    And more and more computer-savvy young people are skipping college to join the high-tech revolution as computer network engineers , Internet entrepreneurs , and game designers .

  17. 为克服该方法的缺陷,本文提出了面向用户和面向网络工程师的恢复机制可用性的定义。

    In order to overcome the shortcomings in the traditional method , this paper proposed the customer oriented and network engineer oriented definitions of restoration mechanism availability .

  18. 这里的所发生的一切可以影响上百万人:一位曾在美国交换中心工作资深的网络工程师回忆到,在澳大利亚的巨大局域网中,曾有某个局域网拖欠费用,该中心就发出了“切断澳大利亚的网路”的指令。

    What happens in such places can affect millions of people : one veteran network engineer in an American exchange recalls " shut [ ting ] off Australia " when one of that country 's big networks was tardy with its bills .

  19. 通过将上网设备设置为始终连接5吉赫兹波段网络,退休工程师麦康奈尔最终解决了他的Wi-Fi头痛问题。

    As for Mr. McConnell , the retired engineer eventually solved his Wi-Fi headache by setting up his devices to stay on the 5 GHz radio band .

  20. 向网络或者域工程师提供这些信息。

    Provide this information to the network or domain engineer .

  21. 本课程专为负责融合分组交换网络部署的工程师而设计。

    This session is designed for engineers in charge of converged packet-switched network deployments .

  22. 布斯克利用旧金山湾区的编程员和工程师社交网络来招聘工程师和设计师。

    Busque has used Bay Area programmer and engineer social networks to recruit engineers and designers .

  23. 网络或者域工程师任务

    Network or domain engineer tasks

  24. 莱程有专业的电气、空调和网络工程布线工程师,有着严格的施工管理,体现了公司整体质量和优质服务。

    LC has many expertise electrical and air conditioning engineers , who have been responsible for many projects on design and construction management .

  25. 据信在瞻博网络工作的软件工程师以159990美元的基本年薪高于年入136427美元的位居第二的LinkedIn的软件工程师。

    Engineers who said they work for Juniper reported an annual base salary of $ 159990 , compared with the $ 136427 base salary reported by those who said they work for the second-place firm on the list , LinkedIn .

  26. 一家大型网络公司的IT工程师称即使外部供电设备切断,数据中心都应该有维持服务的发电机。

    An IT engineer at a large internet company said that even if external power supplies were disrupted , data centers should have generators as a back-up service .

  27. 机械设计的网络计算技术为工程师的产品创新提供了实时计算、图形化分析和知识供应的强大技术支持,是一项具有理论意义和实用价值的开拓性研发工作。

    The technology of network computing in design of mechanical product provides powerful technology aid in products innovation , for example , Real-time calculation , graphical analysis and knowledge supply , is a research with theoretical meaning and practical values .

  28. CDMA网络KPI优化技术已成为网络优化工程师研究的新课题。

    The KPI optimization of CDMA network has become a new topic for optimization engineers .

  29. 一旦网络中发生故障,总是要求网络工程师和网络管理人员能迅速、准确的对故障的类型以及故障的根源做出判断,以便下一步采取相应的修复措施。

    Once a fault occurred in the network , network engineers and network managers should make quick and accurate judgments about the type and the source of the fault in order to make a plan for recover .

  30. 性能管理系统为维护和管理网络提供了很多有用的信息,并且能够产生性能报告并将其上报给网络管理员,网管工程师可以通过这些信息指导网络工程的规划,改善网络运行的质量[2]。

    The performance management system provides a lot of useful information for the maintenance and management of the network , and it will also generate performance reports for network engineers who can guide the information for project planning and improving the quality of the network .