
  • 网络Certified Safety Engineer;Registered safety engineer
  1. 关于注册安全工程师执业资格制度发展战略的几点思考

    Views on Developing Strategy of Job Qualification System of Certified Safety Engineer

  2. 网友的感受评价:持有注册安全工程师资格证书,拥有工程师职称。

    Hold the certified safety engineer 's qualification certificate , with engineers titles .

  3. 我国注册安全工程师注册现状分析

    Analysis on Current Registration Status of Certified Safety Engineers in China

  4. 对建立注册安全工程师执业资格制度法律体系的探讨

    Study on the establishment of jurisprudence for the certified safety engineers system

  5. 认定工作是实行注册安全工程师执业资格制度的开端

    Certification Work : The Beginning of the Qualification System for Certified Safety Engineers

  6. 注册安全工程师或至少是中级注册安全主任。

    Certified Safety Engineer is preferred , or at least Certified Middle Safety Officer .

  7. 注册安全工程师注册管理办法

    Registration Management Methods for Certified Safety Engineers

  8. 本文仅就建立健全注册安全工程师执业资格制度法律体系进行了探讨。

    In this paper study on the establishment of jurisprudence for the CSE system was conducted .

  9. 从学历角度分析注册安全工程师与企业安全管理人员的差距;

    The gap between the CSEs and the common safety management staff in enterprises is also discussed .

  10. 提出注册安全工程师发展战略中的几个重要环节,阐述实施注册安全工程师制度的重大意义;

    Key links in the developing strategy of certified safety engineer are put forward ; the significance of implementing certified safety engineer system is described .

  11. 自2002年9月在我国实施注册安全工程师执业资格制度以来,已有11044人获得《中华人民共和国注册安全工程师执业资格证书》。

    Since the implementation of the Certified Safety Engineer ( CSE ) system in China in Sep. 2002 , 11 ? 044 people have acquired the qualification of CSE .

  12. 结合注册安全工程师的岗位特点和安全工程学科的属性,提出注册安全工程师科学的立体分类的方法,指出注册安全工程师须具备的安全知识和能力;

    Based on characteristics of job position and the nature of safety engineering discipline , scientific and stereoscopic categorization of certified safety engineer is put forward , and its safety knowledge and competency requirement are indicated .

  13. 针对注册安全工程师的考试平台、注册安全工程师的发展及其使用等重大战略问题进行讨论并提出了关于注册安全工程师制度建设几点建议。

    Furthermore , key issues in the developing strategy of certified safety engineer , such as examination platform of certified safety engineer s , their career development and how to make rational use of these talents are constructively suggested .

  14. 将注册助理安全工程师定位于企业日常安全生产管理和技术工作,相当于企业基层或中层安全管理岗位。

    The suggestion is that the CASEs mostly focus on the daily and routine safety management and technical work , similar to the grass root and middle level safety management post in enterprises .