
zhù cè dēnɡ jì
  • Registration;entering to the register
  1. 包括其中所涉及的注册登记,会议CI,行程设计,机票,主题晚宴,摄影摄像等诸多细节。

    Including many details involved among them , such as registration , meeting CI , journey design , air tickets , topic dinner party , photography and video etc.

  2. HeatherSmith:“他们对这个过程比较陌生,对他们大部分人来说,第一次投票都必须注册登记。”

    HEATHER SMITH : " They are new to the process and that means that for the majority of them , they need to register to vote for the first time . "

  3. P2P应用构建的平台的灵活性和自由性,实体加入和离开的自由性,导致应用平台无法要求实体提供关键认证信息,只能对实体进行注册登记而无法进行严格的认证。

    The flexibility that constructed in P2P application platform and the freedom that entity can join and leave at lead that the application platform can 't ask the entity to provide the pivotal authentication information . It can only login in and register the entity but not certify it strictly .

  4. 1984年至1996年12月31日,全国51所医院共注册登记冠状动脉腔内成形术(PTCA)6213例,其中5309例资料完整者用于本文分析。

    Six thousand two hundred and thirteen cases of PTCA undergone in 51 hospitals nationwide from 1984 to December 31 , 1996 were enrolled in the registry , among whom 5 309 cases with complete data were analyzed in this paper .

  5. 并于1992年在欧洲通过了非毒性化学品的注册登记。

    It has been through Europe non-toxic chemicals register in 1992 .

  6. 《中华人民共和国海关出口监管仓库注册登记证书》有效期为3年。

    The period of valid of the Certificate shall be3 years .

  7. 代理海关注册登记手续。

    Going through the formalities of customs registration for mew enterprises .

  8. 全国第二次冠心病介入性治疗病例注册登记资料分析

    A data analysis of the Second National Coronary Intervention Registry

  9. 土地所有权注册登记制度盛行于英格兰。

    Registration of title to land is spreading over England .

  10. 集中申报人应提供其身份证明或注册登记证明。

    A declarer shall provide his identify certificate or its registration certificate .

  11. 投标应由在新加坡的注册登记的贸易代表提交。

    Bid shall is submit through a registered trading representative in singapore .

  12. 一些委员会直接受到医生发照和注册登记费用的资助。

    Some boards are funded directly from physician licensing and registration fees .

  13. 但迄今为止,公共注册登记的更新资料尚未显示出任何变化。

    But so far , updates to public registers show no change .

  14. 股份公司的注册登记和股票转让;

    Registration for such corporations and the transfer of shares ;

  15. 代理企业注册登记;

    To undertake the operation as enterprises registration agent ;

  16. 首次注册登记后,管理类别未发生调整的;

    Management classification remaining unchanged since the initial registration ;

  17. 关于改革企业注册登记制度的几点思考

    Proposals for the reform of the enterprise registration system

  18. 方法资料来源于第一次全国冠心病介入性治疗注册登记。

    Methods The data were collected from the First National Coronary Intervention Registry .

  19. 江西省水库大坝注册登记管理的实践及其思考

    Practice of dam and reservoir registration in Jiangxi Province

  20. 在我国,行政机关办理企业注册登记,国家工商行政管理总局和地方各级工商行政管理局为企业登记机关。

    In our country , Industry and Commerce Administration take over enterprises registration .

  21. 我国出口食品卫生注册登记信息化管理初探

    Primary Study on Informative Administration of Sanitary Registration for Food Processing Establishment for Export

  22. 首次注册登记的;

    Having been registered for the first time ;

  23. 公司的存在无限期,直至从公司注册登记簿中注销为止。

    The Company shall exist for an indefinite term or until removed from the Register .

  24. 承揽企业须经海关注册登记,具有相应的加工生产能力。

    The undertaking enterprise must register with the customs and have the corresponding production capacity .

  25. 此为特区人事注册登记表之结束。

    End of the persons registration form .

  26. 全军第三次(2003~2004年)冠心病介入治疗注册登记资料分析

    Analysis of the third ( from 2003 to 2004 ) PLA coronary intervention therapy registry

  27. 企业注册登记证原件;

    Original copy of certificate of incorporation ;

  28. 第三,适度宽松的注册登记制度。

    C 、 Moderately easy registration system .

  29. 所有的英国药房,包括互联网药房,都必须到英国皇家医药学会注册登记。

    All UK pharmacies , including those offering internet services , must be registered with the RPSGB .

  30. 车辆外形检测是机动车办理注册登记时的一个重要环节。

    Vehicle dimensions detection is a key link when the vehicles are registered in the management department .