
zhù shuǐ jǐng
  • water injection well
注水井[zhù shuǐ jǐng]
  1. 将微控制器集成在注水井控制器当中,在地面通过智能注水控制系统对注水压力和注水量进行控制。

    Microcontroller is integrated into water injection well controller . On the ground , intelligent water flooding control system monitor water flooding pressure and quantity .

  2. 低渗油藏注水井压裂增注

    Fracturing Technology of Water Injection Well in the Low Permeability Reservoir

  3. 微生物的活化作用是通过注水井循环导入充气水和补充含N,P的矿物盐而获得的。

    Its activation is obtained by injecting aerated water and compensating mineral salt containing nitrate and phosphate through injection wells .

  4. PI决策技术是以注水井井口压降曲线为依据的压力指数决策技术。

    PI decided-making is a pressure exponent decision - making technique based on wellhead pressure fall-off curve of water injectors .

  5. BSF型注水井洗井液处理装置

    Treatment Equipment for Washing Well Liquid of Water Flooding Well with BSF Model

  6. 在胜利油田4个区块的整体调剖期间,应用PI决策技术在274口注水井中,有针对性地选取了74口水井进行调剖,对实施情况及应用效果进行了分析。

    During profile controlling in four areas in Shengli oilfield , PI decision technology was used and application analysis was made by choosing 74 wells from 274 wells to make profile controlling .

  7. 当注水井段长度小于250m时,平均相对吸水强度随注水井段长度的增大而降低;

    When length of injection interval is less than 250m , the average injection index will decrease with expanding of the length .

  8. 油田注水井环空保护液HK-1的研制与现场试验

    Development of liquid protector HK-1 for use in annuluses of water injection wells

  9. 注水井酸化解堵用的水溶酸不溶暂堵剂CY-4

    Water-Soluble and Acid-Insoluble Temporary Plugging Agent CY-4 for Use in Acidizing Operations in Injection Wells

  10. 在本研究中,我们首先结合传统的变性梯度凝胶电泳(DGGE)、克隆文库技术与新兴的焦磷酸测序技术比较了长期注水的孤岛油田注水井和采油井中的微生物组成。

    Using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis ( DGGE ), 16S rRNA gene clone library and pyrosequencing , we compared the microbial communities of injection well with that of production well .

  11. 现场常用的注水井调剖选井方法是PI决策,但PI值包含了注水压力、井筒储容系数、表皮系数的影响,不能准确地指导调剖选井。

    Selecting well for profile control in injection well in common field use is PI decision which value includes the influence of injecting pressure , well bore storage coefficient , skin coefficient that can t instruct the job of selecting well for profile control properly .

  12. 本文在充分调研国内外有关理论与技术基础上,综合了RE决策技术、注水井井口压降决策技术(PI决策)等技术,建立了区块整体调剖、堵水决策系统所需的各种理论模型;

    RE decision-making technology , decision-making technology ( PI decision-making ) of injection wellhead pressure drawdown are integrated on the base of sufficient investigation of relative theory and technology , thus established the theoretical models needed to whole block profile control and water-plugging decision-making system .

  13. 克隆文库和TGGE的研究结果一致,均表明注水井样品的微生物多样性比采油井丰富很多。

    The results of TGGE and clone library profiling analysis both indicated that microbial community of the WW had higher diversity than the OW .

  14. 对注水井采用了CDG凝胶、聚合物驱、调剖、分注、酸化增注等措施。

    For water injection wells , some technologies such as CDG gel , polymeric compound driving , profile control and acidization to increase the injected water volume have been adopted .

  15. 此外,利用Visualc++6.0语言编制了注水井配注软件(IWAS),从而提高了配注工作效率,提高注水开发油田的开发水平和管理水平。

    In addition , language established the water-injection well software ( IWAS ) using Visual C + + 6.0 , thus enhanced has matched the note working efficiency , Enhances the water-injection development oil field the development level and the management level .

  16. S1-1井是具有钻进时液柱压力与地层漏失压力相接近特点的一口注水井。

    The well S1-1 is a water injection well , which has the characteristic-close pressure between liquid column and formation leakage .

  17. 文中介绍了JKLQ-25型注水井井口精细过滤器工作原理。

    This paper introduces a JKLQ-25 fine filter which can be installed in wellhead to improve injection water quality .

  18. 通过多聚酶链式反应温度梯度凝胶电泳(PCRTGGE)和构建16SRRNA基因克隆文库两种方法对比研究了大港油田孔二北断块注水井和采油井的微生物群落结构。

    Both PCR-TGGE ( temperature gradient gel electrophoresis , TGGE ) and 16S rRNA gene clone library construction were used to comparatively analyze the microbial communities of a water injection well ( WW ) and an oil well ( OW ) in Dagang oilfield .

  19. AEO-4A裂缝监测技术可对水力压裂施工井或高压注水井实施同步裂缝监测。

    Synchronous monitor crack of hydraulic fracturing well or high pressure water injection well is practiced by crack monitor instrument , AEO-4A .

  20. 该技术应用DL-1差压式定量堵塞器实现了注水井的井下定量注水,使调配过程一次成功,大大减轻了投捞测试工作量。

    The DL-1 differential pressure quantitative water regulator was used to implement downhole quantitative injection . The injection water adjustment job were successfully only one time and pulling - running and testing work load were reduced .

  21. 通过数值方法建立了抽水井水质与注水井水质的非线性响应关系,采用非线性的多项式函数形式,应用Marquardt法拟合。

    Nonlinear response relationship between the water quality of pump well and the water quality of injection well is set up by numerical method . The nonlinear multinormal function is adopted and Marquardt method is used for fitting .

  22. 推广注水井化学调剖新工艺,启动低产层170m/81层,调剖对应井平均增油2.04t/d;

    Extending new chemical profile control technology of water injector started up 81 layers ( 170m ), and increased oil production of corresponding well by 2.04t/d average low-productivity .

  23. 为了封堵中原胡庆油田高压注水井远井地带的高渗层,研制了双液法堵剂LF1。

    A two-component indepth profile modifying agent , LF-1 , is prepared for plugging high permeable channellings in further bore zones of high pressure water injection wells in Huqing , Zhongyuan .

  24. 在此基础上研制了以Windows9X/2000/XP为平台的注水井射孔设计与吸水能力评价的软件系统,这对于指导注水井射孔优化设计和操作参数设计具有重要实际意义。

    The software system of optimization design of perforation design and well injectivity prediction has been developed in Windows9X / 2000 / XP platform . It is very helpful and has important significance to guide perforation optimization design and operating parameter designs for water injection wells .

  25. SZ36-1油田原油粘度高,层间纵向渗透率差异大,地层非均质性极强,注水井的吸水剖面不均,水窜严重,必须首先优选注聚调剖井层。

    Synthetically considering various factors , polymer flooding is recommended and optimization in profile improvement must be conducted first for the distinct difference of layer-layer permeability , severe heterogeneity as well as uneven water-injection profile .

  26. 周期注水井对应受效油井的年产油量比常规水驱增加6027t,年含水上升率比试验前下降1个百分点。

    The annual output of the affected producers corresponding with cyclic water injectors is 6027t higher than that of conventional waterflooding and annual water Cut increasing ratio is 1 percentage lower than that before experiment .

  27. 复杂注水井吸水剖面流量计测井技术

    Flowmeter logging technology of water injection profile for complex injection wells

  28. 注水井井下流量、压力同步测量的研究

    Research on Flowrate and Pressure Synchronous Measurement in Water Flooding Well

  29. 注水井防膨处理用粘土稳定剂的筛选

    Screening Clay Stabilizers for Reservoir Anti-Swelling Treatment in Water Injection Wells

  30. 注水井出砂原因分析及防治措施

    Reason analysis and preventive measures of sanding in water injection wells