
shè xiàn zhào xiànɡ
  • radiograph
  1. 塑料多层靶丸X射线照相技术

    X - ray radiograph of multi - layer plastics shell

  2. X射线照相技术在研究沉积物微构造应用中的几个问题

    An X-ray radiographic technique for studying minor structure of marine sediments

  3. 爆轰测试方法基础(三)闪光X射线照相技术

    Elementary diagnostic method for detonation [ 3 ] flash X-ray radiographic techniques

  4. X射线照相对平面缺陷检测能力的研究

    Study on the Ability for Detecting the Plane Defects Using X-Ray Photograph

  5. 过期X射线照相胶片的修复

    An Overdue Wedding Photo Recondition of Overdue X-Radiographic Films

  6. 工业X射线照相技术的应用与展望

    Application of industrial X-ray imaging and its developing trend

  7. 闪光X射线照相系统调制传递函数测量

    Nodulation transfer function measurment of flash X-ray radiographic system

  8. 利用X射线照相术进行种子质量检测分析

    Utilization of X_raygraph in Seed Quality Examination and Analysis

  9. 闪光X射线照相是进行实验室流体动力学试验的重要手段。

    Flash X-ray radiography is one of important methods for hydro testing in laboratory .

  10. 火箭发动机固体药柱的X射线照相检验

    X-ray Inspection on Solid Charge of Rocket Sustainer

  11. GB/T11851-1996压水堆燃料棒焊缝X射线照相检验方法

    Radiographic inspection of welds for PWR fuel rods

  12. 本文描述了用X射线照相法测量包覆层厚度的测量过程。

    This paper gives a process of X ray projection microradiography for coating thickness detemination .

  13. 反向发射式电子射线照相X射线衍射图谱计算机

    Back-emission electron radiography X-ray diffraction pattern computer

  14. X射线照相底片复制技术

    Reproducing of x - radiographic films

  15. 透射电子X射线照相术直接电子照像印刷机

    Transmission electron radiography direct electrophotography printer

  16. 射线照相法测定年代基于相对辐射强度的非接触式LED结温测量法

    Beta radiography dating A new non-contact method based on relative radiation intensity for determining junction temperature of LEDs

  17. 为检测波纹板夹层结构高温钎焊焊缝质量,对其进行了X射线照相检查。

    To inspect the brazing seam of corrugated plate sandwich structure , X ray photograph was taken .

  18. 关于x射线照相的或由x射线照相产生的。多分格相关与皮尔逊相关的蒙特卡罗仿真

    Relating to or produced by roentgenography . Monte Carlo simulation of polychoric correlation and Pearson correlation coefficient

  19. X射线照相用激光中心指示器

    Laser centring device for X-Radiography

  20. 轴对称碳纤维增强塑料管中分层和孔隙的无损检测评定&切向X射线照相的适用范围及局限性

    Nondestructive evaluation of delaminations and voids in axis-symmetric CFRP shells : scope and limitation of tangential X-ray radiography

  21. 工业用X射线照相设备

    Industrial X-ray radiographic equipment

  22. 高能X射线照相是诊断流体动力学试验压缩状态最有效的实验手段。

    The high-energy x-ray radiography is the effective experimental means to detect the compressed state of the hydrodynamics experiment .

  23. 本文采用渗透剂增强的X射线照相法分析了含切口复合材料层板的损伤扩展与材料的破坏机理。

    The damage accumulation and the failure mechanism in notched grapbite / epoxy laminates have been investigated by employing penetrant enhanced X-ray radiography .

  24. 提出采用Al像质计对C/SiC复合材料的X射线照相检测质量进行评估。

    It was suggested that Al Image Quality Indicator ( IQI ) would be used to evaluate the quality of X-ray radiographs of C / SiC .

  25. X射线照相法测量包覆燃料颗粒包覆层的厚度和UO2核芯的直径

    X ray projection microradiography for measurement of coating layer thickness and UO 2 kernel diameter

  26. 目的:基于X射线照相术、CT技术及荧光镜图像和MRI技术对人体股胫关节接触的测量方法及存在问题进行综合分析。

    OBJECTIVE : To analyze the present method of measuring the tibiofemoral joint contact points using the fluoroscopic images , CT , cryptoscope image and MRI techniques .

  27. 方法通过拍摄X线牙片及全景片,结合临床检查,利用X射线照相中的几何学原理确定多生牙的位置,以确定手术入路,然后拔除。

    Methods X-ray dental film and panoramic pantomogram were used to determine the location of embedded supernumerary teeth on bases of the geometrical principle of X-ray photography .

  28. 但由于高能X射线照相系统本身很复杂,使其成像数目受限制,目前仅能实现单轴或双轴照相。

    Because the high-energy x-ray radiography system is complicated , the number of views is limited , and it only can take a single or two radiographs once .

  29. 用中子射线照相术测Hg(1-x)CdxTe中的镉分布

    Neutron Radiography as a Tool for Cadmium Distribution Measurement in Hg_ ( 1-x ) Cd_xTe Single-Crystals

  30. 介绍了运用3σ原理和X射线照相的方法,分离装有两种不同结构尺寸撞针的某电点火器。

    This article describes the method of separating a kind of electric igniter with two kinds of different structure sized firing pin by using 3s principle and x-ray photography .