
  1. 射电干涉测量对天文脉泽研究的贡献

    The Impact of Radio Interferometry Observations on the Study of Astronomical Masers

  2. 射电干涉仪中的边带设置

    Setting of the sideband in the radio interferometer

  3. 射电干涉仪中互调分量分析

    Analysis of the Intermodulation Components of Radio Interferometer

  4. 应用赤道式天线进行流动射电干涉测量

    Mobile radio interferometric survey using an equatorial antenna

  5. 射电干涉测量地球自转时源的最佳分布条件

    An optimum distribution of radio sources for the determination of earth rotation by means of VLBI

  6. 介绍双波段观测在射电干涉测量和光学干涉测量中消除电离层或大气湍流影响的原理和公式。

    The observations with two bands in radio interferometry could eliminate the effect of ionosphere on the phase measurement .

  7. 本文叙述了应用赤道式天线进行流动射电干涉测量方法和计算机软件。

    The theoretical method and practical software of using an equatorial antenna for mobile interferometric survey are described in this paper .

  8. 在卫星接收天线,高频地面雷达天线和射电天文中的干涉阵列等应用领域,测向有信源容量大,目标更新快的特点。

    In the application of satellite receive antenna 、 H-F radar antenna and electric astronomy interference array , source signal number is large and target refresh fast .

  9. 二战以后,射电天文学得到了蓬勃发展,导致了类星体、微波背景辐射等一系列重大发现。在射电天文学中,干涉测量技术始终是发展的主要方向之一。

    It brought on some great discoveries in astronomy , such as quasar , microwave background radiation etc. In radio astronomy , interferometry is an important technique which is still under developing .