
shè liú
  • jet;jet-flow;vein;filament band
射流 [shè liú]
  • [jet] 喷射成束的流体

射流[shè liú]
  1. 射流中速度和温度的脉动关联及耗散规律

    Fluctuating Correlation and Dissipative Law of Velocity and Temperature in Jet-Flow

  2. 射流钛喷嘴的研制及应用

    Development and application of a new type of titanium jet-flow nozzle

  3. 离开液膜或射流的液滴,可能会受到高的相对速度气体的气动压力影响。

    A liquid drop removed from a sheet or jet may be exposed to the aerodynamic pressure effect of a high relative gas velocity .

  4. 反作用射流控制导弹的自动驾驶仪H∞设计方法

    Blended Aero & Reaction Jet Missile Autopilot Design Using H_ ∞ Techniques

  5. 采用k-ε两方程湍流模型及SIMPLE算法对二维平面射流和三维空调房间内的非等温浮力射流进行数值模拟。

    The k - ε two-equation turbulence model and arithmetic of SIMPLE are adopted to simulate the flow field .

  6. 采用喷气再燃降低NOX排放时单喷嘴射流的冷态分析

    Cold State Analysis on the Jet of Single Nozzle Using Gas-reburning for NO_x Reduction

  7. 大速差射流浓缩煤粉燃烧降低NOx的试验研究

    Study on no_x abatement by enrichment of pulverized coal through large velocity difference jets

  8. 基于FLUENT的小流量射流流场中的可视化研究

    Visualization Research of the Little Jet Flow Based on FLUENT

  9. 射流曝气SBR在小城镇污水处理中的应用研究

    Application of SBR with Jet Aeration on Treatment of Small-scale Town Sewage

  10. PAM对磨料浆体射流速度的影响规律研究

    Study on the Effect of PAM on Abrasive Jet Flow

  11. 采用COM组件技术,用VB语言编制了人机界面、系统管理与调度来实现磨料水射流精密加工数控系统。

    The numerical control system for abrasive water jet machining is developed using Visual Basic and COM technology .

  12. 双圆形出口零质量射流组的流场结构PIV实验研究

    Experimental study of flow field in twin circular synthetic jet arrays using PIV

  13. 应用PIV技术研究零质量射流的非定常流场特性

    Investigation on the characteristics and structures of unsteady flow field near the Zero-mass flux jet with PIV

  14. 用激光多卜勒风速仪(LDA)测量自由射流流场

    Application of a laser-Doppler anemometer ( lda ) to measure the flow field in free jets

  15. 用VOF方法模拟横流下窄缝紊动射流

    Simulation on a slit-type turbulent jet in a cross-flow using the VOF method

  16. 用激光瞬态F-P干涉仪对火箭发动机真实燃气射流进行高速摄影

    To Take the High-Speed Photography for Real Exhaust Plumes of Rocket Engine with Laser Transient F-P Interferometer

  17. 采用kε双方程模型,结合混合有限分析方法对横流中三维圆形垂直热水浮力射流进行了数值模拟。

    The k - ε model is applied to establish the mathematical model of vertical round buoyant jet in cross-flow and it is solved using the Hybrid Finite Analytic Method ( HFAM ) .

  18. 高温气体LTE模型参数计算方法及其在非平衡电弧射流状态诊断中的应用研究

    Investigation on computation method of LTE model parameter for high temperature gases and its application in the state diagnosis of non-equilibrium arcjet

  19. 用VOF方法模拟静止浅水环境中的垂向紊动射流

    Simulation of a vertical turbulent jet discharged from the bottom of static shallow water with the VOF method

  20. 针对物理域比较复杂,采用了区域重叠的分区算法;热流计算考虑了燃气射流中Al2O3粒子含量在驻点区引起的热增量。

    In calculating the heat flow , the heat increment resulting from the Al 2O 3 particles contained in the combustion gas is considered in the stagnation region .

  21. 采用格子玻耳兹曼(LB)方法建立了等离子射流温度场和速度场的计算模型,与传统数值方法相比,LB方法具有直观的物理背景。

    A model for calculating the velocity and temperature field of plasma jet by Lattice Boltzmann ( LB ) method was established .

  22. 采用SIMPLE算法和RNGk-ε湍流模型,对平面射流倾斜冲击平板的半封闭空间内的流场进行了数值分析。

    The SIMPLE algorithm and an RNG based k - ε turbulence model are used to numerically analyze the semi-confined flow field of a planar jet impinging obliquely on a flat plate .

  23. 用粒子图像速度场仪(PIV)对射流泵喉管入口和喉管内有限空间水射流进行测量。

    Measurements were taken of the water jets in a confined space at the jet pump throat inlet and inside the throat by using a particle image velocimetry device .

  24. 建立一个二维轴对称计算模型,应用FLUENT应用软件对非稳态等离子体射流过程进行了模拟,分析了射流过程中温度、速度、压力、密度的分布规律。

    A two-dimension axisymmetric model of the unsteady plasma jet process is developed and solved by the commercial software FLUENT . The distributions of such characteristics as temperature , velocity , pressure and density are investigated .

  25. 应用二维哈特曼(Hartmann)波前测量系统,对光束在二维低速热射流传输中的气动光学效应进行了测量。

    A two dimensional Hartmann wavefront sensor is used to measure the aero optical effects when the optical beam passes through a low velocity heat turbulent jet .

  26. 从垂直喷射高度H与轧制方向射流宽度L的试验拟合曲线可知,射流边界近似为抛物线。

    The fitting line from the data of the vertical spray 's height and the jet flow width of rolling direction from experiments showed that the jet boundary line was approximately a parabola .

  27. 介绍了一种射流与PDC刀具的配合方式,即水射流位于刀具底部适当位置辅助刀具切割破碎岩石。

    The paper introduces a fitting method between water jet and PDC bit tool , that is , aid bit tool cut rock while water jet is directed from suitable location of bottom of bit tool .

  28. 采用DualPDA研究了2种射流交叉角度和4种密度比的同轴交叉射流的流场,发现射流交叉角度和密度比对射流流场有重要影响。

    The coaxial cross jets flow field with two different angles of cross jets and four density ratios has been investigated with Dual PDA . The results show that the angle of cross jet and density ratio have important influence on the flow field .

  29. 射流的泵吸作用、汽泡表面相变换热、Marangoni效应等是导致射流和气泡结构演化的根本原因。

    The pumping effect , evaporation and condensation at the bubble interface and Marangoni flow along the interface are the main reasons for the jets and evolution of the bubble structure .

  30. 采用改进的Beam-Warming近似因式分解法求解二维、粘性、非定常、可压全N-S方程,对双微射流作动器定向控制主流的合成流场进行数值模拟。

    The full N-S equations were solved using Beam-Warming approximate factorization method and a high-order compact-difference scheme for the synthetic flow field of vectoring control of a primary jet with the adjacent synthetic jets .