
shè biǎo
  • firing table
射表[shè biǎo]
  1. 火炮射表数据处理数学模型

    A Mathematical Model for Data Processing of Gun Firing Table

  2. 火炮射表数据处理程序及使用说明

    The Program of Gun Firing Table Data Processing and Its Direction For Use

  3. 阻力系数CD对于确定弹的性能和射表是一个重要的量。

    The coefficient of resistance C_D is important for the establishment of the characteristics and shooting-table of a shell .

  4. 传统射表在风修精度和通用性等方面存在不足。

    The traditional fire table has defects in accuracy and generality .

  5. 转管炮射表编制方法研究

    A study on the compilation of firing tables for Gatling guns

  6. 榴弹射表编拟中符合方法的研究

    A study of fitting method for making ground artillery firing tables

  7. 火炮射表数据处理中几个有关问题的讨论

    Researches in several relative problems for gun firing table data processing

  8. 火炮射表数据处理计算步骤和程序框图

    The Computing Procedure and Program Chart for Gun Firing Table Data Processing

  9. 射表参数估计及其虚拟延伸

    Estimation of Firing Table Parameters and its Virtual Extension

  10. 火炮射表数据处理中的优化问题

    An Optimization Problem in Gun Firing Table Data Processing

  11. 通用射表试验接受界的确定

    Accepting Limit in Test of the Application of Firing Table for Different Munitions

  12. 气象探测火箭发射用软件射表

    Software Fire Table Applied in Meteorological Rocket Launch

  13. 基于命中概率建立通用射表判据的研究

    A Study on Establishing the Criterion of Current Firing Table Based on Hit Probability

  14. 神经网络解算射表的方法

    Calculating Shoot Parameter by Neural Net

  15. 火箭炮射表编拟及发射诸元快速装定研究

    Study on the Compilation of Firing Tables and Rapid Firing Elements Binding of Rocket Gun System

  16. 同时模拟对比了分别采用新方法编表和传统方法编表时的射表精度。

    Furthermore , the firing table accuracy between the new making method and traditional method is compared .

  17. 弹道滤波理论在射表编制中的应用

    Tables 11 . 1 tab . the application of ballistic filtering theory in the production of firing bales

  18. 同一火炮武器系统配备的多弹种通常要求能够通用射表。

    Generally , using the same firing table is required for several kinds of projectile equipped in the same gun system .

  19. 在气象探测火箭发射之前需要根据实测风场,应用射表对火箭飞行弹道进行“风修”。

    Before launching a meteorological rocket , the fire table must be used for wind correction to the rocket 's flight trajectory .

  20. 根据虚拟闭环校射的需求,对某射表进行了多项式逼近,并进行了虚拟延伸。

    To meet requirements of virtual close-loop registration firing , polynomial functions applied to fit a firing table and its virtual extension are discussed .

  21. 多组试验数据检验结果证明了其有效性和实用性,对今后通用射表的检验有一定的指导意义。

    The examination results of multi-group experimental data show that the method is effective and practical , and is of great significance in general firing table examination .

  22. 本文是文献〔1&3〕的继续,主要研究火炮射表数据处理算法的计算步骤和程序设计框图。

    Based on the results of [ 1-3 ] , this paper mainly studies the computing procedure and program chart for the gun firing table data processing algorithms .

  23. 通过综合考察各种因素对于射表误差的影响,提出了以45°射角作为最佳符合射角的方案。

    With considering the effect of each source error on the firing table accuracy , the firing angle , 45 °, is determined as the optimum fitting firing angle .

  24. 该方法简洁方便,易于编制程序及模拟仿真,便于工程人员掌握,可用于火箭发射动力学、外弹道学及射表编制等方面研究,具有一定应用价值。

    The method is concise and convenient for program , simulation and computation . It can be applied in many study fields , such as rocket launch dynamics , external ballistics , firing table .

  25. 通过构造命中效能函数,考虑弹丸综合威力和综合命中度,建立了基于命中效能函数的通用射表检验判据,并阐述了相关参数的物理意义和计算方法。

    Considering projectiles ' synthetic power and synthetic hit degree , test criterion of the general firing table was established based on the hit efficiency function . The physical significance and calculation of the correlative parameters were expounded .

  26. N-Cat系列综合河外射电源表

    N-Cat Series Combined Extragalactic Radio Source Catalogues

  27. 1988至1992各年度IERS综合河外射电源表的重新归算

    Recompilation of the Combined Extragalactic Radio Source Catalogues of IERS for Years from 1988 to 1992

  28. 判断与消除河外射电源表之间局部相对形变的方法评述

    A Review of Methods on Identifying and Deleting Local Relative Deformations between Extragalactic Radio Source Catalogues

  29. 简要介绍了编制综合河外射电源表的几种方法,分析了它们各自的特点。

    Several compilation methods of combined catalogues of extragalactic radio sources are reviewed and their characteristics are analyzed briefly .

  30. 现代射电源位置表的精度分析和综合结果

    Analysis of the accuracy and the synthetic results for the modern catalogues of radio sources