
àn jiāo
  • fringing reef
岸礁[àn jiāo]
  1. 涠洲岛珊瑚岸礁的沉积特征

    Sedimentary characteristic of the coral fringing reef on the Weizhou Island

  2. 巨浪也会随之增多,巨浪淹没岸礁,就将导致他们的淡水源受到污染。

    they 're expecting more waves to come in over the fringing reef , which will contaminate their fresh water supply .

  3. 岛屿北部、东部沿岸珊瑚岸礁相当发育,礁坪宽400~1025m,珊瑚生长带宽200~660m;

    The coral reefs are well developed along the north and east coasts of the island , the reef flats are 400 to 1025m wide , and the coral growing zones are 200 to 660m wide ;

  4. 琼州海峡岸礁潮间带生物

    Organism in intertidal zone of fringing reef at Qiongzhou Straits

  5. 海南岛珊瑚岸礁的特征

    The characteristics of fringing reefs of Hainan Island

  6. 该区水文、气象因素基本适应珊瑚岸礁的发育。

    Conditions of hydrology and climate of this area are basically suitable for the growth of reefs .

  7. 现代碳酸盐和陆源碎屑的混合沉积作用&涠洲岛珊瑚岸礁实例


  8. 你如果仔细观察,还会发现在岸礁底下,有蟋蟀一样大小的小螃蟹。

    If you look closely , will be found under reef , there are crickets in small-sized crabs .

  9. 珊瑚岸礁最重要特征是礁源碳酸盐和陆源碎屑的混合沉积作用。

    The mixing accumulation of fringing reef carbonates and terrigenous clastics is important feature of the coral fringing .

  10. 海南岛西北岸礁坪堆积物的粒度参数与分布特征粒度与粒度分布测定法的近况

    The accumulational materials on the reef flats along the northwestern Bank of Hainan island : features of their grain size parameter and distribution

  11. 在一级分类中可划分出岸礁、台内礁、台地边缘礁、斜坡礁和盆地礁这5种生物礁类型。

    In the first classification , the reef can be divided into fringing reef , platform inner reef , platform margin reef , slope reef and basin reef .

  12. 他生长在查尔斯顿,熟悉海港附近卡罗来纳海岸的每一个小港小湾、沙洲和岸礁,同时对威尔明顿周围的水域也了如指掌。

    Reared in charleston , he knew every inlet , creek , shoal and rock of the Carolina coast near that port , and he was equally at home in the waters around wilmington .

  13. 光合有效辐射和叶面温度为异戊二烯排放主要环境控制因素.初步认为低海水温度是三亚岸礁区滨珊瑚季节生长率变化的主要环境控制因素之一。

    We think that the variation of water temperature is one of the factors impacting the coral growth rate in the area and the low water temperature is a primary controlling factor of the seasonal growth rate .

  14. 本区岸礁的生态分带为:(1)内礁坪光滩带;

    Obviously , the corals in the west coast grow better than in the eat The coral reef in the area is ecologically zoned into : ( 1 ) the bare flat in the inner reef flat ;

  15. 在南海北部大陆架陆源碎屑沉积占优势的背景上,珊瑚岸礁和堡礁周围广泛发育着礁源碳酸盐和陆源碎屑组成的混合沉积。

    In the north continental shelf of the South China Sea , which is dominated by terrigenous clastic sediments , around fringing and barrier coral reefs , there widely developed recent mixed sediments , which consist of reefoid carbonates and terrigenous clastics .

  16. 渤海湾西北岸牡蛎礁体对区域性构造活动与水动型海面变化的响应

    Oyster reefs response to the regional neotectonics and eustatic sea-level , northwest coast of Bohai Bay

  17. 正在影响该岸段珊瑚礁覆盖率仍持续下降的主要原因是沿岸对虾或鲍育苗养殖;

    The human activities were the main factors on the reduction of live coral cover .

  18. 第二天黎明,风平浪静,老二漂流到两个石礁中间,缆好船,上了岸,发现两礁各有一个小庙。

    The next day dawn , calm and her younger brother drifted into the middle of the two reefs , cable a good boat , on the shore and found two reefs have a small temple .