
  • 网络transportation;transport
  1. 三门湾的悬沙分布和输移特性

    Distribution and transportation characteristics of suspended sediments in the Sanmen Bay

  2. 黄河北干流河道泥沙的输移与沉积

    Sediment Transportation and Deposit in North Main Reaches of Yellow River

  3. 非线性Stokes波浪场中污染物输移扩散研究

    Study on transport and diffusion of contaminants in nonlinear Stokes waves

  4. Einstein床沙质输移理论的再研究&关于粗颗粒床沙质输沙率的计算

    A Further Study on Einstein 's Sediment Transport theory & On Calculation of Total Load for Coarse Grains

  5. 本文采用kε紊流模型建立了冰盖流及物质输移的垂向二维数值模型,对封冻河道水流的垂向掺混特性及水中冰在冰盖下的输移规律进行了研究。

    The κ - ε turbulence model is applied to establish the 2-D numerical model for studying vertical mixing characteristics of flow in ice-covered river and transportation of frazil-ice in water .

  6. 求解SPAC系统水热输移的耦合迭代计算方法

    The coupled iteration method in solving the water movement and heat transfer in SPAC

  7. SWAT模型能够利用遥感和地理信息系统提供的空间信息模拟多种不同的水文物理化学过程,如水量、水质、以及杀虫剂的输移与转化过程。

    SWAT model was developed to simulate varying hydro physical processes including water , sediment and agricultural chemical yields in large complex watersheds .

  8. 盐城潮滩湿地对N、P营养物质的截留效应研究本论文主要研究在不同尺度条件下水塘湿地系统中氮、磷输移规律及截留效应。

    Retention Effect of Wetland for Nitrogen and Phosphorus Nutrients in the Coastal Zone of the Yancheng The main aim of this thesis is to research the transporting regulation and the retention effect of N and P for the different dimensions pond wetland system .

  9. 在三维溢油模型中增加了油滴的垂向紊动扩散和水平运动的二阶Stokes波导净输移,其基于的环境动力有风场、潮流场和波浪。

    The vertical turbulent diffusion and horizontal movement of the second Stokes induced net transport has been considered in the 3D oil spill model which is based on wind , current and wave .

  10. 输移量为坡长大于20m的径流小区或小集水区出口处的拦蓄量。

    Sediment delivery can be gained through measuring the sediment reserving at the exit of runoff plot or small water collection area which slope length is more than 20 meters .

  11. 流域内松散堆积物总体积不超过200万m3,流域的自然泥沙输移比为0.997,接近于1。

    In addition , there is at most 2 million m ~ 3 of accumulative deposits in the gully and the natural sediment delivery rate for the gully is 0.997 , which is close to 1 .

  12. 量测了在水深0.5m的情况下波浪、水流通过水平沙床所产生的床沙输移。

    Measurments were made for the bed sand transport caused by the wave and current travelling over a horizontal sand bed with a water depth of 0.5 m.

  13. 采用粒子图像测速(PIV)技术和平面激光诱导荧光(PLIF)技术测量了水槽中水流的流场和污染物质扩散输移的浓度场,得到了梯形断面水槽中物质的横向扩散系数。

    The water flow velocity and pollutant concentration distributions were measured by a particle image velocimeter ( PIV ) and planar laser induced fluorescence ( PLIF ) to calculate the transverse diffusion coefficient .

  14. 结果表明,潮波作用使涨潮历时延长、落潮历时缩短,但在长江口,每天向东海的平均输移速率仍可有17~28km左右。

    A net excursion rate in the estuary could , however , be estimated still in a range of about 17 to 28 km daily on an average towards the East China Sea .

  15. 宽级配非均匀沙最大起动粒径d(cmax)和推移质总输沙率的推求是刻画非均匀沙推移质输移规律的两个重要指标,也是研究非均匀沙运动规律的核心课题之一。

    Computing the maximal grain size during incipient motion d_ ( cmax ) and gross bed-load transport rate in Non-uniform sediment with a wide distribution are two important indexes for description its transport law , and it is also a core question for discussion in non-uniform sediment research .

  16. 流域尺度的营养物质输移模型研究综述

    An overview : development of nutrient transport models at catchment scale

  17. 一维非均匀流对流方程高阶数值解法平面二维对流输移问题新解

    High-order Method to Solve the Advection Equation in One-dimensional Non-uniform Flow

  18. 垂向二维悬沙输移有限元数学模型

    A Two-dimensional Vertical Finite Element Mathematical Model of Suspended Sediment Transport

  19. 明槽高浓度输移固粒的能耗

    Energy Loss of Grain Transport at High Concentration in Open Channel

  20. 浅滩泥沙输移方向自西向东。

    The direction of sediment transport is from west to east .

  21. 黄土区坡耕地侵蚀输移特征

    Characteristics of Erosion and Moving of Sloping Field in Loess Area

  22. 从力学角度上讲,悬移质泥沙受水流紊动扩散而悬浮,受重力作用而沉降,所以颗粒的悬浮输移主要取决于水流的紊动特性。

    So particle suspend depend on the characteristic of turbulence mainly .

  23. 长江泥沙的来源、输移和沉积特性分析

    Characteristic Analyses of Sediment Yielding , Transportation and sedimentation in Yangtze River

  24. 河网对流输移问题的求解及应用

    Solution and application of convection transport problem for river network

  25. 潮汐水域中污染物输移扩散的数值模拟研究

    Numerical Research on the Transport and Dispersion of Pollutants in Tidal Waters

  26. 恒定条件下物质输移扩散方程的几种解析解

    The analytical solutions for material transport and diffusion equation under constant condition

  27. 河口、海岸泥沙输移数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation of Sediment Transport in Estuary and Coastal Areas

  28. 黄河河口泥沙输移及其分布规律研究

    Study on Yellow River Estuary Sediment Transport and It 's Distributing Regulation

  29. 山区流域泥沙输移比计算公式

    A Calculating Formula of Sediment Delivery Ratio in Mountainous Regions

  30. 床沙代表粒径与输移泥沙中值粒径的关系

    Representative Diameter of Bed Material and Median Size of Sediment in Transport