
shū rù shè bèi
  • input device
  1. 无所不在的鼠标输入设备没有任何隐喻;相反,是习惯用法的学习

    The ubiquitous mouse input device is not metaphoric of anything , but rather is learned idiomatically .

  2. 这些数据除装入输入设备时外,其它时间与CPU是脱机的。

    These stored data are offline from the CPU except when loaded on an input device .

  3. 警察使用手写笔输入设备在触控式屏幕上写报告。

    The officers use stylus pen-based input devices to write their reports onto touch-sensitive screens .

  4. 计算机的物理部件处理器、存储器、输入设备和输出设备是它的硬件。

    The physical components of a computer-the processor , memory , input devices , and output devices-are its hardware .

  5. 鼠标器(MOUSE)已越来越广泛地应用于计算机和工作站的软件开发中,成为图形图象系统下快捷而灵活的辅助输入设备。

    MOUSE has been the fast and flexible aided input equipment in graphic Systems .

  6. 基于嵌入式Linux智能仪器多输入设备设计与实现

    Multi-input Devices Based on Embedded Linux Intelligent Instrument

  7. 使用单目摄像头作为手势输入设备,通过编写的Visualc++控制台程序,进行音乐演奏。

    This system inputs gesture using single-eye camera and compiles Visual C + + console application program for musical performance .

  8. VB中对输入设备的响应

    Respond of the input equipment in VB

  9. 在快速建模技术逐渐走向桌面的同时,市场对3-D输入设备的需求日益增加。

    As rapid-prototyping technologies are finding their way to desktops , 3-D input devices are becoming increasingly needed .

  10. 支持触摸屏和标准USB输入设备,图形化的人机互交界面。

    This article supports the touch screen and standard USB input device , graphical man-machine interactive interface .

  11. API来支持扩展插件输入设备扩展点到插件API(用于远程控制,等等。)

    Extend Addons API to support input devices extension point to the Addons API ( for remote controls , etc. )

  12. 为了测试我在使用鼠标和其他输入设备时的效率,我使用了一款科学家开发的用来测试人类肌肉在速度与准确性上协调程度的程序:菲茨定律(Fitts'slaw)。

    To test my efficiency using a mouse and other input devices , I used a program scientists developed to study the speed-accuracy trade-offs in human muscle movements , called Fitts 's Law .

  13. 输入设备在Vega应用中的接入方法研究

    Study on the Method for Introducing Input Device in Vega Application

  14. 而MocapPerformance是以一个舞蹈演员的全身为输入设备的实验装置,就是他们的。

    Experimenting with the whole body of a dancer as an input device they also created the Mocap Performance .

  15. 采用游戏杆来作为系统的外部操纵输入设备,并在Linux系统框架下进行游戏杆接口程序的开发。

    The joystick is taken as the external controlled input device and the interface program for the joystick is developed in the Linux system .

  16. 以一名舞蹈演员的全身作为实验的输入设备,我们创造了MocaPerformance项目(2002年)。

    Experimenting with the whole body of a dancer as an input device we created the Mocap Performance ( 2002 ) .

  17. 软件漏洞百出、硬件性能不足、界面凌乱不堪、用户输入设备让人摸不着头脑,这款Android电视迅速从“必需品”降格至“可有可无”。

    Scatterbrained development , underpowered boxes , non-uniform interfaces , and confusing input devices quickly turned the Android-powered peripherals from must-haves to half-offs .

  18. 选择框表明MIDI输入设备或输出可用于应用程序。

    The selection box identifies the MIDI input or output devices available to the application .

  19. 它的屏幕更大,因此它可能不如智能手机那么便携;它缺少内置的键盘,因此作为一个输入设备,它可能不如pc或mac那么有用。

    The larger screen may make it less portable than a smartphone , its lack of a built-in keyboard less useful as an input device than a PC or Mac .

  20. 本文着重讨论了有关单片机控制机电产品的综合应用技术&以PC键盘作为输入设备、内置微控制器的液晶显示模块的显示器作为输出设备的单片机控制系统的设计与实现。

    This paper describes the synthetic applied technique of the single-chip & the controlsystem is designed and implemented , which include import equipment PC keyboard and export equipment LCD module display based on inner micro-controller .

  21. GriffiniMic是我们选择的音频输入设备。

    The Griffin iMic is our audio input device of choice .

  22. 但是sort和uniq则需要从标准输入设备(stdin)请求数据输入。

    However , both sort and uniq require data entry or input from the standard input device ( stdin ) .

  23. 第二个部分使用生物声学传感器(bio-acousticsensors),来检测人体的能量传输,从而将人体转化为一个“基于击键动作的输入设备”(tap-basedinputdevice)。

    The second uses bio-acoustic sensors that detect energy transmissions through the body , transforming the human body into a tap-based input device .

  24. BACnet智能温度传感器是BACnet楼宇自控系统中最为常用的数据输入设备。

    The Smart Temperature Sensor of BACnet is the most important device for data input in BAS based on BACnet .

  25. 利用TWAIN标准对原植物叶片面积测量系统进行了改进,使其可以直接从支持TWAIN标准的数字化图像输入设备读取图像数据。

    Using TWAIN standard , the leaf area measurement system is improved so that image data can be read directly from digital image equipment .

  26. 随着MEMS技术的发展,空间手写的输入设备一般选择的是体积小、精度高、抗外部环境干扰能力强的MEMS加速度传感器。

    With the development of MEMS technology the input device of space handwriting is generally MEMS acceleration sensor which is small , high precision and has strong resistance to the external environment interference .

  27. 行动不便的用户&对于这类个体,必须提供其他的输入设备,例如眼球追踪技术(eye-tracking)和通过口述方式输入。

    Mobility-impaired individuals for whom alternative input devices , such as eye-tracking or verbal , are necessary .

  28. 采用键盘作为系统的输入设备,LCD作为系统的显示输出设备,同时提供了串行、USB、以太网接口,SDRAM和FLASH等。

    In the system , using the keyboard as its input and the LCD as its output , it also provides general serial ports , USB and Ethernet port , flash memory and SDRAM , etc.

  29. 例如,一套UDI系统可以鉴别设备的兼容性,如安全的用于磁力共振成像系统(MRI)的输入设备。

    For example , a UDI could identify which devices are compatible , such as implanted devices being used safely with magnetic resonance imaging ( MRI ) systems .

  30. 本文介绍了光栅输入设备与应用软件之间的连接的TWAIN标准的基本原理及结构,简要说明了在图片输入过程中的TWAIN相关软件的工作过程与状态。

    This paper introduces the fundamental principle and structure of the TWAIN standard , and simple interprets the work and state of the TWAIN when it acquires the images .