
zhài zhǔ
  • creditor;debtee
债主 [zhài zhǔ]
  • [creditor] 把钱借给别人收取利息的人;放债的人

债主[zhài zhǔ]
  1. 可是,债主却不答应,让他立刻还钱。

    But the creditor refused and said he must pay at once .

  2. 碰巧,债主也在那个市场里。

    It happened that his creditor was there too .

  3. 我在竭力避开债主。

    I 'm trying to keep my creditors at bay .

  4. 他曾想方设法还债主的钱,但却再也躲不过他们了。

    He had struggled to pay off creditors but couldn 't fend them off any longer .

  5. 如果盗贼蜂起,税使和债主就消失了。

    If robbers abounded , tax-gatherers and creditors had disappeared .

  6. 他们同意3年内向债主还清欠款

    They agreed to repay their creditors over a period of three years .

  7. 一个雅典人欠了别人的钱,债主三番几次来催他还钱,但他当时根本没有办法还钱,所以请求延期几天。

    A man of Athens fell into debt and was pressed for the money by his creditor1 ; but he had no means of paying at the time , so he begged for delay .

  8. 第一石油(PremierOil)、塔洛石油(TullowOil)等英国石油公司在今年剩余时间里必须更加努力,才能让它们的债主安心。

    UK groups like Premier Oil and Tullow Oil will have to work ever harder to keep their lenders happy as the year goes on .

  9. 据《纽约时报》报道,这位饶舌歌手的债主给法官展示了他的Instagram帐号。

    The rapper 's creditors had tipped her off to the Instagram account , according to the New York Times .

  10. 在中国抢注了ipad商标、资不抵债的深圳唯冠科技(shenzhenproviewtechnology)的债主们,对正在试图取得这个商标控制权的苹果(apple),发起了最新挑战。

    Creditors of Proview Technology ( Shenzhen ) , the insolvent group that registered the iPad trademark in China , have mounted an additional challenge to apple in its efforts to gain control of the trademark .

  11. 美国能源业的大债主富国银行(WellsFargo)和美国银行(BankofAmerica)第一季度都上调了能源贷款损失准备金。两家银行过去一年都削减了它们的敞口;

    Wells Fargo and Bank of America , big lenders to the US energy sector , both upped their energy loan loss provisions in the first quarter . Both have slashed their exposure over the past year ;

  12. 不过,意大利最大的地产公司之一的Risanamento正想尽办法逃避其债主们。

    But one of Italy 's biggest property companies , Risanamento , is fighting to stave off its creditors .

  13. 我们无法了知我们所有的冤亲债主。

    We do not know who all of our creditors are .

  14. 琼斯破产后,债主们把他的全部财产都变卖了。

    Jones went bankrupt and was sold up by his creditors .

  15. 我的债主们都以为我住在西雅图呢

    Everyone I owe money to thinks I live in Seattle .

  16. 近几个月来,他一直被债主追债。

    He has been houndedby his creditors in the past few months .

  17. 大多数高利贷债主不喜欢别人自作主张。

    Most loan sharks don 't take too kindly to independent thinking .

  18. 杰克逊的房子被他的债主们以拍卖形式出售。

    Jackson 's house was set up for auction by his creditors .

  19. 欠债的是债主的仆人。

    And the borrower is the slave of the lender .

  20. 受到记者的纠缠、债主的追逼、新闻界的烦扰。

    Be hounded by reporters , one 's creditors , the press .

  21. 我的债主对我的意图表示难以理解。

    My creditors expressed curiosity as to my intentions .

  22. 他努力避免与那债主碰面。

    He tried hard to avoid meeting the debtor .

  23. 里面全是债主的咆哮体留言

    brimming over with livid messages from my creditors .

  24. 狡猾的女债主建议,让上帝来决定这件事。

    The cunning female moneylender suggested that they let Providence decide the matter .

  25. 他分12次付还了债主的钱。

    He pays off his creditor in twelve instalment .

  26. 这个穷人躲避他的债主。

    The poor man ran away from his creditors .

  27. 兰尼斯特家是最大的债主,

    The Lannisters are the biggest part of it ,

  28. 第三,不要做债主。

    Third , don 't be a lender .

  29. 他的那些债主正在讨债。

    His creditors are demanding to be paid .

  30. 我才是债主,你就管这叫公正?

    I 'm the one who 's owed money and you call that justice ?