  • false;fake;sham;phoney
  • borrow;avail oneself of
  • if;suppose

  • holiday;vacation;leave of absence;furlough
  • 不真实的,不是本来的,与“真”相对:~山。~话。~冒。~释。~死。虚~。真~。弄虚作~。

  • 借用,利用:~借。~货。~道(借路)。~手(利用他人为自己办事)。~公济私。不~思索(用不着想)。

  • 〔~名〕日本文所用的字母,多借用汉字的偏旁。楷书称“片~~”,草书称“平~~”。

  • 据理推断,有待验证的:~设。~使。~令。~如。~若。

  • 照规定或经请求批准暂时离开工作或学习场所:~日。~条。病~。


(虚伪的; 不真实的; 伪造的; 人造的) false; fake; sham; phoney; artificial; counterfeit; forged:

  • 假和平

    phoney peace;

  • 假检讨

    insincere self-criticism;

  • 假民主

    bogus [sham] democracy;

  • 假腿

    artificial leg;

  • 以假乱真

    create confusion by passing off the spurious as genuine;

  • 作假证

    bear [give] false witness


(借用) borrow; avail oneself of:

  • 假革命之名

    usurp the name of revolution;

  • 久假不归

    keep putting off returning sth. one has borrowed; appropriate sth. borrowed for one's own use


(假如) if; suppose:

  • 假令

    in case


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 假仓

    Jia Cang


(按照规定不工作或不学习的时间; 假期) holiday; vacation:

  • 寒[暑]假

    winter [summer] vacation;

  • 今年夏天你去哪儿度假?

    Where are you going for your vacation this summer?

  • 学校自7月12日到9月1日放假。

    Schools give a vacation from July 12 to September 1.


(经过批准暂时不工作或不学习的时间; 休假) leave of absence; furlough:

  • 病假

    sick leave;

  • 超假

    overstay one's leave of absence;

  • 请假

    ask for leave;

  • 事假

    leave of absence;

  • 休假

    be on leave [furlough];

  • 我每三年休假一次。

    I have a furlough every three years.

  1. 他作了假供词,后来又翻供。

    He made a false confession which he later retracted .

  2. 消防人员接到报警后出动,但这是假报火警。

    The fire service was called out but it was a false alarm .

  3. 她请了假去参加葬礼。

    She asked for leave of absence to attend a funeral .

  4. 这一揽子福利包括每年20天的带薪假。

    The package includes 20 days ' paid holiday a year .

  5. 新闻报道证明了他的推测果然不假。

    The truth of his conjecture was confirmed by the newspaper report .

  6. 我打算去法国度个短假。

    I 'm going to France for a short break .

  7. 她问老板可不可以让她请一天假。

    She asked her boss whether she could have the day off .

  8. 我不记得他请过哪怕一天假。

    I can 't remember his taking a single day off work .

  9. 没有人留意到那是一支假枪。

    No one spotted that the gun was a fake .

  10. 还欠我三天假呢。

    I 'm still owed three days ' leave .

  11. 我要问一下老板我能不能请一天假。

    I 'll ask my boss if I can have the day off .

  12. 我们无忧无虑地度了三个星期的假。

    We spent three blissful weeks away from work .

  13. 包括元旦在内我有三天假。

    I 've got three days ' holiday including New Year 's Day .

  14. 我的一颗牙齿镶了假齿冠。

    I 've had one of my teeth crowned .

  15. 有一些假入场券在流通。

    A number of forged tickets are in circulation .

  16. 你休了几天假?

    How many days did you take off ?

  17. 她绝不会戴假珍珠。

    She would never wear imitation pearls .

  18. 你期中假打算干什么?

    What are you doing at half-term ?

  19. 史密斯夫人刚刚赢了200万英镑——一点没假!整整200万英镑!

    Mrs Smith has just won £ 2 million ─ yes ! ─£ 2 million !

  20. 癌症检查的结果中,假阴性占一定比例的现象受到极大关注。

    The percentage of false negatives generated by the cancer test is of great concern .

  21. 她交上辞呈后,却得到了三个月的园艺假。

    She handed in her resignation and was put on three months ' gardening leave .

  22. 他的口音听上去很假。

    His accent was so faux .

  23. 我得请一周的假,同事们对此非常谅解。

    I had to take a week off work but my colleagues were very good about it .

  24. 我的医生对我有求必应。我想要休一天假时,他总会给我开病假条。

    I have a tame doctor who 'll always give me a sick note when I want a day off .

  25. 埃文斯正试图取得一本假护照和其他证件。

    Evans was trying to obtain a false passport and other documents

  26. 你为什么不休几天假?

    Why don 't you take a few days ' leave ?

  27. 布劳顿星期一称病请了一天假来粉刷栅栏。

    Broughton took a sickie on Monday to paint his fence .

  28. 看到乔治假慈悲,我感到恶心。

    The sight of George shedding crocodile tears made me sick .

  29. 他向外交部请了一年的假。

    He took a year 's sabbatical from the Foreign Office

  30. 自从做这份工作起,我就没有休过假。

    I 've never taken a holiday since starting this job