
  • 网络wig;conventional wig
  1. 你是不是戴了个假发套?

    Are you wearing a wig ?

  2. 另外,与之配套的还有标有“让美国再度强大”口号的帽子和“政治家地区支援中央的假发套”,这两件物品需要另外购买,售价分别为7.95美金和9.95美金。

    For an additional $ 7.95 , shoppers can also purchase the matching " Making America Great Hat , " and for $ 9.95 , the " Comb Over Politician Wig . "

  3. 法官至今还戴18世纪的假发套而没有人嘲笑。

    Eighteenth-century wigs are still worn by the judiciary and nobody smirks .

  4. 他有三个假发套,每个值五百美元。

    He owned three five hundred dollar hairpieces .

  5. 因为请柬上标明要化妆前往,于是两周前买了两个假发套。

    Since it was indicated on the invitation that everyone had to dress up , I bought two wigs two weeks ago .

  6. 我们笑谈着吉姆在海边度假时寄来的明信片。法官至今还戴18世纪的假发套而没有人嘲笑。

    We laughed over Jim 's postcard from his seaside holiday . Eighteenth-century wigs are still worn by the judiciary and nobody smirks .

  7. 法官戴了假发和全套代表他那个地位的服饰。

    The judge wore a wig and all the trappings of his position .

  8. 正是这样的缘故,现在华盛顿大学做乌鸦研究的学生都带上巨大的假发,还套上面具。

    So now , students at the University of Washington that are studying these crows , do so with a giant wig and a big mask .

  9. 全国最好的假发店里好的假发套卖到大约800元一个。

    In the best toupee shops in the country , a good hairpiece costs about eight hundred yuan .