
  1. 第六部分:筠连词汇和语法简述,通过和普通话词汇语法的对比,简单介绍筠连话中独特的词汇语法现象。

    The sixth part is the description of vocabulary and grammar .

  2. 参照汉语普通话词汇系统描述了它在现代生活中的使用情况。

    Refer to Chinese Putonghua glossary system to describe its usage in modern life .

  3. 第四章对广西陆川县乌石镇客家方言词汇和普通话词汇的差异性进行比较研究。

    The third and fourth chapters make a comparative study on vocabulary between Hakka dialect of Wushi town and mandarin .

  4. 第五章分析广西陆川乌石镇客家方言词汇与普通话词汇异同的原因。

    The fifth chapter analyses the reasons of similarities and differences on vocabulary between Hakka dialect of Wushi town and mandarin .

  5. 横向比较包括巫山话词汇和普通话词汇的比较,巫山县内部各调查点之间的词汇比较。

    The transverse comparison includes the comparison between Wushan language and Mandarin ; and the comparison of vocabularies between the inquiry spots in Wushan County .

  6. 本文分别从词形、词义、词源三方面对广西陆川县乌石镇客家方言词汇与普通话词汇进行比较研究。

    This paper makes a comparative study on vocabulary between Hakka dialect of Wushi town and mandarin from the word form , meaning , and etymology .

  7. 不断地吸收汉语新词是丰富和发展普通话词汇系统的有效途径,而且新词的使用使得我们的言语交际更加方便、生动和形象。

    The valid approach to richen and develop Mandarin lexicon system is to absorb those new words into Chinese lexicon system continuously to make the communication more convenient and lifelike .

  8. 巫山话词汇和普通话词汇的比较,主要是通过巫山话词汇中的名词、动词、形容词等词语与普通话的比较,归纳出巫山话词汇的构词特点。

    As for the comparison between Wushan language and Mandarin , the author aims at finding out the word-building characteristics mainly by comparing the nouns , the verbs , the adjectives between Wushan language and Mandarin .

  9. 第二章在野地调查的基础上总结了柳林方言词汇表,词汇表包括方言词汇,方言词汇相对应的普通话词汇,及方言词汇国际音标。

    The second chapter summarizes grahame dialect vocabulary , vocabulary on the basis of field investigation , including dialect vocabulary , that corresponds to the mandarin dialect vocabulary , and the international phonetic alphabet dialect vocabulary .

  10. 普通话儿童词汇相邻性单音节词表的编制语音学理论在普通话单音节小词表编录中的应用

    Application of Phonetic Theories in Compilation of Short Mandarin Monosyllabic Word List

  11. 目的对普通话测听词汇表(mandarinspeechtestmaterials,MSTM)中的语句测试材料进行等价性测试,以期得到难度平衡的若干张句表。

    Objective To estimate the equivalence of the sentence materials for mandarin speech test materials ( MSTM ) in order to get some equivalent sentence lists .

  12. 双音节普通话言语测听词汇表的听力正常人评价标准

    Normative data of disyllabic Mandarin speech test materials for normally hearing people

  13. 实验一和实验二对粤语/普通话的书面语言词汇表征模型进行探讨。

    The first experiment and second experiment discuss the mental lexicon of written language between Cantonese and Mandarin .

  14. 新词是指近年来产生的或被吸收到普通话中当中的词汇,主要来自于一些外来词、方言词、专业词、新构词以及原有词新增添的义项。

    New word refers to those produced recently or be absorbed by Mandarin , mainly from loanwords , dialect , specialty , newly-created words and those original words with new meanings .