
  1. 《现代汉语异形词规范词典》和《现代汉语词典》(第五版),都是我国规范现代汉语词汇的顶级权威词典。

    Both Standardized Variant Forms Dictionary of Modern Chinese and Modern Chinese Dictionary ( the5th Edition ) serve the purpose of setting a standard for Chinese vocabulary .

  2. 李行健说,《现代汉语规范词典》每五年修订一次,剔除过时词汇,给新词腾出空间。

    Every five years , the Dictionary of Modern Standard Chinese is revised , with outdated words dropped to make room for new ones , said Mr. Li .

  3. 《现代汉语规范词典》的第一版2004年由外语教学与研究出版社出版的,主要是受到学者和对词汇的当代用法感兴趣的人的青睐。

    The Dictionary of Modern Standard Chinese , first published by the Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press in 2004 , is appreciated especially by scholars and those interested in contemporary usage .

  4. 基本词汇研究是语言研究的一项基础工程,它对语言研究、语言教学、词汇规范、词典编纂及其他相关学科的研究都具有重要的意义。

    Studies of basic vocabulary are a fundamental work of language studies , which is of great significance for language studies , language teaching , standardization of words and phrases , compilation of dictionary and studies of other relevant branches of learning .

  5. 本文的研究工作包括规范化词典和规则库的建立,受限规则的设计,现有语义分类体系的应用、细化、补充与适应性修改,语言知识在数据库中的存储形式,语义的搭配关系等。

    Our research involves the foundation of machine dictionary , the design of rule stack , the application and revision of current semantic clarifying system , the store form of language knowledge in database and the relation in all kinds of semantic matching .

  6. 结论可以从3个方面提高学生的阅读效率:信息输入规范化,心理词典条理化,知识表征形象化;

    Conclusion We can promote the reading efficiency of students from three aspects as follow : standardizing the information input , systematizing the mental dictionary and visualizing knowledge presentation ;

  7. 《现代汉语词典》(以下简称《现汉》)是中国第一部规范型现代汉语词典,其权威性早已经过时间和实践的检验。

    Modern Chinese Dictionary ( MCD for short ) is regarded as the first normal form Chinese dictionary , and its authority has already been proved by time and practice .

  8. 一部规范应用写作的工具书&《现代汉语规范词典》刍议

    A standardized applied writing tool book & A brief comment on Modern Chinese Standardized Dictionary