
guī chéng
  • regulation;standards;rules;protocol;provision;statute;standing order;directive rules
规程 [guī chéng]
  • [rules;regulation;provision] 规则章程

  • 操作规程

规程[guī chéng]
  1. 同时电厂应编制具体的风机规程。防止类似现象发生。

    Specific directive rules should be worked out in order to avoid similar phenomenon .

  2. 讨论了在水文缆道测验中利用RS-485通信规程,对水平和垂直两个通道的变频器进行计算机控制,实现了动态调速和方向控制,提高了测站的工作效率和测控水平。

    It is discussed that by using RS-485 communication standards in the test of hydrological cable , the frequency transformers on the horizontal and vertical channels are controlled by computers to realize dynamic speed regulation and direction control to improve the working efficiency and the level of observation and control .

  3. 公司因忽略了安全规程而受到公开批评。

    The company was publicly rebuked for having neglected safety procedures .

  4. 卫生安全官员将向你把安全规程解释一遍。

    The health and safety officer will guide you through the safety procedures .

  5. 遵照建筑规程的第6条实施了安全措施。

    Safety measures were carried out in compliance with paragraph 6 of the building regulations .

  6. 主管官员裁定这项动议不符合议事规程。

    The presiding officer ruled that the motion was out of order .

  7. 在两架喷气机差点出事故之后,起飞和降落的操作规程更加严格了。

    Take-off and landing procedures have been tightened after two jets narrowly escaped disaster .

  8. 不得擅自修改操作规程。

    No unauthorized changes may be made in the rules of operation .

  9. 利用压下系数KH编制钢板带压下规程

    Steel sheet strip rolling schedule worked out with reducing coefficient of thickness K_H

  10. 基于AutoCAD的工艺规程开发与应用

    The Exploitation and Application of Process Specification Based on AutoCAD

  11. 在SOA的早期,治理仅是一个不错的可选规程。

    During the first wave of SOA , governance was merely a nice , optional discipline .

  12. 关于厦门地区《普通混凝土配合比设计规程》中回归系数αa、αb值的确定

    Selection of the value of regressive coefficient α _a 、α _b in 《 Regulation of Common Concrete Mix Design 》 in Xiamen area

  13. CAPP采用派生式生成工艺规程;

    CAPP adopts variant to generate process plan ;

  14. 不幸的是,一些实践者将SCM看作是一个陈旧的且不必要的控制规程。

    Unfortunately , some practitioners regard SCM as an archaic and unnecessarily controlling discipline .

  15. 关于编制新建铁路GPSRTK测量技术规程的建议

    Suggestions on Drawing up Technical Regulations for GPS RTK Surveying of the Newly Built Railways

  16. 从工艺规程设计的概念入手,论述了CAPP技术的发展现状,并就其未来的发展进行展望。

    Starting with the concept of process planning , the development of CAPP technology is expounded and forecast .

  17. HDLC规程的Petri网形式说明与验证

    Formal specification and verification of HDLC procedure using Petri nets and its implementation

  18. 在这个例子中,RUP规程被电影制作相关活动所取代。

    In this example , activities related to making a movie are substituted for the RUP disciplines .

  19. 通用成帧规程、虚级联和链路容量调整机制三项新技术使得SDH设备实现了数据业务和话音业务的综合传输,SDH发展成了多业务传送平台。

    GFP , virtual concatenation and link capacity adjustment scheme facilitate SDH to transport data service and voice service .

  20. 如要落实各该项规定,需要修改pct《行政规程》。

    Implementation of those provisions would require modification of the PCT administrative instructions .

  21. 该卡具有STD总线规范、SDLC规程及RS&422标准接口。

    The card has STD bus specification , SDLC protocol and RS-422 standard interface .

  22. 根据国际种子检验规程,采用吸水纸培养法(blottermethod)对来自河北省各地的高梁种子样品进行了种子带菌分析。本文报道了已鉴定出的种子携带真菌,共计17属21种。

    Using blotter method , the mycoflora of Sorghum seeds in Hebei province were examined Twenty one fungal species belong to seventeen genera have been identified .

  23. 计算机辅助工艺规程设计(ComputerAidedProcessPlanning,CAPP),是促进生产准备工作自动化的有效途径,其应用对于缩短产品制造周期、提高产品质量、降低产品成本具有重要意义。

    Computer Aided Process Planning ( CAPP ), which helps to organize the preparation work for production , plays an important role in shortening product-manufacturing period , enhancing product quality and reducing product cost .

  24. 结论:严格HIV/AIDS病人护理操作规程,可以避免护理人员自身感染HIV。

    Conclusion : The chance of HIV infection may be avoided of the nurses abide by safety regulations strictly in the course of HIV / AIDS patients nursing .

  25. DMIS继电保护统计报表及评价规程应用

    Application of relay protection statistical reports and evaluation rules in DMIS

  26. 这里,请求和响应都是XML文档,它们描述了服务调用规程的细节和步骤,其中包括输入变量和输出结果的要求。

    Here , both the request and response are XML documents that describe the details and procedures of the routine of invocation that contain the requirements for the input variables and output product .

  27. 工艺数据是企业数据的核心之一,作为数据层支持计算机辅助工艺规程设计(CAPP)系统的运作。

    Process data , which supports CAPP ( Computer-Aided Process Planning ) system as data layer , is one of the nucleal of enterprise data .

  28. Vero细胞是WHO和我国生物制品规程认可使用的人用疫苗生产细胞系。

    Vero cells are acknowledged by WHO and China biological products procedures used in human vaccine production .

  29. 笔者论述了如何将此方法应用于中厚板轧制过程的规程制定,并提出了一种将BP神经网络算法用于预报轧制力,进行范例调整的方法。

    How to apply CBR method to establishing plate rolling regulations was described , and a new method using BP nerve net algorithm to predict rolling pressure and to regulate case was put forward .

  30. 结合特征描述法和分类编码法,建立基于特征和编码的钣金工艺信息模型,并提出了基于XML的工艺规程表达,实现钣金工艺实例的多层次描述。

    Combining the method of character description and the method of class coding , we built the model of sheet metal process information . Based on the technology of XML , we put forward the process expression .