
chéng zhèng
  • framing
成帧[chéng zhèng]
  1. 通用成帧协议(GFP)的结构及特点

    The Protocal Structure of Generic Framing Procedure

  2. 发送电路包括卷积编码、成帧、差分、成形滤波、PN发生器和跳频图案发生器等;

    The transmit circuit includes convolutional encoding , framing , differential encoding , shaping filter , PN generator , hopping pattern generator , etc.

  3. 通用成帧规程GFP协议结构特点及其关键技术

    The Protocol Structure and Key Technologies of Generic Framing Procedure

  4. 通用成帧规程GFP及其应用

    The Generic Framing Procedure ( GFP ) and the Applications

  5. 通用成帧规程、虚级联和链路容量调整机制三项新技术使得SDH设备实现了数据业务和话音业务的综合传输,SDH发展成了多业务传送平台。

    GFP , virtual concatenation and link capacity adjustment scheme facilitate SDH to transport data service and voice service .

  6. 7041通用成帧规程(GFP),讨论了GFP的技术特点以及优势。

    7041 Generic Framing Procedure ( GFP ) is introduced , with its technical features and advantages .

  7. 线接口成帧器芯片是T1、E1接入技术的关键技术之一。

    Line interface and framer chip is one of the key technologies about T1 , E1 access technology .

  8. 在GFP(GenericFramingProcedure)封装技术中讨论了GFP的帧格式和定帧方法、成帧映射和透明映射的两种工作方式。

    Frame format and frame location method are discussed in GFP ( Generic Framing Procedure ) encapsulation technology , and framed mapping and transparent mapping are also discussed .

  9. 课题深入分析了PPP(点到点协议)、LAPS(SDH上的链路接入规程)和GFP(通用成帧程序)封装协议各自的特点,提出了GFP封装协议封装以太网业务的优势。

    The subject analyzes the characteristics of PPP ( Point-to-Point Protocol ), LAPS ( Link Access Procedure & SDH ) and GFP ( Generic Framing Procedure ) .

  10. 一方面,围绕数据业务的优化改进促使一系列新技术如链路容量调整方案(LCAS)、通用成帧协议(GFP)、多协议标签交换(MPLS)、弹性分组环(RPR)等不断走向商用;

    On one hand , the optimization of data services have impelled a series of new technologies , such as LCAS , GFP , MPLS and RPR , to turn into business applications ;

  11. 703的基础上,设计出MPEG-2TS流到E2非成帧格式数据流的转换方案,本文将对基于FPGA的实现的原理和实现方法做一些介绍。

    703 protocol , the schemes to convert MPEG TS stream to non & frame E2 stream are introduced , followed by a FPGA oriented implementation , including its principles and solutions .

  12. ITU-T对GPON技术的制定是采用全新的传输汇聚层协议通用成帧协议,以实现多种业务码流的通用成帧规程封装,为高层用户信号业务流和传输网络提供一种通用的适配机制。

    GPON uses the new Transmission Convergence layer technology " Generic Framing Protocol ", to achieve the multi-traffic general framer encapsulation , and to provide a general adapt mechanism to high layer user traffic .

  13. 通用成帧协议(GFP)不仅是光同步数字传输网上的传输协议,而且是光传输网上的新型数据包传输协议,它具有简单、多协议适配等优点。

    Generic framing procedure ( GFP ) is a new brand of data-packet transmitting protocol on synchronous digital hierarchy ( SDH ), as well as on optical transport network ( OTN ) . It has the advantage of simplicity and multi-protocol adapting .

  14. GPON的核心技术,包括上下行成帧和适配、测距和延时补偿、动态带宽分配、加解密及差错控制等,都是在该层实现的。

    The core technologies of GPON , including the framing and adaptation of the frames , ranging and time delay compensation , dynamic bandwidth allocation , encryption and decryption and error control are all implemented in this layer .

  15. 本文分析了GPON的标准,系统结构和协议栈,重点分析和研究了GPON的核心技术通用成帧协议(GFP),主要针对GFP的封装技术和上下帧结构的特点。

    This paper analyses the standard , system architecture and protocol stack of GPON , emphatically analyses and studies the general frame protocol ( GFP ) which is the kernel technology of GPON , mainly aims at the encapsulation technology and characteristic of up / down frame structure in GPON .

  16. 本文先是介绍了一种新的成帧方案ITU-TG。

    In this paper , a new framing method of ITU-T G.

  17. 最后,系统地介绍了整个多媒体数据从采集,经缓冲和打包处理,到成帧发送的过程和实现方法。

    Finally , the whole process of the multimedia data acquisition , buffering , packing and sending is introduced .

  18. 这伟大的内容输入,连同其职能和心灵,通过它分钟部分的成帧器的众生的不朽之一。

    That the great elements enter , together with their functions and the mind , through its minute parts the framer of all beings , the imperishable one .

  19. 建立了包业务模型,得到成帧间隔的概率分布,并讨论了包延时与帧效率的问题。

    In analysis , we establish a packet service model and obtain the distribution of frame internal , and discussed the relation between packet delay and frame efficiency .

  20. 接收方根据所传类型,将读出数据按自动行成帧处理以保证帧完整。

    The receiver side reads out the data from FIFO queue according to the type of data , and form one integrated frame to make sure of the integrality of frame .

  21. 随着网络中应用层业务的日益丰富和传送技术的演进,迫切需要一种简单、灵活、高效的通用成帧技术将各种应用层业务适配到物理层中。

    With the increasing abundance of the application services and the evolution of the transport technology , it is badly needed that a simple , flexible and efficient generic framing technology should adapt various application services to the physical layer .

  22. 方向数据传输的过程则是相反的过程,接收端通过异步复接把控制云台的数据和方向音频数据变成成帧数据,然后经过光电转换变成光信号发送出去。

    Though the direction data transmission process is opposite . On the one hand the receiving terminal changes the data of yuntai control and the derection of audio data into frame data , then sends the optical signal by Photoelectric conversion .

  23. 然而,到底支持哪种codec进行视频渲染却没有达成统一(codec用于将二进制数据流解码成视频帧序列)。

    However , there were disagreements about which codec to support for video rendering .

  24. 这种非破坏性的成像法,直观显示了热电子等离子体的空间分布,一次放电即可成一帧清晰的像。

    This non-destructive imaging method can directly display the spatial distribution of hot electron plasma . A frame of clear picture could be taken at one shot of discharge .

  25. 视频序列中的一部分关键帧在编码端以高分辨率被直接编码,并在解码端被用来当做训练集,而剩下的帧被下采样成非关键帧并以低分辨率被编码。

    A subset of key frames in a video sequence are encoded at high-resolution and serve as a set of training data at the decoder side , while the remaining frames are coded at low-resolution from down-sampling .

  26. 对于时间参考的资源分配,集中器(或协调器)把时间轴(或信道)划分成一连串的超帧。

    For the time reference of resource allocation , the concentrator ( or tuner ) to the time axis ( or channel ) is divided into a series of super-frame .