
  • 网络Address Resolution;Address Resolution Protocol;geocoding
  1. n选项指定不应该执行主机名到IP地址解析。

    The-n switch specifies that host name-to-IP address resolution shouldn 't be performed .

  2. IP电话网络互通中的地址解析研究

    A Study of Address Resolution in IP Phone Intercommunication

  3. ATM承载IP的地址解析体系结构探讨

    The Research on Architecture of Address Resolution for IP over ATM

  4. IP地址解析与子网分割

    IP Addresses Resolution and Subnet Partition

  5. ATM承载IP的地址解析方法分析

    Analyses on Address Resolution for IP over ATM

  6. 地址解析是目前ATM承载IP数据的主要问题之一。

    Address resolution is one of the key problems that ATM carries IP datagrams efficiently .

  7. Web页面被多个地址解析的情况很普遍,在门户环境中尤其如此。

    It is fairly common for Web pages to be resolved by more than one address . This seems to be especially true in portal environments .

  8. 一种新的IPv6任播地址解析协议及应用

    A New IPv6 Anycast Address Resolving Protocol and Application

  9. 地址解析协议(ARP)是TCP/IP协议栈的基本协议。

    Resolve Protocol ( ARP ) is the basic protocol of the Ethernet communication protocols .

  10. ATM地址解析研究

    Study on ATM Address Resolution Analysis

  11. 对于“反向”查找,也就是当您希望将IP地址解析到名称的时候,您应该设置一个附加的区域。

    For'reverse'lookups , that is , when you want to resolve an IP address to a name , you should set up an additional zone .

  12. 提出了一种新的ATM/IP地址解析体系结构-NRS/HRS,并描述了该体系结构的工作机制。

    The paper gives a new architecture of ATM / IP address resolution-NRS / HRS and describes its work mechanism .

  13. 将地址解析为地理空间点的方法存根与SeamRemoting方法存根的工作原理相同。

    The method stub that translates addresses to geo-spatial points works similarly to the Seam Remoting method stubs .

  14. 这通常包括ARP广播(地址解析协议),通知网络基础架构一个IP地址已经发生了移动。

    It usually involves an ARP broadcast ( address resolution protocol ) that informs the network infrastructure that an IP address has moved .

  15. 在数据链路层,将实现ARP协议的地址解析功能。

    In the data link layer , it will realize the ARP agreement address analysis function .

  16. 该地址解析协议(ARP)命令只能显示MAC地址的其他计算机上打开。

    The Address Resolution Protocol ( ARP ) command can only display MAC address of other computer that is turned on .

  17. 介绍了网络中表示主机的IP地址解析方法.以及网络中IP地址发生错误时,应用故障诊断工具解决常见地址解析时出现的各类故障。

    This paper posses on the methods of IP address resolution in a network and the ways of appling diagnose tools to clear various kinds of stoppage occurring in IP address resolution .

  18. 本文基于数据链路层地址解析协议ARP的内部工作原理,研究了图书馆网络的安全防范问题。

    This paper , by analyzing internal work principle of ARP protocol , researches on security of library network .

  19. 该方法利用了TCPIP协议中地址解析协议的机制,实现方法简单、灵活,是一种新的网络解决方案。

    The method uses the mechanism of frame transmission in the Address Resolution Protocol of TCP / IP protocol and is simple and flexible . This method is a new network solving method .

  20. 首先,设计并实现一个具有地址解析、报文转发、差错控制及SNMP代理等基本功能的路由器。

    First , a router with the basic ability of address resolving , datagram forwarding , error controlling and SNMP agency is designed and made .

  21. 如果这一映象在高速缓存中找不到,地址解析协议就会产生一个ARP请求帧以获取目标主机硬件地址。

    If the mapping is not in cache , ARP builds an ARP request frame for the destination hosts hardware address .

  22. 从技术的角度介绍了如何配置网络地址解析,介绍了网络地址翻译(NAT)的功能以及其实现方式。

    It was introduced the network address resolution with technical angle , introduce the function and implement method of network address translation ( NAT ) .

  23. 域名解析的工作方式是客户端与服务器通信,并请求将某个特定地址解析到对应的部分(即从名称解析到IP地址,或从IP地址解析到名称)。

    Domain name resolution works by a client contacting a server and requesting that a particular address be resolved to the corresponding part ( i.e. , name to IP address , or IP address to name ) .

  24. 本文介绍了以IP隧道技术实现分布式的控制网络,讨论IP隧道的基本原理、数据包封装、地址解析以及地址表的建立与刷新等。

    In this paper , the IP tunneling technology in the distributed control networks is described . The paper discusses principle of IP tunneling , datagram encapsulation , address resolution , establishing and refreshing of address table etc. .

  25. ARP全称为AddressResolutionProtocol,中文名为地址解析协议,它工作在数据链路层,在本层和硬件接口联系,同时对上层提供服务。

    ARP-wide known as Address Resolution Protocol , the Chinese called ARP , which work in the data link layer , the layer and hardware interface links to the upper deck at the same time providing services .

  26. 利用数据链路层地址解析协议(ARP)可以进行IP冲突、ARP欺骗、ARP溢出等方式的网络攻击。

    Via address resolution protocol in data link layer , hackers can launch various attacks , such as IP conflict attack , ARP deceive attack and ARP overflow attack .

  27. 作者从DNS的体系结构、DNS地址解析以及在IPV4到IPV6过渡过程中DNS解决方案等几个方面对现阶段IPv6环境下的DNS系统进行分析和研究。

    The paper examined and analyse DNS system in current IPV6 environment for DNS systematic set-up , DNS address resolution , DNS resolution to transition from IPV4 to IPV6 .

  28. 地址解析协议(ARP)是建立在友好通信、充分信任基础上的协议,因此,很容易受到攻击。

    The Address Resolution Protocol ( ARP ) is a protocol based on friendly communication and complete trust , so it is prone to be attacked .

  29. 为实现SIP与PSTN互通,分析了SIP协议的扩展机制,并采用了电话号码到域名映射的ENUM技术解决两种网络间的地址解析问题。

    In order to realize the interworking between SIP and PSTN network , the SIP extension is introduced and the ENUM is used . Then the problem of address analysis is resolved .

  30. 该文在高速互联网系统所提供的MP(消息传递)机制基础上,提出并实现了以太网卡驱动程序的地址解析协议ARPSERVER机制。

    On the basis of MP ( Message Passing ) mechanism provided by Hi-speed internetwork . ARP ( Address Resolution Protocol ) Server system in a ethernet device driver is introduced and implemented in this paper .