
  • 网络local community
  1. 像狮子会(Lion'sClub)、角鹿社(Elk'sClub)、扶轮社(RotaryClub)这样的市民会社,都参与了地方社区的计划活动。

    Civic clubs such as the Lion 's Club , the Elk 's Club and the Rotary Club take part in local community projects .

  2. 世界银行驻索马里的国别业务官员PriyaGajraj说,在这漫长的一年当中,地方社区在没有外部国际援助的情况下,保持了卫生所的运转。

    And for that long year , Priya Gajraj , the World Bank 's country officer for Somalia , says the local community kept the doors of its health clinic open & without outside international assistance .

  3. 据NPR新闻的朱莉·阿贝莉报道,软件程序员和黑客同当地政府部门合作,开展科技手段解决地方社区问题的活动。

    NPR 's Julie Abelly reports software programmers and hacker are teaming up with local government agencies to develop technological solutions to local community problems .

  4. 冈比亚规划部的规划负责人说NAPAs从未根据国家和地方社区的观点制定。

    Amadou Cham , director of planning in the Ministry of Planning in Gambia , said NAPAs were never formulated from national and local communities'perspectives .

  5. 可持续能源政策研究院负责人tetsunariiida说,日本需要一个“强势而明智的政府”来说服温泉业主和地方社区:地热能行业不会破坏他们的温泉。

    Tetsunari Iida , head of the Institute for sustainable energy policies , says the country needs a " strong and wise government " that can persuade the Onsen owners and local communities that the industry would not spoil their spas .

  6. 属于地方社区、由地方社区维护并且为地方社区服务的。

    Belonging to and maintained by and for the local community .

  7. 波士顿有着悠久的历史,支持世界各地的地方社区。

    BCG has a long history of supporting local communities around the world .

  8. 林业促进地方社区发展特别行动纲领

    Special Action Programme on Forestry for Local Community Development

  9. 发展西部地方社区大学

    On the Development of Community Colleges in Western Areas

  10. 之所以有可能,是因为地方社区自身处在实施工作的中心。

    This is possible because local communities themselves are at the centre of implementation .

  11. 下曼哈顿地方社区委员会以压倒多数通过了提议。

    The local community board in lower Manhattan voted overwhelmingly to support the proposal .

  12. 你是否希望改变你所居住的地方社区之居住房屋及环境问题?

    Do you want to make a difference to housing issues in your local community ?

  13. 目前,地方社区通过土地地图绘制活动参与确定土地边界和所有权的工作。

    Local communities are now involved in identifying land boundaries and ownership through the mapping sessions .

  14. 报告称,疑似苹果供应商排放出来的有毒物质已经遍布了地方社区。

    The report says toxic discharges from suspected Apple suppliers have been encroaching on local communities .

  15. 不过,洛克奈尔的怪异举止致使他被一个地方社区学院开除。

    But Loughner 's bizarre behavior caused him to be ousted from a local community college .

  16. 其他地方社区现在可能开始怀疑他们也应该得到一个独立的,以代表他们。

    Other local communities might now start to wonder if they too should get an independent to represent them .

  17. 把赌场盖在地方社区,对于当地的冲击是很大的,特别是那些距离赌场十几公里远的地方,影响层面更大。

    The social cost of having casinos near residential areas is high , especially for anyone who lives within a10-mile radius .

  18. 在营地和地方社区生活的许多人几乎得不到卫生保健,他们的状况可能会急剧恶化。

    Many people living in camps and local communities have little access to health care and their situation could deteriorate quickly .

  19. ·在私营公司、双边捐助者、发展机构、银行、民间社会和地方社区之间形成伙伴关系。

    · Forming partnerships between private companies , bilateral donors , development agencies , banks , civil society and local communities .

  20. 这些因素对于那些涉及到了社会边缘群体例如地方社区或者艾滋病感染者的项目特别重要。

    These factors are especially relevant for projects involving marginalised social groups such as indigenous communities or people with HIV / AIDS .

  21. 苏普里亚·沙是乔治·华盛顿大学的学生。她一边在地方社区工作,一边等待和平队派遣。

    Supriyah Shah is a student at George Washington University where she works in local community service while waiting for her posting .

  22. 互联网和你的地方社区内充满了对银行和金融机构设立借给买家钱。

    The internet and your local community are littered with banks and financial institutions that are set up to lend buyers money .

  23. 融合:世界银行集团将加强地方社区参与采掘工业项目的程序。

    Inclusion : The World Bank Group is to strengthen its procedures for local community participation with respect to extractive industries projects .

  24. 卡塞拉说,工作赚现金规划在帮助参与者的直系亲属的同时,也能帮助支持地方社区。

    While cash-for-work helps the immediate family of the worker , Casella says the scheme also helps to support the local economy .

  25. 此外,可持续旅游业还有助于游客和地方社区更多地认识到生物多样性在日常生活中的重要作用。

    Furthermore , sustainable tourism can help to raise awareness among tourists and local communities of the importance of biodiversity to our everyday lives .

  26. 该组织还敦促地方社区发展可以缓和气候变化对野生动植物影响的项目,比如生态旅游活动。

    It also urged local communities to develop projects that mitigate the impact of climate change on wildlife , naming activities as an example .

  27. 在曼哈顿下城,地方社区委员会去年做的一项调查显示,在最受居民关注的问题中,拥挤的人行道位居榜首。

    In Lower Manhattan , overcrowded sidewalks topped the list of residents " concerns in a survey conducted last year for the local community board .

  28. 我们还与医疗保健提供商、政府和地方社区合作,以拓展我们药品的获取途径和提供更高品质的医疗保健和卫生系统支持。

    We also partner with healthcare providers , governments and local communities to expand access to our medicines and to provide better quality health care and health system support .

  29. 非物质文化遗产是一定的民族、部族、土著人群以及一定地方社区等集体创作和创造、世代传承的文学艺术、科学技术等无形的知识产品。

    The intangible cultural heritage is intangible intellectual productions of literary and art , science and technology created collectively by the nation , tribe , indigenous peoples and community .

  30. 例如,平安互助网是一个农村地区的紧急服务,它代表了产业界和地方社区的一种新的伙伴关系。

    The Safety and Mutual Help Network , for example , is an emergency service for rural areas that represents a new form of partnership between industry and local communities .