
  • 网络imaging process
  1. 阐述了金在金增感、硫金增感时的作用,讨论了金潜影增强的化学及金在直接正性成像过程中的作用。

    The function of gold in gold sensitization and sulfur-gold sensitization is clarified . The chemistry of gold latensification and the role of gold in the direct positive imaging processes are discussed .

  2. 基于成像过程的滤波理论和像管动态传递函数数学模型,编制了像管动态成像过程的计算机数字模拟仿真程序,以成像方式给出了像管动态成像过程的计算机模拟仿真结果。

    Based on the filter theory of imaging processes and the deduced mathematics model of the image tube 's dynamic transfer function , the dynamic imaging processes of an image tube are simulated numerically . The simulated results of dynamic imaging processes are given in images .

  3. 虚拟CT系统成像过程仿真技术研究

    Research on Simulation of Imaging Process Based on Virtual CT System

  4. 医学CT图像在成像过程中,由于成像机制和外界因素的影响,将不可避免的引入噪声。

    Noises are inevitably introduced to medical CT images because of various factors in medical imaging .

  5. 研究了直吹管窥视孔方向CCD探测器成像过程。

    Study on the CCD imaging process at the direction of blowtorch peephole .

  6. 但是由于SAR成像过程中的相干特性,使得SAR图像不可避免地产生了相干斑噪声。

    However , SAR images product much speckle inevitably due to the coherent imaging system .

  7. CCD(电荷耦合器件)噪声是成像过程中最主要的噪声,它主要有暗流、零响应偏移和响应不一致等特性。

    The main noises of CCD are dark current , response bias and response nonuniformity .

  8. 基于涡流阵列无损检测平台和涡流阵列传感器,简单介绍了涡流阵列C扫描成像过程。

    Based on an eddy current array instrument and a sensor , the formation procedures of eddy current array C scan image are simply introduced .

  9. 方法:通过分析CR图像成像过程中引起锐利度下降的各种原因,提出有效控制CR图像清晰度的方法。

    Methods Effective controlling method is proposed after analyzing all the reasons for sharpness drop in CR image formation process .

  10. 根据成像过程中的几何关系,提出了校正SAR图像几何失真的方法,通过成像处理仿真试验验证了所提出的几何失真校正方法的有效性。

    The geometric distortion correction method of the SAR image is proposed . The effectiveness of the method is demonstrated by simulation .

  11. 为了提高双能X射线安全检查系统的材料分类能力,采用MonteCarlo方法对系统的成像过程进行了模拟。

    The imaging process for dual energy X-ray security inspection systems was simulated using the Monte Carlo method to improve material classification .

  12. 分析CTA成像过程中阵列参数设置,重建方法选择对CTA成像的影响。

    The effects of array parameter setting and the restoration methods on CTA imaging were analyzed .

  13. 利用MCNP软件对中子半影成像过程进行模拟;

    The neutron penumbra imaging process was simulated with MCNP software .

  14. 分析几种常用的滤波方法并根据CCD成像过程中产生的噪声特点,重点分析高斯滤波技术;分析图像的二值化算法并详细讨论双峰法。

    Several filtration methods are analyzed and according to the characteristic of CCD noises producing in the process of imaging , Gaussian filtration is analyzed in detail .

  15. 为了研究SPM成像过程中探针作用力对于细胞的影响,我们用SPM的接触模式(ContactMode)和敲击模式(TappingMode)对培养液中的生物活细胞进行了较长时间的扫描观察。

    In order to investigate the influence to cell , contact mode SPM and tapping mode SPM were used to scan the living cell for a long period of time .

  16. 对于前者,提出了结合NCS成像过程进行带通滤波的子孔径图像生成算法,并分析了这种算法的实现和优点。

    For the former one , an algorithm combined with NCS imaging procedure is presented , with its advantage and realization analyzed .

  17. 条带噪声是线阵CCD成像过程中最常见的系统噪声,其存在掩盖了图像的有用信息,给图像判读造成了不利影响。

    Striping noise is the common system noise during formation of image using linear array CCD . It covers up useful information in CCD image and brings adverse effect to image interpretation .

  18. 高分辨距离像的畸变补偿是空间目标ISAR成像过程中的重要环节。

    Distortion compensation of high resolution range ( HRR ) profiles plays an important role in ISAR imaging of space target with high speed .

  19. 通过对带Z字型标记杆的外部基准框架的设计及成像过程中对其和病人相对位置的严格限制,最大程度地减少成像中的误差。

    Error in registration can be greatly reduced by well designing the Z-shaped marker tube in the external fiducial marker frame and also by restricting the relative position between the device and patients .

  20. 实验表明:上述X射线产生过程、投影过程以及散射过程的仿真方法具有一定的可行性,能逼真地反映真实CT成像过程,进而为整个虚拟CT系统研究提供了可靠数据支撑。

    The results show the simulation method of X-ray emission , projection process and scatter process is viable . It realistically reflects the actual CT imaging system , and offers the credible data for the research of visual CT system .

  21. 本文提出的三维投影变换及反投影重建,不仅可以应用在放疗计划的设计过程中,也可用在多层CT的成像过程、数字减影等多种三维图像重建中。

    This presented 3-D projection transformation and back-projection reconstruction can be applied not only in the program of radiotherapy treatment planning , but also in some 3-D image reconstruction procedures , e.g. , the imaging of multi-slice CT and the 3-D reconstruction of DSA .

  22. 零炮检距剖面是地震反射成像过程中重要的中间成果,常规处理中的共中心点(CMP)叠加的目的正在于此。

    Zero offset ( ZO ) section , which is just the goal of CMP stacking in conventional processing , is an important intermediate result in seismic reflection imaging .

  23. 航空成像过程中相机相对地面做高速运动,不可避免地造成目标场景影像在CCD像面上产生像移,导致航空成像运动模糊。

    In the process of aerial imaging , the camera moves at a high relative speed to the ground , which inevitably brings image motion on the CCD focal plane for the target scene and results motion blurred images .

  24. 为了消除在磁共振成像过程中奇、偶回波之间的相位移动产生的ghost伪影,提出了基于混合空间投影的方法。

    Ghost artifacts occur in magnetic resonance imaging ( MRI ) reconstruction because odd and even echoes have different phase offsets . A method based on the projection in hybrid-space is described to remove ghost artifacts .

  25. 通过以等效单能模型对具体DSA系统的成像过程进行了分析校正,最终的减影结果表明了这种方法是有效的。

    By experiments , this paper analyses and corrects the imaging process of the actual DSA system based on the " equivalent single energy " model , and the results indicate the validity of this method .

  26. 从夫琅和费衍射理论出发,分析光瞳编码光学系统的成像过程及点扩散函数(PSF)和调制传递函数(MTF)的计算公式。

    The imaging procedure and the point spread function ( SPF ) and modulation transfer function ( MTF ) of encoded pupil optics are respectively analyzed and derived from Fraunhofer diffraction theory .

  27. 由于MRI成像过程的复杂性和不确定性以及不同的组织器官个体间存在的广泛差异性,自动而准确地从腹部MRI的扫描图像中分割出感兴趣的区域具有重要的理论意义和实用价值。

    However , because of the complexity and uncertainty of the MRI imaging process and the existing abroad otherness among different organizations units , there are important theory meaning and practicality value in automatically and exactly segmenting the interested region in the abdomen MRI scan images .

  28. 用MonteCarlo方法对煤粉火焰的成像过程进行了模拟,提出了虚假物面成像的假设,并计算分析了虚假物面与摄像机镜头的距离对成像的影响。

    It is being proposed that the imaging process be simulated with the Monte Carlo method and an imagined object plane . The influence of the distance , between the plane and the camera 's lens , on imaging is being analyzed by numerical calculation .

  29. 若SAR成像过程在星上完成,则只需要将3/4的数据传回地面,即可以实现InSAR后续数据处理过程,从而大量节约传输时间并减少对带宽的占用。

    Suppose the SAR image formation is fulfilled on the satellite , it asks only 3 / 4 of the data to be transmitted to the earth for the consequent InSAR data processing and thus to save transmission time to a large extent .

  30. 本论文针对卫星平台姿态变化对LASIS成像过程的影响,结合LASIS的成像特点,研究相应的图像校正技术,提出了针对LASIS的图像校正算法。

    In this thesis , the image correction technology of LASIS based on satellite attitude changes is studied , taking the imaging characteristics into account .