
  • 网络Imaging range;image extent;focal range
  1. 由于单CCD光路的成像范围有限,多CCD技术的研究与应用就显得格外重要。

    For the limits of optical width on single CCD , it is particularly important to study and develop multi-CCD technology .

  2. 研究通过天线波束扫描扩大SAR区域成像范围的方法,以适应较大区域中等分辨率成像的要求。

    The approach for enlargement of SAR patch mapping area by antenna beam scan is investigated , which serves for moderate fine-resolution mapping of medium-sized terrain patches .

  3. 针对OCT系统横向分辨率和纵向成像范围间的矛盾,提出一种基于液晶菲涅耳波带透镜的OCT动态聚焦方法。

    To resolve the conflict between the transverse resolution and depth imaging range , an approach to realize dynamic focusing in OCT using liquid crystal Fresnel zone lens is proposed .

  4. 空间分辨率有四种测试方法:分辨成排圆孔模型测极限分辨率;3DMRA空间分辨率比2DMRA高,但成像范围受限,检查时间长。

    To approach the method for testing the space resolution , there are four methods for measurement of the space resolution . 3D MRA had better space resolution compared to 2D MRA , but imaging range was limited .

  5. 遥感技术的发展为研究区域森林资源状况提供了新的手段,MODIS数据由于其波段丰富,实时性强,成像范围大的特点,被广泛用于森林资源监测中。

    The development of remote sensing technology provided new methods for studying large area forest resources conditions . With the characteristics of abundant bands , short cycle return visit and large imaging range , MODIS data has been used for forest resources monitoring widely .

  6. 当原子力显微镜成像范围在10μm×10μm时,可分辨出核仁和部分细胞质内线粒体等细胞器;

    When the scope of images were 10 μ m × 10 μ m , the nucleous and some organelles such as mitochondria could be identified by atomic force microscope .

  7. OCT的动态聚焦是一种在大成像深度范围内保证横向分辨率的有效方法。

    Dynamic focusing is an effective method to keep high lateral resolution of OCT.

  8. 结论在胃部MR检查中,口服红氧化铁对比剂易于接受,安全性好,性能稳定,成像浓度范围宽,是一种优良的胃肠阴性对比剂。

    Conclusion Oral Ferric Oxide Suspension as contrast agent during MR examination of stomach is easily accepted by patients , it is a safe and steady negative contrast agent for gastrointestinal MR examination .

  9. 由于常规的光学系统成像视场范围较小,因此在此基础上利用立体视觉技术获取立体信息的视场范围较小,在实际应用领域会造成诸多不便。

    The traditional optical system imaging field is usually small , the depth information obtained by using stereo vision techniques is limited , which can cause inconvenience in practical application field .

  10. 为扩大CCD数字相机成像的动态范围,需要调整信号增益。

    Automatic gain control method and achievement of CCD digital camera based on FPGA ;

  11. 在星载SAR等效斜距模型的基础上,仔细推导了改进Chirpscaling成像算法;范围65.5-

    And based on equivalent range model and classic Chirp Scaling imaging algorithm , we develop refined Chirp Scaling imaging algorithm for space-borne SAR .

  12. 扩展CCD有用成像和探测范围的工作已进行,该工作是通过直接光学耦合和像增强器与CCD组合来实现。

    Work has been done on extension of useful imaging and detection range for CCD by means of direct optical coupling and combination of image intensifiers with the CCD .

  13. 结果:FPDD成像在动态范围、成像均匀性、对比度线性、对比分辨率等图像质量指标均优于IITV成像;

    Results : FPDD imaging was superior to IITV Imaging in dynamic range , imaging uniformity , contrast linearity , contrast resolution .

  14. 基于定标积分时间法提高红外成像系统动态范围的研究

    Study on Improving Dynamic Range of Infrared Imaging System Based on Calibrating Integration Time

  15. 提高小径管焊缝椭圆成像有效检出范围的途径

    An Approach to Effective Checking Range of Elliptic Imaging on Small Diameter Tube Weld Seam

  16. 仿真结果表明该方案提高了成像的频谱范围,降低了成像的旁瓣幅度,从而得到了高质量的成像,并保证了较高的系统帧率。

    The simulation result shows that the solution increases the spectrum range of an image and suppresses its sidelobe , thus achieving high quality image while maintaining a relatively high frame rate .

  17. 体全息共焦成像的动态范围取决于全息衍射效率和材料的限制,而深度分辨率则取决于物镜的数值孔径和记录介质的厚度大小。

    The dynamic range of volume hologram imaging depends on the hologram diffraction efficiency and the material . The depth resolution depends on the numerical aperture of the objective lens and the thickness of the hologram .

  18. 对比了双站RCS测试接收信号处理的两种方法,指出了它们在目标成像和测试动态范围方面的优缺点,分析了这两种方法的适用情况。

    The resolution of bistatic RCS measurement is analyzed and computer simulation results are given . Two bistatic measurement methods are compared and their advantages in imaging and dynamic range are analyzed .

  19. 从成像原理和频域范围的角度对IIL和OAI进行了理论研究、计算模拟和对比分析。

    The large angle oblique illumination in IIL is an extension of OAI . A comparison of IIL with OAI in theory and frequency domain is given .

  20. 给出了顶空成像的海面监视范围。

    The monitor range of the imaging from the top air over the sea surface is given .

  21. 起初的尝试已经扩展到如何扩宽研究材料的范围和成像模式的应用范围。

    The initial attempts are currently expanded to widen the scope of investigated materials and imaging modes applicable .

  22. 介绍了非冲击式印刷方法的分类、简单的成像原理和应用范围及其在数字化彩色印刷体系中的作用;

    The classification , basic imaging principle , application fields and their effects on the digital color printing system are outlined .

  23. 非制冷热成像探测器在世界范围内被广泛研究,其在军事和民用方面有很大的潜力和应用价值。

    Uncooled infrared detector is widely studied around the world , since its immense potential value in both military and civilian area .

  24. 平板成像很大的曝光范围意味着照相时曝光过量和不足实际上被消除了。

    The large exposure latitude in flat panel imaging means that retakes , due to over and under exposure , are virtually eliminated .

  25. 叠前偏移成像已经开始大范围推广应用,由叠前偏移成像代替叠后成像已是大势所趋。

    Pre-stack imaging has been generalized in practice and now is widely used in the industry , and the trend that pre-stack imaging will replace post-stack one becomes evident .

  26. 面向数字地球的岩石层三维成像的主要应用范围是针对重大工程项目的环境评估和灾害预测。

    The main application of the ' Digital Earth ' oriented 3 D mapping of lithosphere is to the environmental evaluation of large engineering and the prediction of natural disasters .

  27. 与其他技术相比,电容层析成像技术具有适用范围广、非侵入式、安全性能好等优点,适用于多种工业生产的过程中常见的多相流检测,并且成本低廉。

    Compared with the other technologies , electrical capacitance tomography technology has obvious advantages , such as wider range of uses , non-invasive and better safety performance , and is applicable to a wide range of industrial production process of common multiphase flow detection , and costs less .

  28. 传统视觉导航方法主要依赖视野有限的局部信息(普通的透视成像摄像机的成像角范围为90°左右,可视范围较小)缺乏获取全局与大尺度信息的手段。

    Traditional visual navigation methods rely mainly on the limited field of vision of the local information ( general perspective of the imaging camera angle imaging in the range of about 90o , the visual range of smaller ) and the lack of large-scale access to global information .

  29. 实验表明:与常规距离选通成像方式相比,该方法扩大了成像探测的范围,提高了目标的探测与识别概率。

    Experimental results show that : compared with conventional gate-ranged imaging , the detecting extension is expanded and target detection and identification probability is improved in this method .

  30. 方法:对平板探测器(FPDD)X线成像与影像增强器电视(IITV)X线成像在动态范围、成像均匀性、对比度线性、对比分辨率等图像质量指标的检测及比较。

    Methods : Flat-panel digital detector ( FPDD ) Imaging was compared with image intensifier TV ( IITV ) imaging in dynamic range , imaging uniformity , contrast linearity , contrast resolution .