
  1. 本文的研究问题是如何设计外包契约才能有效地解决BPO的道德风险和多任务代理问题,实现发包商和服务商的长期稳定合作。

    The research problems in this paper are how to design contracts under the situations of one business process and two business processes outsourced , in order to effectively address moral hazards and multi-task agency problem in BPO , and promote long-term stable cooperation between service providers and contracting firms .

  2. 外包:将复杂的经营简单化;中国接包商:如何巧妙融合与海外发包商的文化差异?

    Outsourcing : simplifying the operation China Outsourcing provider : how to align the cultural difference with the overseas outsourcing buyer ?

  3. 当服务商具有高水平技术、低成本时,发包商将获得高外包利润。

    When the service provider has a high level of technology and low cost , the client firm will gain high profit .

  4. 但是在信息安全服务外包给高校带来效益的同时也蕴含很多的风险,高校作为发包商必须识别和规避这些风险。

    While it brings benefit to the universities and colleges , the outsourcing of information security service holds in store a lot of risks .

  5. 跨国公司作为发包商在选择外包目的地时,更加重视城市的选择,而非国家的选择。

    Multi-National Corporation as the employer in the selection of outsourcing destination , pay more attention to city choice , rather than the state selection .

  6. 同时,使我们的工程发包商认识不到遵守规则的重要性,造成巨大经济损失。

    At the same time , failing understanding of the works contract to comply with the rules of the importance will cause huge economic losses .

  7. 提出了一体化外包管理模式,该模式对外包风险问题的分析和控制,有助于降低外包风险,提高外包的效果,对发包商具有重要的现实指导意义。

    This paper tries to present an integrated model of outsourcing management , which lower the risks , improve the effectiveness of outsourcing , and give guidelines to the clients .

  8. 从建筑的发包商到建筑商,从方案的设计者到监理者,从项目的决策者到消费者,他们对建筑和城市的美与丑都负有直接的责任。

    We can say that investors , contractors , designers , supervisors , decision-makers and consumers are all responsible to the beauty and the ugliness of the cities and the buildings .

  9. 目前,全球外包市场竞争激烈,发包商在进行合作伙伴的选择时往往基于先国家,后伙伴的原则,更多关注的是一个国家的制度环境。

    At present , as the global outsourcing market competition is intense , the clients are always based on the principle of " country first , partner second " in selecting copartner .

  10. 当发包商非常重视与服务商的合作时,发包商将会与服务商建立最优关系契约,并提供最高奖金额。

    When the client firm attaches much enough importance to the cooperation with the service provider , the client firm and the service provider will establish the optimal relational contract and provide the highest prize .

  11. 当业务流程的不确定性高时,应使用低激励强度和高奖惩强度,发包商将获得低利润。

    When the outsourced business process is with high uncertainty , a low incentive Intensity factor and a high R & P Intensity factor should be used and the client firm will receive low profit .

  12. 随着全球产业转移步伐的加快,中国正凭借其高效便利的基础设施、充足优质的人才资本以及稳定的投资环境,逐渐成为国际发包商首选的外包选地之一。

    At present , the transfer of industry is accelerating all over the world . By means of effective , convenient infrastructure , ample , talented human capital and stable investment environment , China gradually turns into the first choice of international companies .

  13. 本文在分析了离岸外包发包商决策的基本原理及当前服务外包市场现状后,提出了一些增加中国对离岸服务外包业务吸引力的具体政策建议。

    This article introduced the basic theories on offshore outsourcing decision and analyzed the status in quo of service-outsourcing market , and then offered some concrete suggestions on how to increase China 's attractiveness for the offshore service-outsourcing clients in terms of government policies .

  14. 结果表明,当业务流程具有高模块化度、低不可观测性,以及发包商具有高技术水平时,应在相应的业务流程上制定高奖惩强度。

    The results show that when an outsourced business process is with high degree of modularity , low non-observation , as well as the service provider is with high-tech level on the business process , a high R & P Intensity factor should be used on the corresponding business process .

  15. 成本是外国发包软件商最优先考虑的重要因素。

    Cost is the most preferred foreign contract awarding software vendors the important factors .

  16. 第三部分从发包动因、区位选择影响因素两方面对发包商进行了研究,其中前者是从自身内部和外部来研究,后者按宏观、中观和微观三个层次进行分析。

    The third part of the article study the contract from the motivation 、 location selection , where the former is from the internal and external factors to research this subject , which is according to the macro 、 meso and micro levels to analyze .