
fā yù yí chuán xué
  • developmental genetics
  1. 家鸡血清酯酶遗传多态现象的发育遗传学初步研究

    A Preliminary Study of Developmental Genetics of Polymorphic Serum Esterase in Domestic Fowls

  2. 解析基因表达是发育遗传学的研究目标之一。

    Understanding gene expression is one of the major goals in developmental genetics .

  3. 研究植物发育遗传学的意义及其展望。

    Significance and prospects of plant developmental genetics .

  4. 植物发育遗传学&一个新兴的遗传学分支

    Plant developmental genetics-a new emerging branch of genetics

  5. 植物发育遗传学的研究已成为21世纪生命科学研究中的热点领域。

    Researches on plant developmental genetics become one of the most popular research fields in life science .

  6. 根据发育遗传学理论,在生长发育过程中所有性状的遗传特性是动态变化的,基因具有时空表达特性。

    Genes are expressed selectively at different time and position according to the theory of developmental genetics .

  7. 在综述国内外文献的基础上,扼要介绍(1)植物发育遗传学诞生的历史背景;

    A brief description of the following topics is introduced : ( 1 ) Historical background on emergence of plant developmental genetics .

  8. 我们的目标在于将人类遗传学和发育遗传学相结合,从而在发育生物学的基础上理解病理性的和正常的基因的功能。

    Our goal is to combine Human Genetics and Developmental Genetics in order to understand pathology and normal gene function during development .

  9. 我们以斑马鱼为模式动物,利用发育遗传学、生物信息学和分子化学的方法研究心脏和血管的分化形成以及环境对心血管发育的影响。

    We are studying heart and blood vessel in zebrafish embryos , an experimental system that affords a powerful combination of genetic analyses with molecular , embryological and chemical approach .

  10. 对斑马鱼以开展了单倍体发育的遗传学筛选。

    Haploid development in zebrafish has been applied for genetic screening .

  11. 分子,细胞,发育生物学与遗传学。

    Molecular , Cellular , Developmental Biology and Gen.

  12. 阐述了基因组印记的可能机制及一些最新定位的印记基因,并论述了基因组印记在发育生物学、遗传学和物种进化研究中的生物学意义。

    It covers data on mechanisms of gene imprinting , several imprinted genes that were recently identified and the biological significance of genome imprint in development , genetics and Darwinian evolution .

  13. 家禽Myostatin和OBR基因与骨骼肌和脂肪生长发育性状关系的遗传学研究

    The SNPs of the Avian Myostatin and OBR Gene are Genetically Associated with Skeletal Muscle and Adipose Traits

  14. 性发育异常的细胞遗传学及分子遗传学研究

    Study on cytogenetics and molecular genetics in abnormal sexual development

  15. 脊柱骨骺发育不良的分子遗传学研究进展

    Progress in studies on molecular genetics of spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia

  16. 牛老化卵体外受精后的胚胎发育速度与细胞遗传学研究

    The speed of embryo development of in vitro fertilized aged bovine oocytes and their cytogenetical studies

  17. 方法:采用临床、实验室检查方法对3例患儿进行详细的体检,并分析导致出现牙根发育不良表型的遗传学因素。

    METHODS : 3 children with hypoplasia of teeth were examined and analyzed carefully by clinical examination and laboratory test to find the genetic factors .

  18. 这些初步的研究结果提示草鱼在不同发育阶段抗病能力的差异可能具有其发育遗传学基础。

    These results suggested that the different disease-resistant ability in various developmental stages of grass carp might have its developmental genetic cause .

  19. 结论亚砷酸钠对生长发育相关基因表达有影响,初步揭示了砷对生长发育影响的分子遗传学机制。

    Conclusions The sodium arsenite could affect the gene expression related to growth and development and it is shown that the molecular genetic mechanism of sodium arsenite is related to growth and development .

  20. 斑马鱼作为模式生物,其发育过程与人类有很高的同源性,并具有发育周期快、胚体透明等优点,已广泛应用于发育遗传学和环境毒理学的研究。

    As an ideal vertebrate model system , zebrafish have developmental processes which share high evolutionary conservation with humans . The transparency of the embryos and their rapid development make zebrafish widely used in the study of developmental genetics and environmental toxicology .