
  1. 其中常染色体平衡易位2例,臂间倒位2例,染色体次缢痕增大和G组短臂增加各1例。

    Two cases were autosomal balanced translocation and two cases were pericentric inversion . The chromosome secondary constriction in one case became wider and the short arms of G team chromosomes in one case became longer .

  2. 2染色体上,这可能是由于臂间倒位所致。

    Chromosome , which can be explained by the pericentric inversions .

  3. 结论9号染色体臂间倒位可导致异常生育。

    Conclusion Pericentric inversion of chromosome 9 can result in abnormal fertility .

  4. 一例12号染色体臂间倒位的细胞遗传学研究

    Study on Cytogenetics of a Case with Pericentric Inversion in Chromosome 12

  5. 还发现2例男性假两性畸形其性染色体正常,但常染色体分别为臂间倒位及13和14号染色体间的易位时,也可以导致性别异常。

    The abnormalities in 9,13 and 14 chromosomes resulted in intersex also .

  6. 基于多机器人臂间协作的通信机制的设计与实现

    Design and Realize of Communication Mechanism of the Manipulators Cooperation Based on Multi-Robot

  7. 他将婴儿紧抱臂间。

    He clasped the baby in his arms .

  8. 讨论了臂间倒位的诊断意义。

    The significance of perinatal diagnosis was discussed .

  9. 9号染色体臂间倒位1例报告

    Inversion of No 9 chromosome-s case report

  10. 将探测线圈置于两桥臂间金属丝的中部。

    Position the Detector Coil near the center of the wire between the two bridges .

  11. 你可曾感受到我臂间的暖意?

    Feel warmth within my arms ?

  12. 有源箝位网络抑制了桥臂间的电压过冲,移相控制实现了开关管的零电压/零电流开关。

    The Active clamp network restrains the voltage overshoot , and phase-shift control realizes zero-voltage and zero-current switch .

  13. 臂间倒位14例,检出率297%(占异常总数3783%);

    14 cases had pericentric inversion , it was 2.97 % in all cases ( 37.83 % in abnormal karyotypes );

  14. 臂间搭接摩擦力对箱形伸缩臂起升平面外整体稳定性的影响

    Effect of frictional force at halved joint between booms to total stability of box type telescope boom in lifting plane

  15. 回文序列上经常发生臂间基因转换,使Y染色体具有自我保护能力。

    There are abundant gene conversion between arms of palindromes in Y chromosomes of human which caused powers of self-preservation .

  16. 白天的工作完了。把我的脸掩藏在您的臂间吧,母亲。让我入梦吧。

    The day of work is done . Hide my face in your arms , Mother . Let me dream .

  17. 利用改进的人工势场法实现了的双作业臂间的无碰轨迹规划,并在此基础上实现双臂协调控制。

    A collision-free trajectory planning is done using the artificial potential field , based on which carries out the coordinated-control of double manipulators .

  18. 这一试验研究对于水轮发电机导叶与转臂间键孔的加工有重要的指导意义。

    This solution of the test has the important guiding significance to catting key hole between the guide blade and the revolving arm of the water turbogenerator .

  19. 种内的核型分化与染色体的结构变异有关。主要表现为臂间倒位、罗伯逊易位和或不等相互易位。

    Obvious karyotypic differentiation among the populations , which was highlighted by chromosomal aberrations , including mainly pericentric inversion and the Robertsonian or unequal reciprocal translocations , was detected .

  20. 目的研究人类9号染色体臂间倒位的遗传效应,分析9号染色体臂间倒位与流产、死胎、不孕和不育等的关系。

    Objective To study the genetic effect of pericentric inversion of chromosome 9 and analyse the relationship between pericentric inversion of chromosome 9 and habitual abortion , dead fetus and infertility .

  21. 结果在4000例受检患者中,共检出9号染色体臂间倒位71例,发生率为1.78%,明显高于一般人群9号染色体臂间倒位的发生率。

    Results Among 4 000 cases , 71 cases were found having pericentric inversion of chromosome 9.The ratio of the group with abnormal fertility ( 1.78 % ) is higher than that of the normal fertility group .

  22. 结果发现染色体异常核型38例,异常发生率为3.2%。其中平衡易位31例(相互易位16例,罗伯逊易位15例),臂间倒位6例,嵌合体1例;

    Results There were 38 chromosome aberrations ( 29 women , 9 men ) in them , the abnormal rate being 3.2 % , including 31 balanced translocations ( 16 reciprocal translocations , 15 Robertsonian translocations ), 6 pericentric inversions , and 1 mosaic .

  23. 结果2317例病人中检出26例9号染色体臂间倒位(1.12%),其中有15例患者(占58%)伴有流产、不育、不孕、胎儿畸形等临床表现,2例合并有染色体数目异常。

    Karyotypes were analyzed by G-banding technique . Results : Among 2317 cases , 26 cases were found having pericentric inversion of chromosome 9 ( 1.12 % ), 15 of 26 cases exhibited abortion , infertility , fetus malformation and 2 of 26 cases have the abnormal number of chromosome .

  24. 交感干臂丛间灰、白交通支的解剖学特点及其临床意义

    Anatomic features and clinical significance of the rami communicans

  25. 新手爸爸的必备技能就是抱孩子在臂弯间,哄他酣然入睡。

    Getting him to fall asleep in your arms is the dad skill sine qua non .

  26. 尊重生命原本的真实,追求毫厘之间的精确,不仅是南山人对您发乎于心的尊重,更增添了您挥臂举步间的舒适惬意!

    Our respect for the original size and strive for absolute accuracy not only display our deference to you but also add to your dressing comfort and satisfaction !

  27. 本文是从理论和实验两方面讨论惠斯通电桥灵敏度与各桥臂阻值间的关系,所得出的结论可对提高电桥灵敏度及该实验的教学起到指导作用。

    This paper discusses the relation between delicate degree and electricity resistance value of bridge arms of wheatstone bridge from the perspective of theory and experiment with the conclusion reached which shall benefit the improvement of delicate degree and the teaching of such experiment .

  28. 可展天线臂与卫星间耦合振动特性研究

    On Characteristics of Deployable Antenna Mast and Satellite Coupled Vibration

  29. 多臂机器人关节间的碰撞检测研究

    Study on Collision Detection of Multi-boom Robot 's Joints

  30. 基于机械臂各个关节间的转动传递关系,对多个关节构造虚拟连杆的残差,利用虚拟连杆与机械臂工作空间残差间构成的冗余关系进行故障诊断。

    So the redundancy relation between manipulator workspace residual and visual link residuals can be used as the criterion of fault diagnosis .