
biǎn dan
  • carrying pole;shoulder pole
扁担 [biǎn dàn]
  • [carrying pole;shoulder-pole] 扁圆长条形挑、抬物品的竹木用具

扁担[biǎn dan]
  1. 扁担压得咯吱咯吱响。

    The carrying pole creaked under the load .

  2. 挑著扁担在曼谷街头卖食物的小贩。

    A street vender of foods with her carrying pole in Bangkok .

  3. 行李压得扁担嘎吱嘎吱直响。

    The shoulder pole creaked under the weight of the luggage .

  4. 重担压弯了扁担。

    The shoulder pole bent with heavy load .

  5. 扁担喀嚓一声断了。

    The carrying-pole broke with a crack .

  6. 对径向位移作一定的限制和设置扁担横梁等建议。

    Setting the limitations for radial displacement and setting flat beams .

  7. 他用扁担挑着两只桶,一头一个。

    He carry two bucket on a yoke , one at each end .

  8. 您是一根被压弯的扁担,它担负的是沉重的责任。

    You are the one by bending the pole , which bear the heavy responsibility .

  9. 他举起扁担使劲往那特务头上打下去。

    He lifted the pole and brought it down hard on the spy 's head .

  10. 就在几年前,我们还用扁担挑粮食到市场上去。

    Only a few years back we would be taking grain to market on a carrying-pole .

  11. 总结了钢扁担梁更换支座的关键技术措施。

    This paper also analyzes the cost and key technological measures for steel carrying pole method .

  12. 晴朗的夏夜,我看见了明亮的扁担星。

    I saw the bright Altair and the two adjacent stars in the sky in an unclouded Summer night .

  13. 扁担、硬纸箱和装得满满的大旅行袋在眼前晃来晃去。

    Shoulder-poles , cardboard boxes and large travel bags stuffed to bursting pitched to and fro before their eyes .

  14. 钢扁担是吊装主要设备,主要任务是完成5榀36米跨度的主桁架吊装。

    Main lifting equipments are steel poles and their main tasks are to lift five 36 m-span transverse trusses .

  15. 有一次,她看到一个老人穿着传统的黑衣服和鞋子,挑着扁担。

    Once she saw an old man with traditional black clothes and shoes carrying two baskets with one shoulder pole .

  16. 印度有一个挑水工,他有两个大罐子,分别挂在肩上的扁担两头。

    A water bearer in India had two large pots , each hung on each end of a pole which he carried across his neck .

  17. 我们家去世的人都埋在扁担山,那儿离我家很远,要转好几道车。

    The death of our family are buried in people Biandantang Hill , where very far from my house , want to switch cars several Road .

  18. 挑水吃的人放下扁担就没水吃,修管道的人修成以后永享成果。

    People carrying water have no water to drink once putting down the carrying pole . However , people building up pipelines can enjoy long-lasting success .

  19. 一长列的民工每个人都用竹扁担担着两筐土挤在路上走着。

    A long line of workers , each carrying two baskets of earth hung from a bamboo pole , filled the roadway . Others packed it down .

  20. 木偶艺人在街头演出的“扁担戏”,由一人挑着一担戏箱穿街过巷或穿村走乡。

    The puppeteer performed his " carrying pole drama " in the streets , because only one person pick a load of drama box could perform in street or village .

  21. 吊篮悬挂在热气球上,通常为敞口的吊篮扁担的一头挑着篮子,另一头挂着水罐。

    A usually open gondola suspended from a hot-air balloon a basket was being carried at one end of the shoulder pole , and a water pitcher at the other .

  22. 爸爸拿来一根扁担,绑在后座上,这样一绑,车子如果要摔倒,扁担先着地,我就不会受到伤害。

    Dad used a pole , tied in the back seat , so a tie , the car If you want to fall , the first pole , I would not be harmed .

  23. 从比赛开始到完成下轿任务,轿子必须始终由一个自动机器人和一个手动机器人用扁担抬着。

    From the start of the match to the completion of the Task of Alighting , the Kago shall always be carried by one Automatic and one Manual Carrier Robot by means of the Shoulder Pole .

  24. 我们晋冀鲁豫在中间,虽然不是敌人重点进攻的地区,但是是一个挑扁担的地区,伯承同志讲的是“扁担战略”。

    Our shanxi-hebei-shandong-henan area lay in between , at the centre of the pole , where the porter shoulders it . accordingly , we employed what Comrade Bocheng called the ` ` carrying-pole strategy ' ' .