
  • 网络Flatfoot;Flat Feet;Flat Foot;Pes Planus
  1. 改良Young术式治疗青少年屈曲性扁平足畸形近期效果

    Application of modified Young operation in treatment of juvenile flexible flatfoot

  2. 目的:研究改良的Young术式青少年可屈曲性扁平足的短期疗效。

    Objective : To study the short time curative effect of modified Young operation to juvenile flatfoot .

  3. 方法:应用改良的Young手术进行青少年可屈曲性扁平足的治疗7例,女性5例,男性2例。

    Method : Modified Young operation were performed in 7 cases of flatfoot , 5 female and 2 male .

  4. 以军人体育锻炼考核项目中良好成绩为准比较扁平足和非扁平足两组的达标人数及百分率,经χ2检验均无显著差异(P0.05)。

    The number and percentage of subjects reached the standard of exercise examination according to the Standard of Training for Military Personnel in flatfoot group were not different from those in non - flatfoot group . (χ 2 test : P0.05 ) .

  5. 结果:(1)部队扁平足发生率(39.24%)明显高于地方同龄普通大学生(19.44%,P0.01)。

    Exercise performances between flatfoot and non - flatfoot soldiers and students were compared . Results : The incidence of flatfoot in soldiers was 39.24 % , significantly higher than 19.44 % in contemporary students of general university ( P0.01 ) .

  6. 结果:211名运动员扁平足发生率为4313%,男、女之间差异无显著性(P005);

    Results : 43 13 % of the 211 athletes is found to have flatfoot without evident differentia between male and female athletes ;

  7. 扁平足和非扁平足两组的纵跳、立定跳远、100m跑、5000m跑、三级跳远和1500m跑各项运动成绩,经μ检验均无明显差异(P0.05)。

    The performances of jump , standing long jump , hop , step and jump , 100 m running , 1 500 m running and 5 000 m running in flatfoot group were not different from those in non - flatfoot group ( u test : P0.05 ) .

  8. 都不会成功的,因为我是扁平足。

    I will never make it because I have flat feet .

  9. 263足均伴不同程度疼痛、足内弓塌陷和扁平足。

    All the feet were with some degree of pain and flatfoot .

  10. 沧州市某校804名大学生扁平足及其与运动能力的关系

    Relationship between flatfoot and moving ability in 804 college students

  11. 足弓垫治疗扁平足106例疗效观察

    Observation of Curative Effect of 106 Cases Flatfoot with Arch

  12. 扁平足的学名叫做平足症。

    The medical term for flat feet is ped planus .

  13. 感谢收看“怎样治疗扁平足”视频节目。

    Thanks for watching video How To Treat Flat Feet .

  14. 本视频讲述的是怎样治疗扁平足。

    This video talks about how to fix flat feet .

  15. 但是鞋中的矫形嵌入物可能仅在“扁平足”时期有效。

    But in shoe orthotic inserts it can work only in foot-flat stages .

  16. 扁平足主要有两种类型,结构型和后天型。

    There are basically two types of flat feet , structural and acquired .

  17. 对扁平足的体育康复探讨

    The Discussion of Sports Recovery About the Flat Foot

  18. 在这段视频中我将向大家讲述一下扁平足的治疗。

    In this video were going to talk about the treatment of flat feet .

  19. 肌腱转移固定修复扁平足的生物力学研究

    Biomechanical study on muscle tendon transfer and fixation for the treatment of flatfoot deformity

  20. 支持脚弓和脚后跟的鞋子或矫形术可以帮助治疗扁平足。

    Shoes or orthotics that support the arch and heel can help flat feet .

  21. 他用扁平足的样子走过去,一面走一面旋转他的球杆。

    He flatfoot along , twirling his club .

  22. 还有可能是扁平足导致脚踝疼痛。

    The other factors involved could be flat feet that can cause ankle pain .

  23. 跟骨延长术治疗扁平足

    Treatment of talipes planus with calcaneus lengthening

  24. 矫形器和弓状物可以减轻腿部疲劳和肌肉痛性痉挛伴发的扁平足。

    Orthotics and arch supports can lessen leg fatigue and muscle cramps associated with pes planus .

  25. 目的:比较四种肌腱转移固定修复扁平足畸形的牢固程度。

    Objective : To explore the best method to treat flatfoot deformity with muscle tendon reconstruction .

  26. 穿不合适的鞋而引起扁平足、胼胝、鸡眼、甲沟炎的也不少。

    What wear improper shoe and cause flat-footed , callus , clavus , paronychia is not little also .

  27. 沂水县4440名中小学生扁平足调查

    Survey of the incidence of flat-feet of the 4440 students in middle and primary schools of Yishui County

  28. 本研究的结果对于儿童扁平足评估治疗的临床判断,提供重要的参考价值。

    This study finding provided valuable information to assist clinical judgment in managing the flatfoot problems of children .

  29. 非扁平足和扁平足组的平衡能力、弹跳能力,经T检验差异不具有显著性。

    The performance of balance and jump ability in flatfoot group were not different from those in non-flatfoot group .

  30. 在结构型扁平足中,足弓没有完全发育。

    In a structural flat foot , the medial arch of the flat foot here hasn 't fully developed .