
jiǎ yīn xìnɡ
  • false-negative
  1. 2组在确诊率、假阴性率、气胸发生率进行统计学处理,经χ2检验,P值0.05,两者均无显著性差异。

    No differences between two groups in diagnostic accuracy , false-negative rate and pneumothorax rate found .

  2. 最近的研究显示,用于H1N1感染的有些检测方法不完全可靠,所以假阴性结果是经常出现的问题。

    As recent studies have shown , some tests for H1N1 infection are not entirely reliable , and false-negative results are a frequent problem .

  3. 癌症检查的结果中,假阴性占一定比例的现象受到极大关注。

    The percentage of false negatives generated by the cancer test is of great concern .

  4. 腹部X线平片与CT假阴性诊断分别为4例和2例。

    There were 4 CT false negative cases and 2 plain film false negative cases .

  5. 17例恶性肿瘤~(18)氟脱氧葡萄糖PET显像假阴性的分析

    Malignant tumor with false negative ~ ( 18 ) F-FDG PET image

  6. 结论:临床检查诊断急性前交叉韧带损伤的假阴性率较高,MRI是早期诊断急性前交叉韧带损伤的有效方法。

    Conclusion : The diagnosis of clinical examination in acute anterior cruciate ligament tears has a high false-negative .

  7. 3DDSA的MIP真阳性率94%,假阴性率为6%;

    The same two rates of 3D DSA were 94 % and 6 % respectively ;

  8. ER与PR在钼靶X线假阴性乳腺癌中的表达及临床意义肉芽肿性乳腺炎的数字钼靶X线表现

    Expression and clinical significance of estrogen receptor and progesterone receptor of breast cancer with false-negative mammograms

  9. CT的真阳性率为73%,假阴性率为27%,敏感性100%。

    The true positive rate of CT was 73 % , the false negative rate was 27 % , and the sensitivity was 100 % .

  10. 结论:ELISA法A、B试剂存在比例不等的HBeAg假阴性。

    Conclusion : It is suggested that ELISA examination using reagent A or B can lead to false-negative results of HBeAg .

  11. 结论肺细支气管肺泡癌组织的FDG摄取高于正常肺组织,但是许多细支气管肺泡癌SUV低于25,造成了FDGPET检查中的假阴性。

    The false negative rate is lower in bronchial alveolar carcinoma by FDG-PET .

  12. 这说明ABC-ELISA法敏感性高,并可减少常规ELISA法的假阴性率。

    It shows that the ABC-ELISA can decrease the rate of false negative .

  13. 两步法工艺设计,在提高检测灵敏度的同时,减小了HOOK效应引起的假阴性。

    Two-step technological design decreases the false positive caused by HOOK effect and improves the detection sensitivity at the same time .

  14. HCG酶免疫测定在辅助诊断滋养细胞疾患中的假阴性问题

    The problem of false negative of hCG enzyme immunoassay used as an assistant diagnostic measure in trophoblastic diseases

  15. 结果肿瘤组中33例胸水流式细胞DNA异倍体呈阳性,8例呈阴性,假阴性率为19.5%。

    Results In the tumor group , the 33 results of the DNA heteroploid detection were positive and the other 8 ones were negative , the false negative percentage was 19.5 % .

  16. 1例SLN转移假阴性。

    One case was of false negative metastasis by SLN .

  17. 用较高浓度,较完整长度及不含或少含蛋白成分的核酸作模板,并使用更敏感的方法检测PCR产物,可避免假阴性反应和提高PCR技术的敏感性和特异性。

    It is better to use more high concentration and integrated length DNA as template for avoiding false negative result and improving the sensitivity and specificity of PCR .

  18. 应用双带PCR方法(DB-PCR)检测了240份血清中HBV-DNA,该方法能直接观察和判断假阴性和假阳性结果,提高了检测的准确性。

    Serum HBV-DNA was detected by double band polymerase chain reaction ( DB-PCR ), which could show false negative and false positive activity besides positive and negative results .

  19. 结论巢式PCR是一种敏感、快速诊断HCMV感染的方法,灵敏度及特异性均高于传统ELISA法,并能弥补ELISA的假阴性。

    Conclusion Nest PCR is a sensitive and rapid method to detect HCMV infection , and its sensitivity and specificity were higher than ELISA .

  20. N1组7例准确度仅57.1%,假阴性2例,阴性预测符合率0。

    In 2 of 7 cases with the false - negative SLN .

  21. 30例胸水CEA呈阳性,11例呈阴性,假阴性率为26.8%。

    30 results of CEA detection were positive and 11 ones were negative ; the false negative percentage was 26.8 % .

  22. 目的对酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)法检测人体血清中艾滋病病毒(HIV)1+2型抗体结果的不确定度进行评定,降低初筛试验出现假阴性结果的风险。

    Objective To evaluate uncertainty in detecting HIV 1 + 2 antibody by ELISA in order to reduce risk due to false negative results in serum screening tests .

  23. 第三个可能的原因是原发肿瘤延迟固定和假阴性结果,这个能解释复发病灶的ER阳性表达。

    A third possibility is delayed fixation and false negative results for the primary tumor , which could explain some of the gain of ER in recurrence .

  24. 结论恶性肿瘤18F-FDGPET假阴性与病理学类型、分化程度及病灶大小有关;

    Conclusion False negative18F-FDG PET in malignant tumor may be correlated with the pathologic type , differentiation degree and the lesion size .

  25. 结论:CSA体外敏感试验与临床疗效有一定相关性,如体外敏感,则体内100%敏感,但存在一定假阴性。

    If it is sensitive in vitro , rate of sensitivity in vivo is 100 % , but there are some false negative .

  26. 很多细支气管肺泡癌病例FDG-PET检查可呈现假阴性。

    Bronchial alveolar carcinomas lead to many false negative cases in FDG-PET .

  27. 结果:SEP传导速度在脊髓损伤后15分钟出现显著性变化,共出现四次假阴性结果。

    Result : SEP conducted velocity changed significantly at 15 minutes after spinal striking and presented false negative changes for 4 times .

  28. NST无反应型预测价值8%,假阴性率92%。

    The predictive value of negative NST was 8 % , with 92 % false negative rate .

  29. 未着色者128例,也作粘膜活检,检查有无Hp,结果仅有2例浅表性胃炎有Hp感染,染色法的假阴性率1.56%。

    In 128 uncolored patients , only two cases of superficial gastritis proved to be infected with Hp which were also confirmed by biopsy . The false negative rate was 1.56 % .

  30. SLN假阴性,或淋巴结跳跃性转移,需要进一步研究。

    It is necessary to carry out further study that SLN was false positive or lymph nodes had jumping metastases .