
  • 网络The Hypothetical Development Method;hypothetical development method residual method
  1. 基于此,可考虑采用假设开发法来评估待拆迁房地产的价格。

    Ground on all above mentioned , Hypothetical Development method is advanced to evaluate the price of real estate still in the process .

  2. 采用假设开发法评估房地产拆迁补偿价格有利于保护拆迁人和被拆迁人的利益,维护社会稳定。

    Using the hypothetical development method to appraise the compensation price for removal is advantageous in protection the benefits of the remover and the relocation household , defending the social stability .

  3. 在总结了各种长期趋势法用于假设开发法的优缺点的基础上,将灰色系统理论的GM(1,1)模型应用于未来楼价的预测,并举例说明灰色预测优于目前常用的长期趋势法。

    This paper applies the grey system theories for the forecasting of the future price of buildings to the improvement of the traditional hypothetical development method and raise the precision of valuation .

  4. 对土地估价的收益还原法和假设开发法的理论分析

    Capitalization of Earnings and Assumed Development Methods of Land Evaluation

  5. 然后对招拍挂出让方式和工作流程进行分析,运用市场比较法、收益法、假设开发法对土地价格进行综合预测,并提出相应的土地竞买策略,以实现对土地成本的控制。

    Via analyzing the way of selling with bidding , auction or showing , then forecasting the land price in the way of market approach , income approach and assumption approach , and put forward the corresponding buying strategies in order to realize controlling the land cost .

  6. 在此基础上,提出了适合综合用地价格评估的一些特殊方法:基准地价分类修正综合法、假设开发修正系数法和灰色预测法。

    In this foundation , it put forward some special methods which were suited for appraising price of comprehensive use land : classify modificative integration method of benchmark land price , hypothetical development with modified modulus and gray forecast method .