
shānɡ shì xínɡ wéi
  • commercial act
  1. 保险合同解释的有利解释原则产生和存在的原因:一是私法的公平原则,二是法律在商事行为中对弱势一方的特殊关照。

    The formation and existence of the principle of preferential interpretation in insurance contract derives from two reasons , one is the fairness principle of civil law , and the other is that the law takes care of the weak party in commercial act specially .

  2. 反托拉斯法亦基于一个这样的事实而趋于复杂化。那就是许多商事行为虽然在某种程度上限制了竞争,但它们拥有正当的商事抗辩理由。

    The antitrust laws are further complicated by the fact that many business practices can have a reasonable business justification even if they limit competition in some way .

  3. 对于限制转让之应收账款债权办理保理的法律后果,应区分一般民事债权让与和保理等特殊商事行为,对限制让与约定的对外效力做出不同规定。

    In addition , the author suggests that we distinguish the assignment in factoring from general assignment of creditor 's rights by setting different rules on the external validity of assignment restriction agreement .

  4. 为维护社会正义,保护股东利益,对此必须严加规范,但法律尤其是商法同时也要考虑其他重要的社会价值,如效率、可预见性以及商事行为的确定性等等。

    For the maintenance of social justice , to protect the interests of shareholders , which must be strictly standardized , but the law especially the commercial law must also consider other important social value , such as efficiency , predictability and commercial behavior determinism and so on .

  5. 第二部分作者从国家制定法的角度观察明清政府对有关契约的民商事行为的管理规范。企业的经营活动,作为纯粹的商事行为,原本是以企业本身的意思表示为动因和执行标准的。

    Chapter Two makes a careful analysis , from the perspective of statute law , of the rules and agreements in Ming and Qing Dynasties on civil and commercial laws . When enterprises were first established , business enterprises only need to operate within their own commercial objectives and norms .

  6. 从理论上讲,MBO实质为一种特殊的商事法律行为,其特殊性体现在强制性与当事人意思自治相结合。

    In theoretically analysis , MBO is a kind of special commercial juristic action in fact , it 's peculiarity is that combine its embodiment with party 's autonomy .

  7. 外贸代理作为国际上通用的商事代理行为,在我国经过了二十多年的垄断历程。

    Foreign trading agent is a common international business agent behavior , which has had a20-year 's history of monopoly .

  8. 从法律性质上分析,我国管理层收购是一种特殊的民商事法律行为,受民法和经济法双重调整,且带有浓厚的行政色彩。

    MBO in China is a special civil legal action , which is adjusted by civil law and economic law , with thick administrative color .

  9. 商法制度以商事交易行为为调整对象,为了保证交易的顺利进行,必须与信用紧密相连。

    The system of business law , with the transactions of business matters as its target of adjustment , should be closely linked with credit in order to ensure the success of these transactions .

  10. 民间借贷的专门立法应当只对那些以营利为目的且专门从事借贷业务的机构和个人的商事借贷行为进行规范,重点是对主体准入、放贷利率、经营区域、放贷人的资金来源等加以规范。

    Borrowing legislation should only on those for the purpose of profit and specialized in the business of lending institutions and individual commercial lending standards , the focus is on the main access , lending rates , operating area , lending funds to be standardized .

  11. 这一制度的建立不仅有利于国家行使和实现其经济管理的职能,有利于实现对商主体的市场准入控制,而且有利于维护交易安全和当事人的合法权益,有利于规范商事登记行为。

    The foundation of this system is not only beneficial to perform and realize its function of economic management and fulfill market entry control of commercial subject for our country , but also maintain trade safety and lawful rights and interests of parties , and regulate commercial registration actions .

  12. 商法基本原则是整个商法规范体系得以构建的基础,是商事活动的行为准则和商事纠纷的裁判规则。

    As a matter of fact they are the foundations of the whole system of the commercial law , the norm of business behavior and criteria for settling business disputes .

  13. 商事主体和商行为是商法的基本范畴和商事法律体系的核心内容。

    Both merchant and commercial act are the basic categories of commercial law and key contents of commercial law system .

  14. 商号是商事主体从事商行为时使用的名称,是商事主体的重要标志,也是人们评价商事主体的核心标志。

    Trade name is the designation which the commercial subject indicates himself in the commercial activities , but also one of the main commercial core of the evaluation . The commercial subject uses the trade name as an important symbol of himself .

  15. 它的建立健全对于放贷人商事主体权益的确认与保护、商事行为模式的指引与规范以及监督管理机构的赋权与控权都有着不可替代的重要作用。

    Its establishment and improvement has an irreplaceable and important role to confirm and protect the lenders ' rights , guideline and regulatory commercial behavior mode , empower and control of regulatory authority .

  16. 商事习惯则包括商情、商事总问题和具体的商事行为。

    Commercial intercourse habits included the situations , general issues of commercial intercourse , and specific commercial conduct .

  17. 文章从商事主体具有营利性的特点出发,分析了商事侵权行为所应当保护的客体&商事人身权的内涵和外延,最终提出了商事侵权行为的概念和特征。

    The paper , starting with the feature that commercial subject has rentability , analyzes the connotation and extension of commercial personal right that should be protect in commercial delict , and then puts forward the concept and feature of commercial delict .