
shānɡ cháo
  • Shang dynasty
  1. 殷墟啊就是指商朝都城的遗址。

    It means the ruins of the Shang Dynasty 's capital .

  2. 商朝在这里建立了繁华的都城。

    It was the prosperous capital city of the Shang Dynasty .

  3. 这羑里城在商朝的时候的确是一座监狱。

    Youli was a jail as early as the Shang Dynasty .

  4. 后来商朝灭亡了,这里变成了一片废墟。

    After the fall of Shang , it ended up in ruins .

  5. 商朝另一个著名的君主是盘庚的侄子,武丁。

    Another renowned Shang ruler was Wuding , the nephew of Pangeng .

  6. 在商朝啊贝壳可值钱了。

    Sea shells were valuable things in the Shang Dynasty .

  7. 商朝发明了曲和蘖。周朝的酿酒技术已达相当水平。

    In Zhou Dynasty , the brewing technology reached a certain level .

  8. 商朝标志着青铜时代的到来。

    The Shang Dynasty marked the coming of Bronze Age .

  9. 商朝的军队庞大,有一定的编制。

    The dynasty had a large army with certain division .

  10. 商朝是中国历史上第二个君主制国家。

    The Shang Dynasty was the second monarchical state in Chinese history .

  11. 周朝采纳了商朝许多的生活方式。

    The Zhou adopted much of the Shang lifestyle .

  12. 它是献给商朝君主已故母亲的礼物。

    It was made in tribute to the deceased mother of Shang king .

  13. 商朝国家结构与国土构造

    A study on the State Structure and territory Formation of Yin Shang dynasty

  14. 在商朝,奴隶制度盛行。

    In the Shang Dynasty , slavery system prevailed .

  15. 那一定是商朝的马路,对不对?

    That must have been a road of the Shang Dynasty , right ?

  16. 大牛,这里就是商朝都城的所在地了。

    Daniel , here we are at the site of Shang 's capital .

  17. 此后在他的率领下,周族对商朝进行了一系列的军事征战。

    Since then , he carried out a series war against Shang Dynasty .

  18. 甲骨卜辞是商朝的国家档案。

    Oracle-bone inscriptions are the important state archives .

  19. 商朝在汤在位期间在其经济上取得了长足的进步。

    The Shang made great progresses in its economy during the reign of Tang .

  20. 更重要的是,商朝在青铜器皿的制造上蓬勃发展。

    More important , the Shang Dynasty thrived in the manufacture of bronze vessels .

  21. 商朝的马路可真够宽的。

    The Shang roads were really wide indeed .

  22. 他被推翻后汤,第一金的商朝。

    He was overthrown by Tang , the first king of the Shang dynasty .

  23. 商朝时发现了青铜,开始学会养蚕。

    The Shang dynasty saw the discovery of bronze and the practice of sericulture .

  24. 很多在庆典上使用的刻有铭文的青铜器皿都源于商朝。

    A number of ceremonial bronze vessels with inscriptions date from the Shang period ;

  25. 商朝时期奴隶制度占主要地位。

    Slavery system prevailed in the Shang Dynasty .

  26. 这块石碑上刻的就是一则商朝的天气预报。

    What 's inscribed on this tablet is a weather forecast during the Shang Dynasty .

  27. 汤建立商朝后,减轻征赋,鼓励生产,安抚民心。

    During his reign , Tang lightened taxes and encouraged production to appease the morale .

  28. 商朝遵守一套严格的历法,包含了向某些祖先献祭的某几个祭祀日。

    The Shang kept a strict calendar , with certain sacrificial days devoted to certain ancestors .

  29. 商朝或殷是根据传统来源王朝的第二个中国。

    The Shang Dynasty or Yin Dynasty was according to traditional sources the second Chinese dynasty .

  30. 除此之外,商朝人民在医学、交通和天文学上也取得了巨大的进步。

    Additionally , the Shang people also made significant progress in medicine , transportation and astronomy .