
tǔ xīng
  • Saturn
土星 [tǔ xīng]
  • [Saturn] 太阳系中接近太阳的第六个行星,绕太阳公转周期约为29.5年,自转周期约10小时2分,表面温度为150C。体积比木星略小,比地球约大七百五十倍,是九大行星中第二个大行星。有一个光环和十个卫星。中国古代叫做镇星

土星[tǔ xīng]
  1. 土星是太阳系中的第二大行星。

    Saturn is the second biggest planet in the solar system .

  2. 土星卫星运动的现代理论和CCD观测定标归算

    Contemporary Theories of Motion for Saturn 's Major Satellites and CCD Calibration

  3. 她写了几篇关于木星和土星的重要学术论文。

    She wrote important studies of the planets Jupiter and saturn .

  4. 土卫二继续喷发冰粒到土星轨道中,使处于外围的E环充满了微小的微粒。

    Enceladus continues to exhale water ice into Saturn orbit , keeping the E ring topped off with tiny particles .

  5. 美国宇航局(NASA)的科学家日前宣称,最新证据表明,土星的最大卫星泰坦存在生命迹象。

    Scientists from NASA have found evidence of life on Saturn 's biggest moon , Titan .

  6. 通用汽车公司因十年来长期存在的故障问题召回两个车型:2003年至2007年产的雪佛兰科伯尔特以及土星ION,而通用公司也因此受到了指责。

    GM is coming under criticism for decade 's long failure issues recall of its 2 models : Chevrolet Cobalt and Saturn Ion in between 2003 to 2007 .

  7. 猎鹰重型火箭是自“土星5号”(SaturnV)将宇航员送上月球以来发射的推力最强大的火箭。

    The Falcon Heavy is the most powerful rocket to be launched since the Saturn V programme took astronauts to the Moon .

  8. 用RBF计算了太阳系中木星、土星、天王星、海王星和土卫六的大气密度随高度的分布。

    The atmospheric number density distributions of Jupiter , Saturn , Uranus , Neptune and Titan upon height are evaluated in this paper .

  9. 其中大部分为土星Vue型SUV车型。

    Most of them are Saturn Vue SUVs .

  10. 科学家利用NASA土星探测船“卡西尼号”传回的数据,分析了土星泰坦表层的复杂化学物质。

    Data from NASA 's Cassini probe analyzed the complex chemistry on the surface of Titan-the only moon known to have a dense atmosphere .

  11. 通用为旗下品牌土星和凯迪拉克(cadillac)更换了广告代理商,同时也变更了雪佛兰(chevrolet)的某些业务。

    GM has switched advertising agencies for the Saturn and Cadillac brands , as well as some of its Chevrolet business .

  12. 这家汽车制造商去年取消了出售其欧宝(opel)业务的计划,而出售旗下土星(saturn)品牌的交易也中途夭折。

    The carmaker backed out of plans to sell its Opel business last year , while a deal to offload its Saturn brand fell apart .

  13. 安装在土星v第三级S-IvB顶部的是发射飞行器的导航和控制设备。

    Located atop the S-IVB , which is the third stage of the Saturn V , is the guidance and control equipment for the launch vehicle .

  14. 土星新款中型轿车Aura体现了这方面的努力。杜恩希望到她经销点参观的顾客能将这款车型与凯美瑞和雅阁进行对比。

    The struggle is illustrated by Saturn 's new Aura mid-sized saloon , the model Ms Dunn wants visitors to her dealerships to compare with the Camry and Accord .

  15. 作为重组计划的一部分,今年1月通用将萨博以及土星(saturn)和悍马(hummer)等其它非核心品牌一同挂牌出售。

    GM put Saab up for sale in January , together with other non-core brands such as Saturn and Hummer , as part of its own restructuring efforts .

  16. 通用汽车将表示,它计划在未来18个月内加速关闭工厂、减少经销商、出售或重组其8大品牌中的部分品牌,包括悍马(Hummer)、萨博(Saab)和土星(Saturn)。

    GM will say that it plans over the next 18 months to speed up plant closures , reduce dealers , and sell or restructure some of its eight brands , notably Hummer , Saab and Saturn .

  17. 在其它430家土星经销商中,许多经销商下周将仿效杜恩的做法,因为通用汽车将推出名为Side-by-Side-by-Side的促销活动。

    Many of Saturn 's other 430 dealers will follow suit next week as General Motors launches a campaign known as Side-by-Side-by-Side .

  18. 基于HARPS对376颗类太阳恒星的观察,研究小组推断说半数以上的这类恒星都被行星环绕,而且40%这类恒星至少有一颗行星质量比土星小。

    HARPS ' observations of 376 sunlike stars has led the team to conclude not only that more than half of such stars are surrounded by planets , but also that about 40 per cent of them have at least one planet less massive than Saturn .

  19. 美土星探测飞船卡西尼号运行正常。

    Us Cassini spacecraft runs well on mission to study saturn .

  20. 土星是代表为实现目标而努力工作和律己。

    Saturn is about hard work and discipline to achieve goals .

  21. 这些比较告诉我们,土星由较轻的物质构成。

    These comparisons suggested that Saturn is made of lighter materials .

  22. 大气潮;破坏土星卫星的应力。

    Atmospheric tide ; the tides that wrack saturn 's moons .

  23. 太空船预定明年到达土星。

    The spacecraft is scheduled to arrive at Saturn next year .

  24. 木星、土星、天王星及其规则卫星的形成

    Formation of Jupiter , saturn , uranus and their regular satellites

  25. 它是水星,火星,海王星还是土星?

    Is it Mercury , Mars , Neptune or Saturn ?

  26. 牛的主星是金星,魔是土星。

    Taurus is ruled by Venus and Capricorn is ruled by Saturn .

  27. 土星和木星的卫星也不见了。

    The moons of Saturn and jupiter . they 're not here .

  28. 土星上巨大的风暴是如何演变的?

    Explanation : How do large storms evolve on Saturn ?

  29. 土星也将给予你稳定和力量。

    Saturn will lend its gifts of stability and strength , too .

  30. 而木星、土星等因为太热而没有生命,库罗斯说。

    They are much too hot to support life , Queloz said .