
  • 网络Land Cover;landcover;LULC
  1. 基于遥感和GIS的东亚土地覆盖年际变化研究

    Study on Interannual Variance of East Asian Land Cover Based on the Remote Sensing and GIS

  2. 利用纹理分析方法提取CBERS02星CCD图像土地覆盖信息

    Extracting Land Cover Information From CBERS-2 's CCD Image Using Texture Analysis

  3. GIS辅助下的基于知识的遥感影像分类方法研究&以土地覆盖/土地利用类型为例

    Knowledge based image classification approach supported by a GIS

  4. 用基于相对辐射校正的TM影像监测绍兴土地覆盖变化

    Land Cover Change Monitoring in Shaoxing by Radiometric Calibrated TM Data

  5. 基于RS、GIS的奈曼旗土地覆盖/利用变化研究

    RS / GIS-based Study on the Land Cover / use Change in Naiman Banner , Inner Mongolia

  6. 基于RS对云南边境地区土地覆盖现状及变化研究

    Spatial-temporal changes of the land use / cover in border areas of Yunnan Province

  7. 运用RS和GIS技术分析典型湿地土地覆盖变化特点,认为区内复杂的水系网络和人类活动是典型湿地区土地覆盖变化的主导因素。

    Then it analyzed the characteristic of changing of the typical wetland land cover under RS and GIS technology .

  8. 基于多层感知器神经网络对遥感融合图像和TM影像进行土地覆盖分类的研究

    Classification for RS Fused Image and TM Image Using Multi - Layer Perception Neural Network

  9. 基于MODIS遥感数据的宏观土地覆盖特征分类方法与精度分析研究

    Regional Land Cover Image Classification and Accuracy Evaluation Using MODIS Data

  10. 基于MODIS植被指数时间谱的华北平原土地覆盖分类

    Land cover classification of North China Plain using MODIS_EVI temporal profile

  11. 基于TM与IRS融合图像对土地覆盖进行分类

    Classification of Land Cover Based on Fused Image of TM with IRS

  12. 东亚土地覆盖对ENSO事件的响应特征

    Characteristic of East Asian Land Cover 's Response to ENSO Events

  13. DMC卫星影像在海啸灾情土地覆盖类型变化分析中的应用

    Investigation on land cover change after tsunami : based on DMC images

  14. 基于MODIS数据的土地覆盖变化与气候因子敏感性分析研究

    Sensitivity Analysis on Land Cover Change and Climatic Factors based on MODIS Data

  15. 基于MODIS温度/植被指数的东北地区土地覆盖分类

    Land cover classification based on MODIS temperature-vegetation index time-series data in Northeastern China

  16. 利用GIS技术与数学模型相结合,引入土地覆盖转移矩阵、土地覆盖动态度和土地覆盖相对变化率,对株洲市的土地覆盖动态变化进行研究。

    Combining GIS and mathematical model , research land-cover dynamic Change by transition matrix of land-cover and dynamic degree of land-cover and land-cover relative rate of change .

  17. 面向土地覆盖分类的MODIS影像融合研究

    MODIS Image Fusion for Land Cover Classification

  18. 澜沧江流域山区土地覆盖遥感监测中PCA特征变换处理

    Study on Spectral Feature Transform by PCA for Remote Sensing Monitoring Land cover in Mountain area of Lancang River Basin

  19. 基于MODIS数据设计的中国土地覆盖分类系统与应用研究

    Design of land cover classification system for China and its application research based on MODIS data

  20. 利用NDVITs空间进行全国土地覆盖分类的方法。

    In this paper , a method based on NDVI-Ts space is proposed for Chinese land cover classification .

  21. 用NOAA气象卫星资料对甘肃省河东地区土地覆盖分类

    The land use classification using NOAA meteorological satellite data for the Hedong region of Gansu Province

  22. 研究结果表明利用组合分类器对主要土地覆盖类型分类的精度达99.9%,Kappa系数是0.999。

    The accuracy for general land cover classification using the proposed method reached 99.9 % with Kappa coefficient 0.999 .

  23. 基于LANDSATTM/ETM数据的锡林河流域土地覆盖变化

    Quantifying Land Use and Land Cover Change in Xilin River Basin Using Multi-temporal Landsat TM / E TM Sensor Data

  24. 该方法通过网络的节点和权值提取出模糊规则,调整网络中节点个数(即相应增加规则节点数)和权值向量,使模糊规则自动生成,并利用模糊逻辑推理,完成TM土地覆盖分类。

    The fuzzy rules can be extracted from the nodes and weight vector of network which can adjust the node numbers ( rule number accordingly ) and weight vector .

  25. 通过对PCA中主成分的特征向量分析,以及对原始各波段的负荷因子分析可知,PCA变换处理在澜沧江流域土地覆盖遥感监测分类实施中,对波段选取具有一定的指导作用;

    Based on the analysis of feature vector and original bands loading on the main principal components , we known that PCA is of some affects about feature selection .

  26. 初步结果为:①在以山地为主体的澜沧江流域土地覆盖遥感监测中,通过PCA特征变换处理,对原始波段数据具有较好的数据压缩效果与综合表达作用;

    The preliminary results show that : ① PCA spectral feature transform is very effective for reducing dimensionality of original band features in Mountain area of Lancang River Basin .

  27. 基于IGBP土地覆盖类型的中国陆地生态系统服务功能价值评估

    Evaluating Ecosystem Service Valuation in China Based on the IGBP Land Cover Datasets

  28. 结果表明:MODIS数据对宏观土地覆盖/土地利用分类具有很高的实用价值与应用潜力,在大尺度土地覆盖/土地利用分类中具有很好的应用前景。

    It showed that the multi-spectral and multi-temporal MODIS data have high practical value , high potential applications and well prospect in regional scale land cover / land use classification .

  29. 发展NECT土地覆盖特征数据集的原理、方法和应用

    Principles , methodologies and application of remotely sensed data for developing land cover characteristics data set for NECT

  30. 采用遥感和GIS一体化技术,利用1976年的MSS和2004年的TM两个时期的遥感影像数据对云南边境地区的土地覆盖动态变化进行监测,并对变化的时空特征进行分析。

    Based on remote sensing and GIS technology , the author analyzed the spatial-temporal characteristics of land use / cover change in the trans-boundary of Yunnan Province by using MSS and TM data which were acquired in 1976 and 2004 respectively .