
tǔ dì shǐ yònɡ
  • land use;use of land
  1. 土地使用权投标报价概率风险分析

    The Probability Risk Analysis of Bidding and Pricing for the Use of Land

  2. 法律规制视角下的土地使用权租金制度刍议

    The disquisition of the right to use of land and rent system under the angle of rules and regulations system

  3. 土地使用权可以依法转让。

    Land use right may be transferred by law .

  4. 去年的一项研究得出结论:制造微生物蛋白质的土地使用效率要比种植大豆高出数倍,而且用水量仅需其十分之一。

    A study last year concluded that protein from microbes was several times more efficient than soya in terms of land use and required just a tenth of the water .

  5. 第六十五条有下列情形之一的,农村集体经济组织报经原批准用地的人民政府批准,可以收回土地使用权:

    Article 65 In one of the following cases , the rural collective economic organizations may recover the land use right with the approval of the people 's government that gives the approval for the use of land :

  6. 情节特别严重的,处三年以上七年以下有期徒刑,并处非法转让、倒卖土地使用权价额百分之五以上百分之二十以下罚金。

    it shall be sentenced to a prison term ranging from more than three years to less than seven years , with a fine ranging from more than 5 % to less than 20 % of the proceeds from the illegal transfer or trading of the land use right .

  7. 本研究依循都市发展之脉络,以GIS方法建立不同时期土地使用数据库,针对土地利用情况产生绿地空间变迁的结构、型态的改变。

    This study made use of the change of land-use types , and each time of the land-use database by GIS to illustrate each open space change .

  8. 农村土地使用权转让问题初探

    Inquiry into the Transfer of the Right of Rural Land Use

  9. 国有划拨土地使用权年租金制研究与实施

    Study and Discussion on Annual Rent System of State-Owned Allocated Land

  10. 集体土地使用权流转分析及对策

    The Circulation Analysis and Countermeasures of Right to Ues Collective Land

  11. 当前农村土地使用权流转的分析与思考

    Analysis and Research on Farmland Circulation in Rural Areas at Present

  12. 城市土地使用控制方法研究

    A Study on the Method for the Control of Urban Land

  13. 国外的城市土地使用与交通一体化研究

    An Integrated Study on Land Use and Transportation in Western Countries

  14. 非法转让、倒卖土地使用权罪探析

    Probe into illegal transference and scalp of land - use right

  15. 农村土地使用权流转的现状与对策

    Current status and the countermeasures of transfer of rural land use right

  16. 传统土地使用制度下容积率对地价的影响

    The FAR Influence on Land Price under the Traditional Land Use System

  17. 台湾土地使用计划实施问题的探索

    The Exploration of Practical Problems About Taiwan Land Use Plan

  18. 论我国农村土地使用权的流转

    On Circulation of Right of Land Use in China Countryside

  19. 城市土地使用安全规划的方法与内容探讨

    Study on methods and contents for land use safety planning

  20. 论土地使用权有偿转让的法律制度

    The Law Institution Of Non-gratuitous Transfer Of Land Use Right

  21. 港区土地使用权出让后续管理浅议

    Discussion on Succeeding Management of Land-use-right of Port Area after Land Transfer

  22. 土地使用权制度与城市规划发展的思考

    Thinking on the land use right and urban planning development

  23. 迈向21世纪中国城市土地使用制度的思考

    Consideration on Urban Land Use System in China Towards the 21st Century

  24. 关于港口土地使用手续。

    On the formalities for land use of a port .

  25. 国有土地使用权的权利冲突与解决

    The Confliction and Settlement of the Right of Use on the State Land

  26. 论深化城市土地使用制度改革

    On Deepening Reform of Using System of Urban Land

  27. 城中村改造中的土地使用权法律问题研究

    Studies on the Law of Land Usufruct on the Reform of Urban Villages

  28. 国有土地使用权出让中的技术要素

    Technical Factors in Selling Servitude of State Owned Land

  29. 土地使用证管理计算机辅助系统设计

    The Computer Aided Manage System of Land Use Certificate

  30. 论土地使用权出让制度与可持续发展战略

    System of Transferring the Right to Use Land and Strategy of Sustained Growth