
  • 网络regional geography
  1. 区际联系&区域地理学的近期前沿

    Inter-regional connectivity ── as a recent frontier of regional geography

  2. 知识经济正在变革着区域地理学的内涵和面貌;

    The knowledge economy is innovating the appearance and connotation of regional geography .

  3. 区域地理学发展进程之简略回顾

    Brief Review of Development Course of Regional Geography

  4. 新区域地理学的核心概念是“地方”、“行为主体”、“体系”。

    The kernel notion of new regional geography is district , behavior body and system .

  5. 在我国古代区域地理学中,人们对传统产业空间结构业已展开研究。

    In regional geography in ancient China , spatial structure of traditional industry was studied .

  6. 人文主义与后现代化主义之兴起及西方新区域地理学之发展

    Humanism , the Rise of Postmodernism and the Development of New Regional Geography in the West

  7. 发展中国的区域地理学

    The development of regional Chinese geography

  8. 现代区域地理学初论

    On modern regional geography

  9. 与传统区域地理学相比,新区域地理学倾向于结构主义、现实主义和后现代主义的哲学思维。强调区域的个性,强调人的能力及角色与社会结构在区域特性的形成与发展的作用。

    Compared with traditional regional geography , the thought of new regional geography lies in its use of structuralism , realism and post modernism .

  10. 只是由于二次大战后以来,地理学发展的偏向和区域地理学自身的缺点和弱点,使这门科学受到了轻视和鄙弃,使它失去了在地理科学中应有的地位。

    This course was neglected after world war II due to the bias in the development of geography as well as the weaknesses within this course itself .

  11. 区域地理学在地理学史上长期居重要地位,但是五十年代以后一度衰落。

    Regional Geography had an important position for a long period in the history of geography . But since the 1950s regional geography has seldom been studied .

  12. 乡土地理的教学始终是中学地理教学的重要内容,自近代区域地理学诞生之日就奠定了它在地理学中应有的地位。

    Local geography teaching secondary school geography teaching is always an important element , since the birth of modern geography of the region lay on the geography of its due status .

  13. 20世纪以来,管理学、经济学、社会学、区域地理学等领域学者对产业集群现象进行了大量的研究。

    Since the 20th century , the scholars in the fields of management , economics , sociology and geography have made a large number of researches on the phenomena of industrial cluster .

  14. 摘要运用新区域地理学研究区域问题的地方性体系框架,从“人”、“社会结构”及其演变的角度解析温州市小城镇产业兴起与发展问题。

    This text article the frame system of new region geography study the industry rising and development of Wenzhou towns from the aspect of " people "," social structure " and its evolution .

  15. 因此,区域地理学需要创新、扩展自身的研究领域并不断提高解决实际问题的能力,以适应知识经济时代的要求。

    Thus the academic innovation , the expansion of research field , and the improvement of the ability to solve the practical problems are all essential to regional geography in the new era .

  16. 本文以区域地理学、经济地理学、城市地理学、城市经济学等学科的理论为指导,探讨了都市区空间发展战略问题。

    This paper has discussed the developing strategic of metropolis district space , which is taking theory of the subjects such as regional geography , economic geography , city geography and city economy as guidance .

  17. 从文化地理学、历史地理学、区域地理学与文学的相关分析中,给文学作品以重新评价,并总结了文学作品的地理辨识、物象解析、作品事实评价等三个地理判读之方法。

    Through the relative analysis between cultural geography , historical geography , regional geography and the literature , it gives the works a new valuation and sums up the three geographical evaluating methods of works : geographical recognizing , phenomena analysing and works reality evaluating .

  18. 本文从城市地理学和区域地理学的角度探讨洞庭湖区城镇体系的建设问题,就湖区城镇的规模体系、职能体系和空间体系3个方面展开了专门分析。

    In the paper the author discusses construction problems of urban system in the Dongting Lake Region from the angle of urban geography and regional geography , and analyses the urban scale system , functional system and spatial system of the region 's cities and towns .

  19. LUCC信息学方法体系是集区域自然地理学理论方法与GIS技术于一体的新兴学科领域。

    LUCC informatics system , LUCCIS , is a newly developed research field on the basis of integrating the classical methodology of physical geography and the new progresses in GIS technologies .

  20. 新时期我国区域经济地理学发展问题初探

    An Initial Approach to Future Development of Regional Economic Geography in China

  21. 区域经济地理学理论方法建设简论

    Progress of theory and methods of regional economic geography

  22. 《禹贡》&世界上最早的区域人文地理学著作

    Yu Gong , the earliest work of regional human geography in the world

  23. 地域产业结构是区域经济地理学研究的重点和主要内容。

    Regional industry structure is an important part of study in regional economy .

  24. 区域经济地理学的几个问题探讨

    On several problems of regional economic geography science

  25. 我对区域经济地理学的认识与几点实践体会

    Thoughts on regional economic geography and practical experience

  26. 全国区域经济地理学理论与实践研讨会简记

    A Brief Account of the National Symposium on Theory and Practice of Regional Economic Geography

  27. 作为区域经济地理学的基础理论,梯度推移理论对于区域旅游资源开发有很大的借鉴意义。

    To be grounded theory of Regional Geonomics , Gradient-transfer theory is of reference significance to regional tourism resources development .

  28. 从区域经济地理学的应用领域,从规划的角度,选择了生态经济方面的问题来研究。

    Starting from application to regional economic geography and an angle of city planning , the paper studies on the problem of eco-economics .

  29. 这为全面研究中国云南的语言地理进而构建区域语言地理学的基本范式奠定了重要的客观基础。

    This established an important base for studying language geography of Yunnan province and then seting up the basic paradigm of regional language geography .

  30. 区域经济地理学作为既古老又年轻的地理学分支,经历了萌芽、形成与发展过程。

    Regional Economic Geography ( REG ) appeared in the form of description on regional economic activities in ancient geography , and it formed an independent branch of modern geography .