
  • 网络location advantage;Location Specific Advantages
  1. 接着运用AHP和Delphi分析方法确定最佳区位优势,即昭通城市。

    Then use AHP and Delphi method to determine the best location advantage , and the result is Zhaotong city .

  2. 在此背景下,本文依托《加入WTO后中国工业企业开拓国际市场的成功因素研究》课题,从企业自身内部所有权优势与东道国区位优势两方面探索中国工业企业国际市场进入方式选择的问题。

    Under this background , this text investigates the problem that the Chinese industrial business enterprise how to choose the way into the international market , based on the both side of their internal ownership advantage and location advantage .

  3. 中国一东盟自由贸易区通过影响上述因素而提高区位优势,促进区内FDI流入的整体水平,同时中国相对于东盟国家的优势可以使一体化条件下厂商增加在中国的重组性投资。

    We test the determinants of China and Asean FDI inflow , and conclude that China - Asean FTA FDI will have investment effect .

  4. 区域政策改善了落后地区的投资环境,吸引了FDI,但是投资环境的其他方面,例如区位优势、市场容量、市场化程度等因素对FDI有更重要的影响。

    Although regional policies help to improve the investment environment in hinterland and to attract FDI , other aspects of investment environment , such as geographic advantages , market capacity , degree of marketization , will also exert indispensable influences .

  5. 贵州要充分利用中国-东盟自由贸易区建立带来的契机,发挥相对区位优势并协调区际经济关系,以进一步推动贵州GDP增长。

    Guizhou should make full use of the opportunities brought by the establishment of China-ASEAN Free Trade Area ( CAFTA ), give play to its relative locational advantage , and coordinate interregional economic relations , so as to further stimulate its GDP growth .

  6. 商洛已有300多年的种茶历史,已经发展到0.853万hm2,是我国最北部的茶区,具备生产优质名茶的区位优势;

    Shangluo tea industry has been more than 300 years history with area of 8530 hm ~ 2 , is the most north district in china , has the regional advantage to process famous and excellent tea .

  7. 分析范式认为只有当一个企业具备所有权优势、内部化优化和区位优势的时候,才能进行国际化发展,而利用SWOT分析模型,则可以用来指导企业具体国际化战略的制定。

    The analysis paradigm thinks that only when an enterprise has ownership advantages , internalization advantages and location advantages , the enterprise will carry out international development . And SWOT Analysis Model can be used to guide the enterprise to constitute specific international strategy .

  8. 优势:区位优势、资源优势、政策优势。

    Advantage : location advantages , resources advantage and policy advantage .

  9. 浙江省丽水市发展生态旅游具有资源和区位优势条件。

    Lishui has an advantage of resources for developing ecological tourism .

  10. 制造业吸纳、区位优势提升与人力资本积累

    Manufacturing Industry Absorption , Location Advantage Upgrading and Human Capital Accumulation

  11. 发挥海洋区位优势开拓烟台旅游资源

    Develop marine regional advantages , open up Yantai tourist resources

  12. 势能模式与内江市区位优势研究

    Potential model and the study on Neijiang 's location superiority

  13. 区位优势主要体现在劳动力成本等方面;

    Locational advantages lie on several factors , such as labor cost .

  14. 秦州区地理位置独特,区位优势明显。

    Qinzhou district 's unique geographical location , location advantages .

  15. 大理有丰富的旅游资源和突出的区位优势。

    Dali boasts rich resources of tourist attractions and outstanding regional advantages .

  16. 具有区位优势和良好的投资环境。

    Has a geographical advantage and good investment environment .

  17. 闽三角区位优势提升存在的问题及相应对策

    Problems of Min Delta Advantage Upgrade and Corresponding Countermeasures

  18. 运输的交易成本与运输通道的产业区位优势

    Industrial Location Superiority of Transport Corridor in Transaction Cost

  19. 服务地方经济与社会体现区位优势和特色&高职院校学报发展概览

    Serve the Local Economy and Society and Embody the Regional Superiority and Characteristics

  20. 辽西走廊农业生态系统区位优势分析

    Locational Superiority Analysis of Agroecosystems in West Liaoning Corridor

  21. 浅析江西的区位优势与经济发展对策

    Brief Analysis of Jiangxi 's Regional Advantages and Strategies for Boosting its Economy

  22. 北京发展工业具有丰富的人才优势、信息优势和市场区位优势。

    Beijing has elitist , information and market location predominance in the industry development .

  23. 宝鸡以其独特的区位优势,在全国生态城市建设中,具有非常重要的意义。

    Baoji eco-city constuction has very important signification because it 's special geographical position .

  24. 公司区位优势得天独厚,立体交通四通八达。

    Company geographical advantages , three-dimensional traffic versatile .

  25. 发挥区位优势培养水电人才

    Giving full play to advantages of region position , Training professionals for hydropower development

  26. 天津地处环渤海经济圈内,拥有着得天独厚的区位优势。

    Tianjin is located in the Bohai Economic Circle and has a unique geographical advantage .

  27. 番禺市区位优势及其利用

    Panyu 's location advantages and its exploration

  28. 香港有完备的法制,有有利的区位优势,有许多优秀的管理人才。

    Hong Kong is also blessed with a large group of people with management expertise .

  29. 同时,重庆市投资环境特殊竞争力具有自然区位优势和政策环境优势。

    Meanwhile , the environment competitiveness of natural position and policy in Chongqing is advantaged .

  30. 五是区位优势日益凸显,对外合作不断深化。

    Fifth , the advantage has become increasingly prominent , external cooperation continued to deepen .