
  • 网络deviation degree
  1. 可以根据偏差度查询项DEVDEGREE计算出这个标记项。

    Compute this from the deviation degree query item DEV_DEGREE .

  2. 这个查询主题包含客户记录和偏差度以及集群id。

    This query subject contains the customer records together with the deviation degree and the cluster id.

  3. InfoSphereWarehouse同时支持这两种方式,您只需为每个数据记录赋予一个集群id和相应的偏差度。

    InfoSphere Warehouse allows you to do both by simply assigning a cluster id and a corresponding deviation degree to each data record .

  4. 接下来的小节将提供一个例子,以逐步演示如何用InfoSphereWarehouse发现离群值,以及如何为各个数据记录赋予偏差度。

    The following section provides a step-by-step example of how to find outliers with InfoSphere Warehouse and how to assign deviation degrees to individual data records .

  5. 另外还需要添加一个过滤条件,以便只返回OutlierFlag查询项为“1”的记录(偏差度超过阈值的所有记录)。

    You also need to add a condition to the filter that only returns records that have a Outlier Flag query item of " 1 "( all records with deviation degree over the threshold ) .

  6. 论文定义了不确定语言的不确定度、决策者偏差度、区间云及其运算法则、综合云及其运算法则,以及区间云、综合云的Hamming距离等相关概念。

    The uncertain degree of the uncertain linguistic , decision-makers ' deviation degree , interval cloud and integrated cloud as well as their algorithms and their hamming distances and other related concepts is defined in this paper .

  7. 群体决策的偏差度分析

    The Preference - Deviation Measure Analysis in Group Decision Making

  8. 同时用λ-偏差度来确定合适的阈值λ。

    In addition , λ - discrepancy is employed to determine an appropriate threshold value λ .

  9. 运用群体决策的偏差度分析,对该系统提出生产计划的群体偏差度决策的排序方法。

    A group sequencing method for this system is proposed by means of preference deviation measure .

  10. 利用峰值信噪比、偏差度、熵等标准对融合结果进行评价。

    The fusion results are evaluated by using the parameters such as peak signal-noise-ratio , departure and entropy .

  11. 对于多聚焦图像的融合,偏差度为0.0520,熵为7.6609,相似度达到0.9985。

    For fusing multi-focusing image , the deviation index is 0.0520 , the entropy is 7.6609 and similarity is 0.9985 .

  12. 偏差度高于这个阈值的所有集群被标记为离群值集群,它们的成员都是离群值。

    All clusters with an outlier degree above this threshold are marked as outlier clusters and all their members as outliers .

  13. 如前所述,每个记录被指定到一个集群,一个集群的所有成员具有相同的偏差度。

    As mentioned above , each record is assigned to a cluster , and all members of a cluster share the same deviation degree .

  14. 在第二章,对于基数型的群体偏差度法给出几个扩展的理性条件,同时验证了与群体加权偏差度法相应的映射满足这些条件。

    Some extended rational are given with regard to cardinal group decision measure method in Chapter 2 , and the method checked to satisfy these conditions .

  15. 平均杂合度为0.1165。群体决策的偏差度分析

    The value of average heterozygosity was 0.1165 . The result illustrated that there were low polymorphism between Amphioxus . The Preference-Deviation Measure Analysis in Group Decision Making

  16. 色谱流出峰的拖尾现象普遍存在于制备和大型色谱分离过程中,它直接影响分离的产率和回收率.本文提出采用色谱流出峰形的不对称偏差度来表征色谱流出峰的拖尾程度;

    The tailed phenomenon of chromatographic elution peak universally exists in the large scale liquid chromatographic separation process and directly affects the production rate and recovery rate of chromatographic separation .

  17. 同时,针对不同使用条件设计四种偏差度计算方法,并进一步给出基于偏差度的业务过程分析方式。

    At the same time the four methods of weighing the deviation degree are designed according to the different situations , furthermore process analysis methods based on the deviation degree are given .

  18. 一个例子就是警报场景,在此场景中,当有新的数据记录分配到具有高于给定阈值的偏差度的集群时,则需要采取行动。

    This would be the case in alerting scenarios that require that action is taken if any new data record is assigned to a cluster with a deviation degree above the given threshold .

  19. 首先,如果检查离群值的专家有限,那么可以使用具有最高偏差度的集群的数据记录。

    First , if you only have a limited number of experts that are able to check outliers , you simply use the data records that belong to clusters with the highest deviation degree .

  20. 对此,基于生物信息学中的序列比对思想,提出一种用于衡量及分析此差异的技术及研究框架,即过程评价技术,并定义偏差度作为量化指标;

    To solve it , a research technology and system to weigh and analyze the difference is developed based on sequence alignment idea of bioinformatics , namely process evaluation , and deviation degree is defined as a measurable indicator .

  21. 本文针对区域产业低碳化现状与发展目标的偏差度评价问题,在分析阐述相关理论方法及其国内外研究现状的基础上,结合实地调研和专家咨询,构建出区域产业低碳化发展的评价指标体系。

    Based on the summary of relative theories , methodologies and the research actuality at home and abroad , combining with field survey and expert consulting , we first establish an evaluation index system of regional industry low-carbonization development .

  22. 在群体决策方面,本文证明了基数型群体偏差度法具有若干扩展的理性性质,还给出了序数型随机偏爱群体决策的两类方法。

    In the area of group decision making , we prove that cardinal group deviation measure method has several extended rational properties , and we also give two classes of methods in ordinal group decision making with stochastic preference .

  23. 通过在制粉过程中加入适量的有机添加剂,并且在烧结过程中排出,可以制备出剩磁偏差度小于±1%,磁能积偏差度小于±2%的磁体。

    It is possible to achieve sintered Nd-Fe-B magnets with a variation of ± 1 % for remanence and ± 2 % for energy product by joining organic additive of suitable quantity in preparation powder course and removing in sintering course .

  24. MAP译码算法对信道估计偏差敏感度分析

    Sensitivity analysis of the channel estimation deviation to the MAP decoding algorithm

  25. 算法中的BUFFER定位是层次式的,有利于减少时钟偏差敏感度。

    The buffer insertion is hierarchically arranged , as to reduce the sensitivity of clock skew .

  26. InfoSphereWarehouse结合一些属性为每个集群赋予一个“偏差”度。

    InfoSphere Warehouse combines several properties to assign to each cluster a " deviation " degree .

  27. 将这个偏差敏感度参数化有助于返回更多或更少的记录作为离群值。

    It may be useful to make this deviation sensitivity parameterized to return more or less records as outliers .

  28. 对铸铁试件的压缩破坏现象做了深入研究,解答了理论破坏面与实验破坏面偏差10度的问题。

    The fractured phenomenon of cast iron compression is further investigated . The problem of 10 degree deviation between theoretical fractured surface and practical fractured surface is solved .

  29. 构建符合轮廓度定义的最小极偏差轮廓度评定模型,采用逐次逼近的方法实现满足最小条件的线轮廓度评定。

    Construct the model of evaluation method of the least-deviation method for profile errors , to make consistent with the definition of profile error . The evaluation of line profile error which satisfies the minimum condition with the method of successive approximation is realized . 5 .

  30. 金字塔南北轴线的偏差在0.15度以内。

    The north-south axis is aligned to within 0.15 degrees of true north-south .