
  1. 超导技术的发展,解决了电流型PWM整流器的储能效率问题,为电流型PWM整流器在大功率场合的应用提供了优势。

    The development of the super-conducting magnetic energy storage ( SMES ) technology , the efficiency problem of the current-source PWM rectifiers will be revolved , which supply advantages for the current-source PWM rectifiers in high power applications .

  2. 多段式钕玻璃板条激光放大器小信号增益系数和储能效率的实验研究

    Measurement of small signal gain coefficient and storage efficiency of the multi slab nd : glass laser amplifier

  3. 结果表明,以纳米纤维素为骨架材料制备的固-固相变材料具有更高的相变焓,所得的相变材料具有更好的储能效率,其相变焓最大可达103.8J/g。

    Results show that PCM possesses high enthalpy of phase transition up to 103.8 J / g , and high efficiency of energy storage .

  4. 在充电电压为23kV,抽运能量密度为100J/cm3的条件下,获得了平均值为499%cm-1的小信号增益系数和30%的储能效率。

    Under the condition of charge voltage of 23 kV and pumping energy density of 10 0 J / cm 3 , the average small signal gain coefficient of 4 99 % cm - 1 and energy storage efficiency of 3 0 % are obtained in experiments .

  5. 蓄电池作为独立光伏发电系统中的储能器件,其储能效率能直接影响到整个系统的工作效率和成本。

    The battery as a energy storage devices of the independent photovoltaic power generation systems , its energy storage officiency can directly affect the efficiency and cost of the whole system .