
  • 网络Personal dosimeter;MD-IIIA;LT-II;DOSEman Pro
  1. 本文报道了一种宽量程、多功能的GM计数管电子个人剂量仪的主要设计特点和基本性能。

    This paper describes the main design features and basic properties of a GM tube electronic personal dosimeter with wide range and multi purposes .

  2. MD-III型X、γ电子个人剂量仪单片机控制软件设计

    PIC Microprocessor Software Design for the MD-III X 、γ Electronic Personal Dosimeter

  3. 本文报道了宽量程、多功能GM计数管X、γ个人剂量仪的设计要求、测量控制模型建立的方法及单片机控制软件的设计。

    This paper describes the design requirements for the MD III X ,γ personal dosimeter with wide range and multi purposes , the method of establishing measurement control model and the design of PIC microprocessor software .

  4. 介绍了SDM2000个人剂量仪探测器实验及其测量电路的研制。

    The experiment of detector and the design of measuring circuit for SDM2000 Personal Dosimeter are briefly described .

  5. 个人剂量仪两种电源电路设计的比较

    Comparison between two kind of power circuits for personal dosimeter

  6. 用坡莫合金作个人剂量仪的屏蔽材料

    The Shielding Material of Personal Dosimeter with Permalloy

  7. 个人剂量仪可靠性分析

    Reliability Analysis for Dose Meter

  8. 介绍了电池直接供电和采用电源芯片转换供电两种方法,并结合个人剂量仪主要进行了仪器功耗、电池使用寿命的比较。

    The paper introduces two method : power supply with battery directly and supply used power chip conversion .

  9. 主要包括以下几个方面:电子个人剂量仪,中子剂量仪,塑料闪烁纤维辐射探测器,氡子体监测仪,环境监测仪器及热释光剂量计等。

    It consists of several parts : Electronic Personal Dosimeter , Neutron Dosimetry , Radon Progeny Monitor , Environment Monitor instrument , Plastic scintillation fiber and TLD dosimeter .

  10. 采用上述装置,按ICRU第39,47号报告要求对个人和场所剂量仪的校准方法进行了初步实践。

    The personal dosemeters and area dosemeters are calibrated by above-mentioned equipment according to ICRU Report 39 and 47 .