
  • 网络personal internet banking;icbc
  1. 个人网上银行顾客忠诚影响因素研究

    Antecedents of Customer Loyalty of Personal Internet Banking

  2. 最后,通过对招商银行个人网上银行业务关键成功因素进行分析,提出个人网上银行业务发展过程中应关注的几个重要环节。

    Finally , by analyzing the critical success factor of personal Internet Banking in China Merchants Bank , this paper raised the related issues which should be noted in the development of the personal Internet Banking business .

  3. 济宁工行个人网上银行营销策略研究

    Marketing Strategies of Personal Internet Banking of ICBC Jining Branch

  4. 惠州市个人网上银行使用情况调查与分析

    Investigate and Analyze Personal Use of Internet Bank in Huizhou

  5. 工商银行推广“个人网上银行”。

    News Background : ICBC promotes Internet Personal Bank .

  6. 个人网上银行使用意向影响因素的实证研究

    The Antecedents of Individuals ' Adoption of Internet Banking : An Empirical Study in China

  7. 希望通过论文研究为股份制商业银行个人网上银行业务的发展提供理论参考。

    I hope that this paper can provide a reference for the development of personal Internet Banking business in the joint-stock commercial banks .

  8. 接着,在回顾已有研究的基础上提出了本文的研究假设,即各种因素对个人网上银行服务质量感知的影响作用情况,并提出了个人网上银行服务质量感知影响因素模型;

    Then , the hypotheses of this thesis , the impacts of the factors on service quality perception to individual internet bank are brought forward ; and factors model is designed .

  9. 性能测试解决方案主要针对个人网上银行的性能、稳定性、故障切换和恢复能力这三方面的非功能特性进行测试验证。

    Tests the solution is mainly targeted to individual online bank performance , reliability , problems and restore the ability to switch the three aspects of the functional characteristics of a test pilot .

  10. 从全国范围来看,目前包括国有四大行、股份制银行、城市商业银行在内的100多家银行已经全面开通了网上银行,提供个人网上银行服务和企业网上银行服务。

    From the national point of view , now including the state-owned joint-stock commercial banks , joint-stock banks , city commercial banks more than 100 banks have fully opened an online banking , provides personal and corporate online banking services .

  11. 美国互联网安全公司赛门铁克(Symantec)的最新安全报告显示,一张美国信用卡售价仅为1美元,一张英国信用卡约为2美元,花300美元就可以进入另一个人的网上银行账户。

    A US credit card costs just $ 1 , a UK credit card about $ 2 and access to someone else 's online bank account can be had for $ 300 , according to the latest security report from Symantec , the US internet security company .

  12. 清空你的浏览器缓存,删去你在办公室登入个人邮箱或网上银行帐户时输入的密码,并删除你电脑上任何与工作无关的个人文件。

    Clear your browser cache , remove passwords to Web sites you use from work , such as your personal email or online bank account and delete any personal files on your work computer that aren 't relevant to work .

  13. 就国内目前的状况而言,网上银行的个人用户又远远少于企业,这也是本文重点探索个人网上银行的动机。

    The personal user of online bank is much lesser than enterprise , that is one motive of the title to explore personal online banking system .